Library Services

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Borrow and return books

Visit the Lending self service page to see how you can do the following:

  • Access your patron record (library record)
  • Place a hold on an item
  • Renew items online
  • Access class notes or articles placed on the reserved collection
  • Issue items to yourself (self-checkout)

ILL (Inter-library Loans)

For information on how to submit a request, who qualifies, the cost and more, visit the ILL page.

Online library resources & tools

  • Online access to databases, articles, e-books and e-journals via the database list
  • Search the Library catalogue – UJLink for print and online books and journals
  • Search the A to Z Journal list for online journals and articles
  • For help on how to find and download e-books visit this Online Books LibGuide
  • Do an all-in-one search using UJoogle – find books, journals, articles and other library materials.
  • E-Course reserves – all items placed on reserve by a lecturer will show in the Catalogue (UJLink) under Course Reserves.
    To access, go to the catalogue, Select “Course reserves” and follow the prompts. Electronic items can be downloaded or printed.
    For more information on course reserves (print or electronic) see Lending services – Question 16
  • Previous Exam papers can be found here: Online Exam Papers
  • Online UJ Theses and Dissertations can be found here
  • Lean Library: The Lean Library is a browser plug-in that allows you easy access to the electronic resources of the UJ Library when doing a Google or Google Scholar search. Access Library content wherever and whenever you need it. Visit this Lean Library Libguide for more information, how to download it and instructional videos.
  • Subject and Faculty specific Library Guides can be found here. Library guides on various topics, including plagiarism, copyright, e-books, OpenAccess, Lean Library and more can be found here.
  • For assistance with Referencing, visit this page.
  • Library training sessions (online and in-person) and videos on how to access and use the library resources are available here.
  • Access to online Library resources (on the Database list)
  • Access managment is either via WAM or via OpenAthens. If it is via OpenAthens there will be a note next to the Database title in the Database list.
    1. WAM Access to Online Library Services/Resources (Online databases, “My UJLink”, UJoogle, Electronic Course Reserves and Interlibrary Loans)
      • Use your UJ Email password and your UJ username (Staff) or UJ student number (Campus Option) OR
      • Use the current Library Option (i.e. Surname, UJ ID & Library PIN)
    2. OpenAthens Access to Online Resources (Online databases, UJoogle):
      Access online Library resources by using your UJ username (Staff) or UJ student number, and your UJ Email password.
      For more information on access using OpenAthens, visit this OpenAthens Guide.

Training sessions and Youtube videos

See a complete list of the current postgraduate and undergraduate  training sessions, e.g. How to find a journal article; How to download an ebook, How to search with UJoogle, How to reference, etc.

Or watch the short “How to” videos on Youtube listed here.

Assignment and Research support

Contact your Faculty /Information librarian for any library related support.
Visit the Faculty or Subject specific LibGuides for subject support or the LibGuides covering various useful topics, including plagiarism, copyright, e-books, OpenAccess, Lean Library and more.
For assistance with Referencing, visit these guides; Refworks or Mendeley.
Contact your Faculty or Information librarian for assignment and research support online via Zoom or MSTeams appointments or email. Contact details:

CBE: Madumella Mofokeng
Fikiswa Mgengo
Michael Sifile
Dudu Tshabalala

Education: Khulekani Zuma
Phaello Mokati

FADA: Yvonne Bucwa

FEBE: Sello Borephe
Desiree Mokgosi 

Health Sciences: Dorcas Rathaba
Mlungisi Dlamini

Humanities:  Theresa Vukeya
Kedibone Moagi 

Law: Lizette van Zyl
Catrin ver Loren van Themaat

Science: Pavlinka Kovatcheva

Undergraduate Teaching and Learning: Elize du Toit

Postgraduate/Research support: Ivy Segoe