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Research associate in the Department of Childhood Education
Name: Sandra Jederud
Department of Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, Staff Staff Members
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About Dr Sandra Jederud
Sandra Jederud is a research associate at UJ’s Faculty of Education. She also holds a position as a Doctor of Philosophy and Senior Lecturer at the University of Mälardalen in Sweden. Concerned with issues of the theory/practice gap, Sandra´s research focuses mainly on teacher education and professional development. Her work is informed by theory on boundary crossing, learning perspectives and relational pedagogy. She is currently exploring implications of the organisation of teacher education in South Africa and Sweden. Also, she is exploring the implementation of a PD programme in Sweden. Further, she is exploring problematic absenteeism in upper secondary schools in Sweden.
List of publications:
Jederud, S. (2021) Learning as Peers in Practice – An Obstacle or Support for Student Teachers’ Vocational Learning? Educational Practice and Theory, 43(1), p 77 – 97.
Jederud, S; Rytzler, J & Lindqvist, P (2021) Learning to teach as a two-sided endeavor: mentors’ perceptions of paired practicum in initial teacher education Teaching Education, DOI: 10.1080/10476210.2021.1978967.
Jederud, S. (2022) Learning to Teach as a Spectator or a Participant—Ideas of Vocational Learning in Policy on Teacher Education (2022). Education Sciences, 12, 726.
Jederud, S. (2024) University teachers´ perceptions of the impact of work-integrated learning placement on students’ campus-based engagement. International Journal of Work-Integrated Learning.