Centre for Psychological Services & Career Development (PsyCaD)
PsyCaD offers a broad spectrum of psychological and educational services to UJ students, as well as the wider community. PsyCaD’s services aim to enhance the psychological fitness of clients to manage personal life challenges, increase productivity, and to optimize their performance.
This includes dealing with trauma and stress. PsyCaD is accredited by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a site for the training of Intern Psychologists and Student Psychometrists. PsyCaD’s professional staff are Counselling, Clinical and/or Educational Psychologists, and Psychometrists registered with the HPCSA.

What do we do
We offer a wide range of services to support your academic journey
Helping you to be your best

The strategic goals of PsyCaD are to:
- Assist students, departments, and faculties to achieve excellent student success rates, improved retention, and increased graduate output.
- Achieve excellence and stature.
- Give support throughout the student life cycle.
- Provide a package of career and programme guidance to learners at the school level.
- Develop dynamic brand and marketing strategies.
- Align all elements and environments (internal and external).
- Attract and retain illustrious staff.
- Promote a welcoming and caring environment, manifested in well-kept buildings and facilities.

Check out our contact details, interesting articles, and video clips related to PsyCaD counselling services. Like, comment and share! #PsyCaD4U
Watch a snippet of what you can expect on the app below
APB Impala Court | APK C-Ring 1 + B5 Building | DFC House 2, Louisa Street | SWC Adelaide Tambo Building (Academic Block)