Distinguished Visiting Professors
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Prof Timothy Teo
Host: Prof. Ramnarain
Timothy Teo (Ph.D.) is Professor and Associate Dean (Research) at the Faculty of Education at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Timothy’s research interests are multi-disciplinary and include both substantive and methodological areas Timothy is Editor-in-Chief of The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (TAPER) (Scopus Q1; SSCI Q2) and a member of over 10 journal editorial boards. A highly published and cited scholar, Timothy has edited three books and written many book chapters and conference papers, and published over 205 journal articles, with 158 in highly ranked SSCI journals. His Google Scholar citations are over 19,600 with an H-index of 72.

Prof N’Dri Thérèse Assié-Lumumba
Host: Prof. Woldegiorgis
N’Dri Thérèse Assié-Lumumba is a highly accomplished academic with positions at Cornell University and a wide array of leadership roles in global education organizations. Her expertise lies in comparative education, particularly focusing on higher education, gender equity, and access to schooling in Africa. She’s held prestigious positions worldwide and has received numerous awards for her extensive publications. Assié-Lumumba has earned recognition for her research contributions, notably winning the Joyce Cain Award for Distinguished Research on African Descendants. She holds a PhD in Comparative Education from the University of Chicago and has forthcoming publications discussing the impact of COVID-19 on social sciences, African renaissance, and global citizenship education. Her recent works explore topics like Pan African connections, education for human capital development in Africa, and Ubuntu-inspired education for humanity.

Prof Imanol Ordorika
Imanol Ordorika is professor of Social Sciences and Education at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), and General Director for Institutional Assessment at UNAM and creator of the online Comparative Study of Mexican Universities. He has been awarded the Chaire d’Études Mexicaines Alfonso Reyes at the Institut des Hautes Etudes de l’Amérique Latine (IHEAL); Université PARIS III – Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France; the Frank Talbott Jr. University Chair (Cátedra Universitaria Frank Talbott Jr.) University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. He is author of Power and Politics in University Governance (2003) and co-editor of the ASHE reader Comparative Education (2010) and the book, Universities and the Public Sphere (2011).
Recent Publications:
Ordorika, I., Rodríguez-Gomez, R. and Lloyd, M. (2018). Federalism and higher education in Mexico. In Carnoy, M., Froumin, I., Leshukov, O. and Marginson, S. (eds.). Federalism and Higher Education: A Comparative Study. California, USA: Sage Publications.
Ordorika, I. (2017). Knowledge and change in contemporary postcolonial universities. In Michael Cross and Amasa Ndofirepi (eds.). Knowledge and Change in African Universities. Johannesburg, South Africa: Sense Publishers.
Ordorika, I. and Lloyd, M. (2015.) Critical Theories of the State and Contest in Higher Education in the Globalized Era. In Martínez-Alemán, A., Bensimon, E. and Pusser, B. (eds). Critical Approaches to the Study of Higher Education: A Practical Introduction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Prof Carmel McNaught
Carmel McNaught is Emeritus Professor of Learning Enhancement and former Director of the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has accepted the role of Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa. Since the early 1970s, Carmel has worked in higher education in Australasia, southern Africa and the UK in the fields of chemistry, science education, second-language learning, eLearning, and higher-education curriculum and policy matters. She has been involved in several professional organizations and is a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Computers in Education. She has served on the editorial boards of 18 international journals; and is a prolific author with over 350 academic publications; recent publications and activities can be viewed at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/clear/people/Carmel.html. She is currently a higher-education consultant, working mostly in Africa, Australia, Hong Kong and other countries in Asia, New Zealand, the UAE and the UK.

Philip Hallinger
Host: Dr. Naicker
Philip Hallinger is the Global Talent Professor of Management at Mahidol University (Bangkok Thailand) and a Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Dept. of Educational Leadership and Management in the University of Johannesburg (South Africa). He has worked as a schoolteacher and administrator (K-12 and higher education) and conducted training with more than 20,000 school leaders across North and South America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Prof. Hallinger has held Professorships in the United States (Vanderbilt U.), Thailand (Mahidol U. and Chulalongkorn U.), and China (Shanghai U. and Education University of Hong Kong). In 2014 he received the Excellence in Research on Educational Leadership Award from the American Educational Research Association and the Roald F. Campbell Award for Distinguished Lifetime Achievement from the University Council for Educational Administration (USA). Although he is best known in the field of education for his path-breaking research on principal instructional leadership, Prof. Hallinger has also published extensively on problem-based learning, leadership development, sustainability, and international studies in educational leadership and management. His scholarly articles, which have achieved more than 54,000 Google Scholar citations, have been the most highly cited articles in five different education journals. Publications for Philip Hallinger

Catherine Snow
Host: Prof. Henning
Catherine Snow is an expert on language and literacy development in children, focusing on how oral language skills are acquired and how they relate to literacy outcomes. Snow has chaired two national panels: the National Academy of Sciences committee that prepared the report “Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children,” and the Rand Reading Study Group that prepared “Reading for Understanding: Toward an R&D Program in Reading Comprehension.” Professor at Professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education

Kerry J Kennedy
Host: Prof. Robinson
Kerry J Kennedy is a graduate of Stanford University (MA, PhD), the University of New England, Australia (MLitt) and the University of New South Wales, Australia (MEd, BA DipEd). He has held senior academic positions in Australia and Hong Kong. He is currently an Advisor (Academic Development) at The Education University of Hong Kong and a Distinguished Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Johannesburg. His areas of research interest are curriculum policy and theory, classroom assessment and civics and citizenship education. He is currently Editor of Curriculum Perspectives, the journal of the Australian Curriculum Studies Association, Co-Editor of Educational Studies and the Series Editor for the Routledge Series on Schools and Schooling in Asia and Routledge’s Asia Europe Education Dialogue Series. He is a Life Member of the Australian Curriculum Studies Association, a Fellow of the Australian College of Education and a co-winner of the 2012 Richard M. Wolf Memorial Award presented by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. Publications for Kerry J Kennedy. Publications for Kerry J Kennedy

Prof Jari Lavonen
Jari Lavonen is a Full Professor of Physics and Chemistry Education (2003-) at the Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki, Finland and a Distinguished Visiting Professor (Childhood Education) (2016-) within the Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg. From 2005 to 2009, he was a director of the Finnish Graduate School for Research in Science and Mathematics Education and from 2002 to 2007 was president of the Finnish Association for Research on Teaching of Mathematics and Science. He has worked in primary and secondary teacher education and in-service teacher training and developed and taught numerous courses on teaching and assessment methods in science and technology education. His main research interests lie in science and technology teaching and learning, teacher education and ICT use in science and technology education. He has published, together with other researchers, 157 refereed scientific papers in various journals and books, as well as 144 other articles and 166 books for either science teacher education or for science education. Professor Lavonen has been a director (PI) of 18 research projects with external research funding, and he has supervised 21 PhD theses.

Prof Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie
Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie is Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at Sam Houston State University, where he teaches doctoral-level courses in qualitative research, quantitative research, and mixed research, including program evaluation, teacher education, and educational psychology courses. Further, he is Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg. His research areas primarily involve social and behavioral science topics, including disadvantaged and under-served populations such as minorities, children living in war zones, and juvenile delinquents. Also, he writes extensively on qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methodological topics. With a current h-index of 71, he has secured the publication of more than 400 works, including more than 300 journal articles, 50 book chapters, and 5 books. Most recently, he co-authored a book entitled Seven Steps to a Comprehensive Literature Review (SAGE). He is President of the Mixed Methods International Research Association.

Prof Joseph Krajcik
Host: Prof. Ramnarain
Joseph Krajcik serves as director of the CREATE for STEM Institute and is the Lappan-Phillips Professor of Science Education at Michigan State University. His work focuses in improving the teaching and learning of science, kindergarten through college by engaging in innovation and research. Throughout his career, Prof Krajcik has focused on working with science teachers to design and test learning environments to reform science teaching practices and to research student learning and engagement in project-based learning environments. He has authored and co-authored books, over 100 manuscripts and curriculum materials. He has received many professional awards and recognitions for his contributions to science education thought the years. In 2020, Prof Krajcik was elected to the National Academy of Education and received the prestigious McGraw Prize in Pre-K-12 Education in recognition for his many accomplishments and contributions to transforming education. He was an ISDDE Price for Excellence in Education Design winner in 2021. Added to this prestigious list is his current role as Research Associate in SCITECHED at the University of Johannesburg.

Prof Terry Lovat
Host: Dr Nazreen Dasoo
Terence Lovat is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Newcastle (Australia), Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Oxford (UK), Honorary Professor at the University of Glasgow (UK), and Adjunct Professor at Royal Roads University (Canada). He is a former Dean of Education and Pro Vice-Chancellor at Newcastle, former President of the Australian Council
of Deans of Education and has served on many government boards and committees. His research spans across philosophy, theology, and curriculum theory. His most recent research focuses have been on values education and Islam. He was the chief investigator of research and practice projects from the Australian Values Education Program (2003-2010).

Professor Pirjo Aunio
Since early 2000, Pirjo Aunio has researched the development and learning of mathematical skills, learning difficulties in mathematics, assessment of mathematical performance and development, and mathematical and
related cognitive skills interventions. She has published more than 90 peer-review articles and books related to her research area. Aunio works as a professor (Special Education, 2013->) at the University of Helsinki. She also has a visiting professor (Early Childhood Education) position at UJ . She is an editorial board member for two international scientific journals and a regular reviewer for international scientific journals and research grant foundations.