Working Paper Series

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2024 Working Papers

WP 2024-01: Oqubay, A. (2023).

The Strategy and Governance of SOEs in Africa: Lessons Learnt and Policy Implications.


WP 2024-02: Oqubay, A. (2024).

Green Industrial Policy and Industrialisation in Africa. 


WP 2024-03: Mensah, E., and Ndubuisi, G. (2024).

Technological Capability and Industrialisation in Africa.


WP 2024-04: Monaco, L., and Habiyaremye, A. (2024).

Digital Innovation, Localisation and Productive Capabilities in the South African Pharmaceutical Industry


2023 Working Papers

WP 2023-01: Whitfield, L., and Mkhabela, V. (2023).

The Business Strategies of South African Textile Firms and Global Trends in 4IR and Sustainability Technologies


WP 2023-02: Abrahams, L., Burke, M., & Hartzenberg, T. (2023).

Digital Customs Transformation for Effective Trade Facilitation and Revenue Collection


WP 2023-03: Monaco, L. and Wuttke, T. (2023).

Developing the South African Auto Industry: Lead Firm Sourcing Strategies and Local Productive Capabilities


WP 2023-04: Habiyaremye, A. and Monaco, L. (2023).

4IR technology adoption in the South African airline industry: Diffusion patterns and labour market effects


WP 2023-05: Barnes, J. and Sachs, W. (2023).

Inertia or Progress? Digital Technology Adoption Within a Group of South African Manufacturing SMEs


WP 2023-06: Bhorat, H., Hill, R., Köhler, T., Monnakgotla, J. and Steenkamp, F. (2023)

Who are the Robots Coming For? The Evolving Task Content of Employment in South Africa


WP 2023-07: Barnes, J. (2023)

Introducing a South African Manufacturing Health Index (SA-MHI): Concept Paper


WP 2023-08: Cramer, C. (2023)

Structural Change and Development Through Agricultural Exports: Performance and Policies


WP 2023-09: Alexander, R. and Krishnan, A. (2023)

Upgrading Trajectories in South Africa: Exploring the Roles of Customer and Supplier Link Types in Manufacturers’ Economic, Social and Environmental Upgrading


WP 2023-10: Edwards, L. and Lepelle, R. (2023).

Trade Liberalisation, Household Welfare and Earnings Inequality in South Africa


2022 Working Papers

WP 2022-01: Kaziboni, L., and Roberts, S. (2022).

Industrial policy for a just transition to a green economy: The importance of regional food value chains in Southern Africa.


WP 2022-02: Paus, E., Robinson, M., and Tregenna, F. (2022).

Firm Innovation in Africa and Latin America: Heterogeneity and Country Context.


WP 2022-03: Habiyaremye, A., King, N.A., and Tregenna, F. (2022).

Innovation and socio-economic development challenges in South Africa: An overview of indicators and trends.


WP 2022-04: Galetti, J., and Tregenna, F. (2022).

How do cognitive proximity and knowledge networks affect firms’ innovation? Evidence from micro and small firms in Johannesburg, South Africa.


WP 2022-05: Mamphiswana, R. (2022).

Positioning the South African economy for new industries: policy lessons from East Asia.


WP 2022-06: Itaman, R. E. (2022).

Is manufacturing in Africa constrained by finance? An empirical analysis of the finance-manufacturing nexus.


WP 2022-07: Kamutando, G., and Tregenna, F. (2022).

Innovation complementarities in small and micro-enterprises in Johannesburg, South Africa.


WP 2022-08: Nassif, A., and Morceiro, P.C. (2022).

Industrial policy for prematurely deindustrialized economies after the Covid-19 pandemic crisis: Integrating economic, social and environmental goals with policy proposals for Brazil.


WP 2022-09: Gaglio, C., Kraemer-Mbula, E., Lorenz, E. (2022).

Digitalisation, Innovation and Productivity in South African Micro- and Small Enterprises.


WP 2022-10: Oqubay, A. (2022).

African Industrial Hubs and Industrialisation: Diversity, Unevenness, and Strategic Approach.


WP 2022-11: Oqubay, A. (2022).

The COVID-19 Crisis and Its Implications for Economic Policy.


WP 2022-12: Itaman, R. (2022).

Manufacturing Technology Intensity, Employment, Wages and Capital Formation in Africa.


WP 2022-13: Avenyo, E.K., Bell, J.F., Nyamwena, J. (2022).

Determinants of the Adoption of Digital Technologies in South African Manufacturing: Evidence from a Firm-level Survey


WP 2022-14: Rawat, W. and Barnes, J. (2022).

The mediating role of IT ambidexterity in the relationship between artificial intelligence capability and organisational agility.


2021 Working Papers

WP 2021-01: Whitfield, L., Marslev, K., and Staritz, C. (2021).

Can apparel export industries catalyse industrialisation? Combining GVC participation and localisation.


WP 2021-02: Tregenna, F., Ewinyu, A., Oqubay, A., and Valodia, I. (2021).

Challenges and Complexities of the South African Economy.


WP 2021-03: Naidoo, K., Bengoa, M., Kraemer-Mbula, E., and Tregenna, F. (2021).

Firm Innovation and Employment in South Africa: Examining the Role of Export Participation and Innovation Novelty.


WP 2021-04: Ncube, P., and Tregenna, F. (2021).

Input-output linkages and interdependence between countries in the Southern African Development Community (SADC).


WP 2021-05: Ganguly, A. (2021).

Growth Regimes and Uneven Development in Open Economies: Demand and Distribution Regimes in the context of Global Value Chains.


WP 2021-06: Winkler, H., and Black, A. (2021).

Creating employment and reducing emissions: Options for South Africa.


WP 2021-07: Naude, W. (2021).

Late Industrialisation under Platform Capitalism.


WP 2021-08a: Alexander, R. (2021).

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and National Innovation Systems: Key Concepts and Snapshot of South Africa


WP 2021-08b: Alexander, R. (2021).

Assessing the Ability of the National Innovation System of South Africa to Facilitate the Fourth Industrial Revolution


WP 2021-08c: Alexander, R. (2021).

The Fourth Industrial Revolution in South African Manufacturing and Connectivity: Case Studies of Automotive and Mining Equipment Manufacturing, along with Transportation and ICT Infrastructure and Services


WP 2021-08d: Alexander, R. (2021).

Key Opportunities and Challenges for 4IR in South Africa


WP 2021-09: Nomaler, O., Spinola, D., & Verspagen, B. (2021).

Demand-led Industrialisation Policy in a Dual-sector Small Balance of Payments Constrained Economy.