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Senior Director: Global Engagement
Name: Ylva Rodny-Gumede
Location: International House, Madibeng Ground Floor Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Communication and Media Academic Staff, Department of Communication and Media Staff, Rated Researchers, Senior Directors Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: Tel: 011-559-4446
Personal/Executive Assistant: Ms Lesley Gilbert
About Prof. Ylva Rodny-Gumede
Professor Ylva Rodny-Gumede
Professor Ylva Rodny-Gumede is the Head of the Division for Internationalisation and a Professor in the School of Communication at the University of Johannesburg. She is also a Senior Associate Researcher with the Stanhope Centre for International Communications Policy Research at the London School of Economics and the Senior Leader for the University at Universitas 21. She holds a PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London University as well as an MA degree in Politics from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa and an MA in Journalism from Cardiff University in the U.K. She also holds a diploma in Marketing and Business Communication from the Institute of International Education in Stockholm.
Professor Rodny-Gumede has worked in journalism, marketing and PR and has consulted for several government, private and academic institutions in Europe and Southern Africa including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the Swedish National Agency for Higher Education. She has also worked as a researcher and project officer for the U.S. National Democratic Institute (NDI) and the SADC Parliamentary Forum. She is the former President of the Southern African Communications and Media Association (SACOMM) and serves as a non-Executive Director on the board of the Institute for Advancement of Journalism (IAJ) and Brand South Africa.
Professor Rodny-Gumede drives international collaborative partnerships and stakeholder engagements, including research, researcher and student exchanges and the recruitment and admission of international students. Her portfolio also entails marketing and communications and international fundraising.
Professor Rodny-Gumede has held fellowships at Universities in South Africa and abroad, and she is actively involved in teaching and learning development including broader curriculum development initiatives at institutional, national and international level, most recently through the Teaching Advancement at Universities (TAU) fellowship. She is a member of the University of Johannesburg Senate and has served on several Senate as well as faculty Committees.
Professor Rodny-Gumede holds a C 3 rating from the South African National Research Foundation (NRF). Her current research concerns the broader transformation of higher education in South Africa. She has authored over 50 peer-reviewed and accredited research publications.
Research publications
2021 Rodny-Gumede, Y & Chasi, C & Jaffer, Z & Ponono, M. (Eds.) Decolonising Journalism Education in South Africa: Critical perspectives. UNISA Press.
2020 Swart, M & Rodny-Gumede, Y. (Eds.) Marikana Unresolved. JUTA: Cape Town.
Articles and chapters
2022 Rodny-Gumede, Y. The Triple Oppressions: Race, class and gender in South African journalism. In Unravelling Media Politics, Women and Democracy in the Social Media Age: Lessons from South Afria, edited by Glenda Daniels and Kate Skinner.
2022 Mutsvairo, B, Rodny-Gumede, Y & Chasi, C. IAMCR and Africa: Harmonizing Discourses of History, Hegemony, and Hope. International Association for Media and Communication Research.
2022 Chasi, C & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Decolonial journalism: New notes on ubuntu and the public interest. Journalism Studies, 23(10). Published online 20 July 2022.
2021 Chasi & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Critical Consciousness and Cultural Emancipation in (South) African Heritages of Communication for Social Change. Matrizes. Available from:
2021 Chasi, C & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Towards a research agenda for African media and communication studies: Pathfinders must first know where they are, in Rodny-Gumede, Y & Chasi, C & Jaffer, Z & Ponono, M. (Eds.) Decolonising journalism education in South Africa: Critical perspectives. UNISA Press.
2021 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Transformation, fragmentation and decolonisation: The contested role of the media in postcolonial South Africa. In Political Communication as Decolonisation and Performance: Africa and the Diaspora, edited by Beschara Karam and Bruce Mutsvairo. London: Routledge.
2021 Rodny-Gumede, Y & Chasi, C. Rethinking peace journalism in light of ubuntu, in Media, Conflicts and Peace building in Africa, edited by Admire Mare and Jacinta Maweu. London: Routledge.
2020 Chasi, C and Rodny-Gumede, Y. Innovation in media and communication studies: Reflections from South African academics, Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, 46 (2): 107-125. (DoHet accredited)
2020 Rodny-Gumede, Y & Chasi, C. Decolonising media and communication studies: An exploratory survey on global curricula transformation debate. In Routledge Handbook of African Media and Communication, edited by Winston Mano & viola milton.
2020 Chasi, C. & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Ubuntu, innovation and decolonisation in media and communication studies. In Hoechsmann, M & Carr, P & Thesee, G. Education for Democracy 2.0: Changing Frames of Media Literacy. Brill Publishers.
2020 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Expanding comparative media systems analysis from transitional to postcolonial societies, International Communication Gazette, 82(7): 611-627. (ISI accredited)
2020 Chasi, C. & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Reimagining the University as a Transit Place and Space: A Contribution to the Decolonialisation Debate. In Down, B. & Steinberg, S.R. (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Critical Pedagogies. Newbury: SAGE, pp. 416-427.
2020 Rao, S & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Gazing past the glass ceiling: Indian and South African female journalists’ perceptions of their role and power in the newsroom, Global Media and Communication, 16(1): 57-74. (IBSS accredited)
2020 Rodny-Gumede, Y& Chasi. C. Metaphors of transformation of education and fitness for purpose: Towards a humanizing agenda. South African Journal of Higher Education, 34(1): 213-230. (DoHet accredited)
2020 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Reporting Marikana: What went wrong and has it changed South African journalism? In Marikana Unresolved Edited by Mia Swart and Ylva Rodny-Gumede. JUTA: Cape Town.
2019 Rodny-Gumede, Y. The fourth industrial revolution, the changing world of work and imperatives of internationalisation in higher education. The Thinker, Issue 82 November 2019.
2019 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Undercover reporting, The International Encyclopedia of Journalism Studies.
2019 Chasi, C & Rodny-Gumede, Y. No Pain No Gain? Reflections on decolonization and higher education in South Africa, Africa Education Review. Vol 16 (5): 120-133. (DoHet accredited)
2019 Chasi, C & Rodny-Gumede, Y. An ubuntu approach to Peace Journalism. In Conflict-sensitive journalism: A practical handbook for journalists in southern Africa, edited by Admire Mare. Department of Communication, Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST).
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. A teaching philosophy of journalism education in the global South: A South African case study, Journalism, Theory, Practice and Criticism. Vol 19(6): 747-761. (ISI accredited)
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Bridging critical and administrative research paradigms in the interest of a politically engaged African research agenda. In Palgrave handbook on media and communication research in Africa, edited by Bruce Mutsvairo. London: Palgrave, pp. 177-194.
2018 Chasi, C & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Decolonising Communication Studies: Advancing the discipline through fermenting participation studies, In Palgrave handbook on media and communication research in Africa, edited by Bruce Mutsvairo. London: Palgrave, pp. 55-71.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Fake it till you make it: The role and impact of fake news on the media-politics nexus. In Perspectives on political communications in Africa, edited by Bruce Mutsvairo. London: Palgrave, pp. 203-219.
2018 Gudipaty, N & Lago, C & Pasti, S & Xu, Y & Li, X & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Gender: Moving towards professional equality, in The BRICS Journalist in the Age of Net Mobility, edited by Svetlana Pasti and Jyotika Ramaprasad pp. 104-129.
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Towards new co-creational approaches for research and supervision in professional journalism degree programmes, African Journalism Studies. Vol 38 (3&4): 100-117. (DoHet accredited)
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y & Chasi, C. Ubuntu values individuals: An analysis of eulogies of Mandela, Journal of Literary Studies. Vol 33 (4): 106-123. (DoHet accredited)
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Ubuntu and the cinematic dramaturgy of Elelwani, Communitas. Vol 22 (1): 16-30. (DoHet accredited)
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y. The centrality of media hearings to transitional justice processes, in Limits to transition: A Critique of the TRC, edited by Karen van Merle and Mia Swart. Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhof publishers, pp. 253-281.
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y & Milton, V & Mano, W. Rethinking the link between Media and Democracy in the post-colony: One size does not fit all. Communicatio:South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, Vol 43 (2):1-9. (DoHet accredited)
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Questioning the media-democracy relationship: The case of South Africa, Communicatio:South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research, Vol 43 (2): 10-20. (DoHet accredited)
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Social media and the re-affirmation of the role of ‘journalism’: Cursory notes on the potential for widening the public sphere in a postcolonial society, Interactions: Studies in Communication and Culture. Vol 8(2&3): 169-187. (Scopus)
2017 Chasi, C and Rodny-Gumede, Y. High deception in Higher education, in Deception: Motivations, Recognition Techniques and Behavioral Control, edited by Innocent Chiluwa. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y. The impact of social media on journalism, in P.J. Fourie Media studies Vol 4: Social (new) media and mediated communication today. Cape Town: Juta, pp. 267-292.
2017 Chasi, C & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Of despots and saints: Towards a nuanced understanding of African leadership through the analysis of eulogies of Mandela, in Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela: Decolonial Ethics of Liberation and Servant Leadership, edited by Sabelo J. Ndlovu-Gatsheni & Busani Ngcaweni. New York: Africa World Press.
2016 Chasi, C & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Ubuntu journalism and nation-building magic, Critical Arts. Vol 30(5): 728-744. (DoHet accredited)
2016 Rodny-Gumede, Y & Chasi, C. The truth and nothing but the truth: A re-affirmation and re-evaluation of undercover journalism practices, African Journalism Studies. Vol 37(3): 107-128. (DoHet accredited)
2016 Chasi, C & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Smash and grab, truth and dare…, International Communication Gazette. Vol 78 (7): 694-700. (IBSS accredited)
2016 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Awareness towards Peace Journalism among Foreign Correspondents in Africa, Media and Communication. Vol 4 (1): 80-93 (Scopus)
2016 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Gender equity in South African newsrooms, in Media and Democracy in Southern Africa. Edited by Glenda Daniels. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung – Fes. Media Africa.
2015 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Re-conceptualising the analysis of trajectories of media development in post-colonial societies, Global Media and Communication. Vol 11(2): 131-146. (IBSS accredited)
2015 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Gender and public discourse formation in South Africa: Male and female journalists’ influence on news agendas, Communicatio: South African journal for Communication Theory and Research, 41(2): 206-219 (DoHet accredited)
2015 Rodny-Gumede, Y. South African journalists’ conceptualisation of professionalism and deviations form normative liberal values. Communicare 33(2): 54-69. (DoHet accredited)
2015 Rodny-Gumede, Y. An assessment of the public interest and ideas of the public in South Africa and the adoption of ‘Ubuntu journalism’, Journal of Media Ethics, 30 (2): 109-124. (ISI accredited)
2015 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Coverage of Marikana: War and conflict and the case for peace (journalism), Social Dynamics: A Journal of African Studies, 41(2): 359-374. (ISI accredited)
2015 Swart, M & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Introduction: Considering the aftermath of Marikana, Social Dynamics, 41 (2): 323-326. (ISI accredited)
2014 Rodny-Gumede, Y & Hyde-Clarke, N. Conducting online research and the use of online sources: South African journalist practices. In Online Journalism in Africa. Edited by Mabweazara, H. New York: Routledge, pp.104-120.
2014 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Challenges of Teaching Journalism at the University of Johannesburg. Rhodes Journalism Review 34.
2013 Ogola, G. & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Current quality levels in the journalism of South Africa and Kenya.In The Future of Quality News: A cross continental analysis. Edited by Anderson, J & Ogola, G & Williams, M. New York: Routledge, 227-247.
2013 Rodny-Gumede, Y. The local in the global: Challenges of teaching global journalism. Ecquid Novi: African Journalism Studies. Vol 34 (2):128-141. (ISI accredited)
2012 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Race, class and gender and the transformation of the South African news media. Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa. December 2012 Vol 18: 159-176. (DoHet accredited)
2012 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Peace journalism and the usage of online sources. Communicare, October 2012, Vol 31: 57-74. (DoHet accredited)
2011 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Analysing ethics and political bias in South African news media. In Communication and Media Ethics in South Africa. Edited by Hyde-Clarke, N. Cape Town, SA: Juta, 147-175.
Articles, opinion pieces and reports in popular media and journalism/media magazine
2022 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Common response needed for African students in Ukraine, University World News,, 28 February.
2022 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Academic community’s work transcends travel bans, politics, University World News,, 20 January.
2021 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Global benefits for students, universities Mail&Guardian,, 11 September
2021 Rodny-Gumede, Y & Sinha, S. Building accessibility, excellence through online education. University World News, 13 May
2020 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Is internationalisation in jeopardy? Mail&Guardian, 4 September
2020 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Caring for our students goes beyond the teaching project. Mail&Guardian, 2 August.
2020 Rodny-Gumede,Y. Rethinking communication and innovation in the time of COVID-19. Mail&Guardian, 4 July.
2020 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Universities can use the COVID-19 moment to reinvent the way they teach. Sunday Times, 19 April.
2020 Rodny-Gumede, Y. How universities can use the coronavirus outbreak to promote regionalisation. Mail&Guardian, 11 March.
2020 Chasi, C & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Transform campuses, transform society. Mail&Guardian, 7 February.
2019 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Prepare for the unknown ‘unknowns’. Mail&Guardian, 22 November.
2019 Rodny-Gumede, Y. We need more international students in SA universities, not fewer. Sunday Times, 22 September.
2019 Rodny-Gumede, Y. What is the real value of a doctoral degree?, Mail&Guardian, 27 June.
2019 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Honouring the superheroes of our democracy, The Journalist, 25 June.
2019 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Obituary Raymond Louw, The Journalist, 25 June.
2019 Rodny-Gumede, Y South Africa needs to think differently. Mail&Guardian, 8 March.
2019 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Cyberattacks on female journalists threaten everyone. Mail&Guardian, 6 March.
2019 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Journalists listed in Agrizzi’s ‘little black book’., The Journalist, 29 January.
2019 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Hugh Lewin: Bandiet, Activist, Author and Journalist., The Journalist, 28 January.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y & Lando, A L. Media and communication in Africa: Towards a collaborative agenda. The Journalist, 28 November.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Journalism tops list of most dangerous professions in the world, The Journalist, 28 November.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. News media need to save face,, the Mail&Guardian, 2 November.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. The ‘old boys club’ and glass ceilings for women in the SA news media,, The Journalist, 30 October.
2018 Chasi, C and Rodny-Gumede, Y. How to combat ‘media capture’,, The Journalist, 30 October.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. African journalism: From idealism to cultural expressionism,, The Journalist, 26 September.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Why cooperation between the “hard” and “soft” sciences is key: lessons for SA,, 1 September.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Industry 4.0 and the future of the humanities, Mail&Guardian, 31 August.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. `Peace journalism` can help promote non-violent elections in Africa, Cape Times, 1 August.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Opinion: How peace journalism can help cover elections in Africa. EyeWitnessNews, 31 July,
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. How peace journalism can help the media cover elections in Africa. The Conversation, 30 July,
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. The role of the news media in reporting on conflict. The Journalist, 25 July,
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. News gathering has changed from Fourth Estate journalism. Sunday Independent, 15 July.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Forging transparent, caring journalism. AfroVoice, 11 June.
2018 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Future proofing journalism. The Journalist, 29 May,
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y. The lifeblood of the political beat: SONA in the media and the #SPHERE, The Journalist, 22 February,
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Fake news: SA’s nasty new media business? Here’s how we kill it, Biznews, 6 February,
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Fake news: the internet has turned an age-old problem into a new threat. NewZealand Herald, 5 February.
2017 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Fake news: the internet has turned an age-old problem into a new threat. The Conversation, 2 February.
2016 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Between journalist and activist. The Journalist, 14 November,
2016 Rodny-Gumede, Y & Chasi, C. The truth and nothing but the truth: Re-affirming undercover journalism practices. The Journalist, 12 October,
2015 Rodny-Gumede, Y and Chasi, C. Revealing uncomfortable truths, AllAfrica. Com, 17 November,
2015 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Marikana masacre: How South African journalism failed the test. Mail&Guardian, 25 November,
2015 Rodny-Gumede, Y. In search of the truth: Investigative journalist’s fearelss pursuit of justice, The journalist, 25 November,
2015 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Marikana massacre: how South African journalism failed the test. The Conversation, 25 November,
2015 Chasi, C & Rodny-Gumede, Y. Revealing uncomfortable truths: De-colonizing higher education, a challenge to academic scholarship. The Journalist, 18 November
2015 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Have we reached the end of journalism? Adapting in the face of rapid social and technological change. The journalist, 16 October,
2015 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Have our leaders read the Constitution? The journalist, 21 March,
2014 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Ett inlagg i debatten on universitets utbildningen i Sydafrika efter apartheid (transl. A comment on university education in South Africa post apartheid). Universitetsläraren 11.
2014 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Covering the Balkan’s. Prufrock Vol 2(4).
2014 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Lack of transformation in South African news rooms. South African Media report. Fredrich Eberhart Stiftung.
2014 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Women’s voices missing in public discourse. SABC Online,
2014 Rodny-Gumede, Y. Women’s voices missing in public discourse. The Journalist, October 29.