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PhD student
Name: Welhemina Mmamokhobo Langa
Location: C1 Lab 313 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Geology Postgraduate Students Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0)76 423 3543
About Welhemina Mmamokhobo Langa
I completed my National Diploma in geology in 2008 at the University of Johannesburg, then worked for three different gold mines (ERPM, Blyvooruitzicht and Kloof Gold Mine) within a period of 7 years as an underground geologist. I completed my MSc on the petrology and economic potential of mafic-ultramafic intrusions west of the Kunene Anorthosite Complex, SW Angola in 2019. I produced geological maps for three Angolan mafic-ultramafic intrusions (Hamutenha, Caongoquepia and Serra Cangala). I am currently in my second year of PhD.
Project title:
‘Advanced non-destructive analytical techniques for the South African coal industry, with a focus on hyperspectral imaging’ The aim of the study is to identify the available non-destructive advanced analytical techniques and test their viability on South African coal.
Prof Nicola Wagner
Dr Phil Harris
Research interests:
Economic geology, mining geology, petrology, and geochemistry. I am also interested in how the 4IR can benefit the mining industry in terms of introducing new rapid, non-destructive and precise analytical techniques that can be used during both exploration and mining stages.
Software skills:
Geographic Information Systems, Cadsmine, DH Logger and Fusion