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Senior Lecturer
Name: Caroline Azionya
Location: B-Ring 620 APK K Green 6 APB Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Strategic Communication Staff, Faculty of Humanities Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 7668
Fax: 011 559 2426
About Dr Caroline Azionya
PhD Marketing Communication – UJ, MA Marketing Communication (Cum Laude) – UJ, BA (Hons) Communication – UFS, BA Communication – UFS, Certificate in Digital Transformation – University of Virginia Boston BCG. Profession Affiliations– South African Artificial Intelligence Association (SAAIA), Public Relations Institute of Southern Africa (PRISA), The South African Communications Association (SACCOM)
Dr Caroline Azionya is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Strategic Communication using agile and authentic teaching practices that have earned over 31 industry awards (IOM, AMASA Ignition, DMASA Assegai, PRISA Prism) and recognition from the European Commission. She has developed and/or taught various undergraduate modules on the degree, diploma, and postgraduate qualifications (Honours and Master degrees and the Advanced Diploma) at UJ. Caroline has facilitated various highly rated executive management training courses for delegates across the SADC region (Botswana, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique and South Africa) – from different sectors (mining, government, academia). Before joining UJ, she worked in the private sector as a consultant and strategist in the strategic communication industry with various clients from the financial services, telecommunications, government and non-governmental sectors.
Research Interests: Transdisciplinarity and Value Creation in 4IR, Digital Multisided Platforms and Contexts, Exponential Technologies like AI, Generational Cohort Theory, and Brand Theory. Pedagogical research interests include Learning Agility and Authentic Learning Theory for societal impact and student development.
Supervision: Caroline has successfully supervised 59 postgraduate students on topics ranging from exponential technologies like Generative (AI) and conversational AI to the digital transformation of Strategic communication practitioners, digital platforms, communication and engagement.
Recent Publications
- Azionya, C.M. (2022). Value creation in the 4IR: Millennials and Digital Multisided Platforms (MSPs). (2023). Digital Policy Studies, 1(2), 1-17.
- Azionya, C. M., & Klerk, N. O. D. (2021). The development of a brand perception instrument for South African youth. Communitas, 26, 33-52.
- Azionya, C. M., & Nhedzi, A. (2021). The digital divide and higher education challenge with emergency online learning: Analysis of tweets in the wake of the COVID-19 lockdown. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 22(4), 164-182.
- Azionya, C., & Oksiutycz, A. (2019). A teaching model to promote learning agility in a university course. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 14(1), 6-18.
- Azionya, C., Oksiutycz, A., & Benecke, D. R. (2019). A model for value-based public relations education in a diverse and poly-contextual society. Public Relations Review, 45(3), 101767.
- Nhedzi, A., & Azionya, C. M. (2022). The limited role of African strategic communication practitioners in ethical communication practices. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, (ahead-of-print).
- Oksiutycz, A., & Azionya, C.M. (2022). Informal Settlements: A Manifestation of Internal and Cross Border Migration. Chapter in Migration in Southern Africa.
Recent Conference participation:
- Azionya, C.M. (2023). Mapping Five South African Generations Using a Longitudinal Dataset: A Departure from American Characterisations of Africans. Paper presented at SACCOM, AFDA Johannesburg, 27-29 September.
- Azionya, C.M & Overton de Klerk. (2023). Generative Pre-trained Transformers: Unraveling the Rise and Hegemony of AI-powered Digital Suprintermediaries. Paper presented at The Strategic Communication Conference, University of Johannesburg, 28 to 29 September.
- Azionya, C.M. (2023). AI: South African Practitioner Perspectives. Paper presented at Career World – Global Alliance Student and Young Practitioner Month Africa and Europe Series, 26 October.
- Oksiutycz, A., & Azionya, C.M. (2022). Disillusionment and resilience – The realities of living in Zandspruit Informal Settlement, Gauteng. Paper presented at Sociology of Migration Colloquium, University of Johannesburg.