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Name: Patrick Bond
Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, Rated Researchers Staff Members
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Tel: 0115594555
About Prof Patrick Bond
Patrick Bond, Distinguished Professor of Sociology, is a political economist, political ecologist and scholar of social mobilisation. From 2020-21 he was Professor at the Western Cape School of Government and from 2015-2019 was a Distinguished Professor of Political Economy at the University of the Witwatersrand School of Governance. From 2004 through mid-2016, he was Senior Professor at the University of KwaZulu-Natal School of Built Environment and Development Studies and was also Director of the Centre for Civil Society. Patrick also served as visiting professor at Gyeongsang National University, South Korea and as an associate of the Leverhulme Centre for the Study of Value at the University of Manchester. On sabbatical, he was a visiting scholar at the University of California/Berkeley Department of Geography in 2010-11, and at York University’s Department of Political Science and Faculty of Environmental Sciences in 2003-04. He lectured from 1997-2004 at the Wits School of Governance where he was the founder of the doctoral programme and co-director of the Municipal Services Project, and he was an assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in 1994-95. He has held visiting posts at a dozen universities and presented lectures at more than 100 others.
Patrick earned his doctorate in economic geography under the supervision of David Harvey at Johns Hopkins University (1985-92), following studies at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Finance (Philadelphia, 1983-85) and an undergraduate economics degree at Swarthmore College (Philadelphia, 1979-83), including a semester studying classical guitar at the Peabody Conservatory (Baltimore, 1982).
Selected publications:
Accredited journal articles
‘Climate, Violence, Resource Extraction and Ecological Debt: Global implications of an assassination on South Africa’s coal mining belt.’ Globalizations, 19, 7, 2022, pp.1-15,
‘Growing Divides between Establishment and Climate Justice Proponents: A View from the extremes of South Africa.’ Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 21 (20 22), pp.387–408,
‘The Case for Ecosocialism in the Face of the Worsening Climate Crisis: Dialectical Resolutions of Environmental Justice and Ecological Modernization.’ Science & Society, 86, 4, 2022, pp.485-515,
‘L’impérialisme Fossile Français, le Sous-Impérialisme Sud-Africain et la Résistance Anti-impériale’ (French Fossil Imperialism, South African Sub-Imperialism and Anti-Imperial Resistance’). Actuel Marx, 72, 2, 2022 pp. 78-97.
‘South Africa’s Pro-Military Lobby Risks Worsening Multiple Injustices in Northern Mozambique.’ The Thinker, 89, 2022, pp.69-80.
‘El Desarrollo Desigual en El Capital de Marx y la Acumulación de Capital de Luxemburgo, visto desde Sudáfrica’ (‘Uneven Development in Marx’s Capital and Luxemburg’s Accumulation of Capital, seen from South Africa’). Izquierdas, 51, pp.1-22, 2022,
‘Quelles Conditionnalités pour la Banque des BRICS?’ (‘Which Conditionalities are Imposed by the BRICS Bank?’). Alternatives Sud, 152, 2022, pp.135-156,
‘Leaning on the BRICS as a Geopolitical Counterweight Leads Only to Faux-Polyarchic, Subimperial “Spalling”.’ Journal of World-Systems Research, 28(1), 2022, pp.146-152.
Bond, P, A Garcia and M Borba (2021) ‘Western Imperialism and the Role of Sub-imperialism in the Global South.’ New Politics, 18, 2, pp.52-62.
Bond, P (2021) ‘Capitalist Crisis and Uneven Development Applied in Southern Africa.’ Human Geography, 14, 3.
Scholarly book chapters
Bond, P (2022) ‘Multilateralism at a Crossroads: Vaccine Apartheid, Climate Wars, Geopolitical Turmoil.’ in G.Albo, N. Aschoff and A.Saad-Filho (Eds), Capitalism and Politics: Socialist Register 2023, London: Merlin Press, New York: Monthly Review Press, Halifax: Fernwood Press, pp.64-89.
Bond, P (2022) ‘Eco-feminisms in Theory and Practice in the Global South: India, South Africa, and Ecuador’ (with Devandraraj Madhanagopal and Manuel Bayón). in D.Madhanagopal, C.Beer, B.Nikku and A.Pelser (eds), Environment, Climate, and Social Justice: Perspectives and Practices from the Global South. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2022, pp.275-296.
Bond, P (2022) ‘Multilateral Development Banks Old and New’ (with Susan Engel). In K.Sims, N.Banks, S.Engel, P.Hodge, J.Makuwira, N.Nakamura, J.Rigg, A.Salamanca and P.Yeophantong (Eds), Routledge Handbook of Development Banks, London, Routledge, 2022, pp.93-105.
Bond, P (2021) ‘Climate Justice Advocacy: Strategic Choices for Glasgow and Beyond.’ In S.Böhm and S.Sullivan (Eds), Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis: Social Science Perspectives. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, pp.335-352.
Bond, P (2021) ‘Pros and Cons of China’s Roles in Southern Africa.’ In A.M.Vasiliev, D.A.Degterev and T.Shaw (Eds), Africa and the Formation of the New System of International Relations: Rethinking Decolonization and Foreign Policy Concepts. London: Springer Nature, pp.139-156.
Bond, P (2021) ‘Foundations of Marxist Financial Geography.’ in D.Wójcik and J.Knox-Hayes (Eds), Routledge Handbook of Financial Geography, New York, Routledge, pp.56-83.
Bond, P (2021) ‘Luxemburg’s Resonances in South Africa: Capital’s renewed super-exploitation of people and nature.’ in D.Cornell and J.Gordon (Eds), Creolizing Luxemburg. London, Rowman Littlefield International, pp.287-316.
Bond, P, T Mdlongwana and T Zikhali (2021) ‘South African Food Politics: Constitutional Rights, Security and Sovereignty.’ in N.Bohler-Muller, C.Soudien and V.Reddy (Eds), Ethics, Politics, Inequality: New Directions: State of the Nation, Pretoria, Human Sciences Research Council Press, pp.195-219.
Bond, P and R Basu (2021) ‘Intergenerational Equity and the Geographical Ebb and Flow of Resources: The Time and Space of Natural Capital Accounting.’ in M.Himley and E.Havice (Eds), Handbook of Critical Resource Geography, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.260-273.
Bond, P (2021) ‘Neoliberalism, Authoritarianism, and Popular Resistance in Africa.’ in B.Berberoglu (Ed), The Global Rise of Authoritarianism in the 21st Century: Crisis of Neoliberal Globalization and the Nationalist Response. London, Routledge, pp.133-157.
Bond, P (2023) Extreme Uneven Development: Financial Volatility, Deep Capitalist Crisis and Super-Exploitation in South Africa and the World (Palgrave Macmillan)
Bond, P (2019) BRICS and Resistance in Africa: Contention, Assimilation and Co-optation (co-edited with Justin van der Merwe and Nicole Dodd; Zed Books)
Bond, P (2015) BRICS: An Anti-Capitalist Critique (co-edited with Ana Garcia; Pluto Press, Haymarket, Jacana and Aakar Press)
Bond, P (2014) South Africa – The Present as History (co-authored with John Saul; Jacana Books and James Currey Press)
Bond, P (2014, 2005, 2000) Elite Transition: From Apartheid to Neoliberalism in South Africa (Pluto Press and UKZN Press)
Bond, P (2012) Politics of Climate Justice: Paralysis Above, Movement Below (UKZN Press)
Bond, P (2011) Durban’s Climate Gamble: Trading Carbon, Betting the Earth (edited, Unisa Press)
Bond, P (2010) Zuma’s Own Goal: Losing South Africa’s ‘War on Poverty’ (co-edited with Brij Maharaj and Ashwin Desai; Africa World Press)
Bond, P (2009) Climate Change, Carbon Trading and Civil Society: Negative Returns on South African Investments (co-edited with Rehana Dada and Graham Erion; UKZN Press)
Bond, P (2007) The Accumulation of Capital in Southern Africa: Rosa Luxemburg’s Contemporary Relevance (co-edited with Horman Chitonge and Arndt Hopfmann; Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
Bond, P (2006) Looting Africa: The Economics of Exploitation (Zed Books and UKZN Press, republished as A Pilhagem na África, South Links 2008)
Bond, P (2006, 2004) Talk Left, Walk Right: South Africa’s Frustrated Global Reforms (UKZN Press)
Bond, P (2005) Trouble in the Air: Global Warming and the Privatised Atmosphere (co-edited with Rehana Dada; TransNational Institute)
Bond, P (2005, 2002) Fanon’s Warning: A Civil Society Reader on the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (Africa World Press)
Bond, P (2003, 2001) Against Global Apartheid: South Africa meets the World Bank, IMF and International Finance (Zed Books and University of Cape Town Press)
Bond, P (2003, 2002) Zimbabwe’s Plunge: Exhausted Nationalism, Neoliberalism and the Search for Social Justice (coauthored with Masimba Manyanya; UKZN Press, Merlin Press, Weaver Press and Africa World Press)
Bond, P (2002) Unsustainable South Africa: Environment, Development and Social Protest (UKZN Press and Merlin Press)
Bond, P (2000) Cities of Gold, Townships of Coal: South Africa’s New Urban Crisis (Africa World Press)
Bond, P (1999) An RDP Policy Audit (co-authored with Meshack Khosa for Human Sciences Research Council Press)
Bond, P (1998) Uneven Zimbabwe: A Study of Finance, Development and Underdevelopment (Africa World Press)