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Associate Professor
Name: Sarah Chiumbu
Location: B Ring 604A Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Communication and Media Academic Staff, Department of Communication and Media Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 2809
About Prof Sarah Chiumbu
Prof Sarah H Chiumbu is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication at the University of Johannesburg. Before joining the University of Johannesburg, she was Senior Research Specialist in the Human and Social Development Research Programme at the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC). She also spent 7 years at the University of Witwatersrand where she was a senior lecturer in media and communication studies. She holds a PhD and MA in media studies from the University of Oslo, Norway.
Google Scholar:
Research interests: media, democracy and citizenship, digital and alternative media, policy studies, social movements, African political thought, decolonial and postcolonial theories.
Recent publications:
Radebe, M & Chiumbu, S (2021 forthcoming) Frames and marginalisation of counter-hegemonic voices: Media representation of the land debate in South Africa. African Journalism Studies.
Chiumbu, S & Motsaathebe, G (eds) (2021) Radio, Public Life and Citizen Deliberation in South Africa. Routledge
Motsaathebe, G & Chiumbu, S (eds) (2021) Television in the Digital Age: Disjuncture, Continuities and Prospects. Palgrave Macmillan
Chiumbu, S & Motsaathebe, G (2021) From Subject to Citizen: Building active citizenship through radio in South Africa. In Sarah Chiumbu & Gilbert Motsaaathebe (eds) Radio, Public Life and Citizen Deliberation in South Africa. Routledge
Chiumbu, S & Motsaathebe, G (2021) Translocal and Liminal Identities: Reconfiguring Religious Community Radio in South Africa. In Sarah Chiumbu & Gilbert Motsaaathebe (eds) Radio, Public Life and Citizen Deliberation in South Africa. Routledge
Motsaathebe, G & Chiumbu, S (2021) Navigating the digital milieu in the context of Television in Africa: A synchronic appraisal of the disjunctures, continuities and prospects. In Gilbert Mostaathebe & Sarah Chiumbu (eds.)Television in the Digital Age: Disjuncture, Continuities and Prospects. Palgrave Macmillan
Motsaathebe, G & Chiumbu, S (2021) Exodus, Access and Inequalities: The impact of digital migration in least developed countries of Africa. In Gilbert Mostaathebe & Sarah Chiumbu (eds.)Television in the Digital Age: Disjuncture, Continuities and Prospects. Palgrave Macmillan
Chiumbu, S & Radebe, M (2020) Towards a Decolonial Critical Political Economy of the Media: Some Initial Thoughts. Communicatio: South African Journal of Communication Theory and Research.
Munoriyarwa, A & Chiumbu, S (2020) Big Brother is Watching: Surveillance Regulation and its Effects on Journalistic Practices in Zimbabwe. African Journalism Studies. Online first: DOI: 10.1080/23743670.2020.1729831
Govenden, P & Chiumbu, S (2020) Critiquing Print Media Transformation and Black Empowerment in South Africa: A Critical Race Theory Approach. Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies. Online first: DOI: 10.1080/02560046.2020.1722719
Holscher, D & Chiumbu, S (2020) Anti-oppressive Community Work Practice and the Decolonisation Debate: A Contribution from the Global South. In S. Todd & J. Drolet (eds) Community Practice and Social Development in Social Work. Springer. pp 1-20 Chiumbu, S & Iqani, M (eds.) (2019) Media Studies: Critical African and Decolonial Approaches. Oxford University Press
Chiumbu, S (2019) Media, Development & Decolonisation. In S. Chiumbu & M. Iqani (eds.) Media Studies: Critical African and Decolonial Approaches. Oxford University Press. pp 216-226 Chiumbu, S & Moyo, D (2019) Media Institutions, Regulation and Governance in a Global South Context. In S.
Chiumbu & M. Iqani (eds.) Media Studies: Critical African and Decolonial Approaches. Oxford University Press. pp 202-212
Iqani, M & Chiumbu, S (2019) Decolonising Media Studies: New Knowledges for a Global Discipline. In S. Chiumbu & M. Iqani (eds.) Media Studies: Critical African and Decolonial Approaches. Oxford University Press. pp 1-11