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Home » Prof Jacqueline Moodley

Head of Department & Associate Professor
Name: Jacqueline Moodley
Location: C Ring 435 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Psychology Staff, Faculty of Humanities, Rated Researchers  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 7664


About Prof Jacqueline Moodley

Prof Moodley is a Research Psychologist in the Department of Psychology at UJ. With a Y rating with the National Research Foundation, her research is interdisciplinary, focusing on disability and development. Prof Moodley’s work seeks to explore the ways in which disability intersects with various social and individual determinants that propound inequality in South Africa to result in multidimensional outcomes for persons with disabilities. She is also part of a Global Research on Inclusion and Disability hosted at Washington University in St Louis.

Research Interests

  • Disability and Inclusion
  • Child wellbeing
  • Poverty and inequality studies

Recent Publications: