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Associate Professor: Public Law
Name: Martha Bradley
Location: A-Ring 705 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Academic Law Staff, Public Law Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0)11 559 4019
About Prof M Bradley
Martha M. Bradley is an Associate Professor in the Department of Public Law at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, and an associated researcher to the NRF South African Research Chair in International Law. She is a Visiting Research Fellow at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law for the period June to December 2024. Martha holds a Y1 National Research Foundation (South Africa) rating and has published in leading international journals, including the International Review of the Red Cross, The Military Law and the Law of War Review, and the Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies.
In 2024, she co-edited The Cabo Delgado Conflict: International Humanitarian Law and Regional Security (Routledge), and she is currently under contract with HART to produce her monograph titled The Law of Non-International Armed Conflict: Classification and Controversies. Martha regularly teaches at the International Institute for Humanitarian Law in San Remo and serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of the Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law.
In 2023, she was the Land Steiermark Fellow at the Institute of International Law and International Relations, University of Graz, Austria. As of 1 March 2024, she will serve on the National Research Foundation (South Africa) Evaluation and Rating Specialist Committee for Law until 27 February 2027. Martha is also an alumna of the Future Professors Programme Phase 2, Cohort 1.
Academic Articles
- Bradley, M ‘Additional Protocol II: Elevating the minimum threshold of intensity’ International Review of the Red Cross, (2021) 102 (915), 1125–1152 (SCOPUS) (IBSS accredited) (WoS accredited)(h-index 35).
- Bradley, M ‘Determining the intensity threshold in a mosaic of non-international armed conflicts, from Lubanga to Ongwen: The International Criminal Court’s contribution towards a cumulative assessment approach’ THRHR 2021 (48)2 199- 217 (DHET accredited)
- Bradley, M and De Beer, A ‘The Collective Responsibility of Organised Armed Groups for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence during a Non-International Armed Conflict’ Stellenbosch Law Review 2021 (32)1 129-154 (DHET accredited)
- Bradley, M “Classifying Non-International Armed Conflicts: The ‘Territorial Control’ Requirement under Additional Protocol II in an Era of Complex Conflicts” Journal of International Humanitarian Legal Studies 11 (2020) 349-384 (SCOPUS accredited)
- De Beer, A and Bradley, M ‘Appellate deference v de novo analysis of evidence: the decision of the Appeals Chamber in Prosecutor v Jean-Pierre Bemba Gombo’ Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 22 (2021) 153 – 185 (SCOPUS accredited)
- Martha M Bradley, ‘Revisiting the scope of application of Additional Protocol II: Exploring the inherent minimum threshold requirements’ African Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 82 (2020) 81- 120 (DHET accredited)
- Bradley, M and De Beer, A ‘”All Necessary and Reasonable measures” – The Bemba Case and the Threshold for command Responsibility’ International Criminal Law Review 20(2):1-51(SCOPUS)
- Bradley, M ‘“Protracted armed conflict”: a conundrum. Does article 8(2)(f) of the Rome Statute require an organised armed group to meet the organisational criteria of Additional Protocol II?’ South African Journal of Criminal Justice 32 (3) (2019) 291 – 323 (DHET accredited)
- De Beer, A and Bradley, M ‘Die beginsel van bevelsverantwoordelikheid soos vertolk deur die Internasionale Strafhof in die Bemba-saak’ TSAR (2019 vol 3) 510 – 526. (DHET accredited)
- Bradley, M ‘Revisiting the notion of “organised armed group” in accordance with Common Article 3: Exploring the inherent minimum threshold requirements’ African Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (2018 (vol 1)) 50 – 79 (DHET accredited)
- Bradley, M ‘Revisiting the notion of “intensity” inherent in Common Article 3: An examination of the minimum threshold which satisfies the notion of “intensity” and a discussion of the possibility of applying a method of cumulative assessment’ (2017) 17(2) International Comparative Law Review 7-38 (indexed on European Reference Index for Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIHplus) SCOPUS index as of 2019).
- Bradley, M ‘The “intensity” threshold in accordance with article 8(2)(f) the Rome Statute: The conundrum the concept “protracted armed conflict” raises and the probability of a new category of non-international armed conflict’ (2017) South African Yearbook of International Law 42-79 (DHET accredited)
- Bradley, M ‘Expanding the borders of Common Article 3 in non-international armed conflicts: Amending its geographical application through subsequent practice?’ (2017) 64(3) Netherlands International Law Review 375-406 (IBSS accredited)
- Tladi, D and Bradley, M ‘National Commissioner of the South African Police Service v South African Human Rights Litigation Centre & Others 2015 (1) SA 315 (ZACC)’ (2014) South African Yearbook of International Law 137-143 (DHET accredited) (published in 2016)
Chapter in books:
- Strydom, H & Bradley, M ‘“The Rise of the Neo-Patrimonial State in South Africa: From the Rule of Law to the Rule of Persons”’ in C Hugo & T Müller (eds) Legality and Limitation of Power: Values, Principles and Regulations in Civil Law, Criminal law and Public Law (Nomos Verlagsgeseelschaft mbH & Co. KG) (2020) 19-42
- Venter, R & Bradley, M “Heads of States In Violation Of The Law: A Typology Of The Responsibility Framework And Its Effectiveness From A Domestic, Regional And International Perspective” in Hennie Strydom and Joanna Botha (eds) Select essays on Governance and Accountability Issues in Public Law (Sun Media) (2020) 55 – 92
- Venter, R & Bradley, M “Legal Certainty in Terms of Head-of-State Immunity from an African and an International Perspective: The Article 27(2) Conundrum” in C Hugo & T Müller (eds) Legality and Limitation of Power: Values, Principles and Regulations in Civil Law, Criminal law and Public Law (Nomos Verlagsgeseelschaft mbH & Co. KG) (2020) 53-84
- Bradley, M in “Jus Cogens’ Preferred Sister: Obligations Erga Omnesand the International Court of Justice – Fifty Years after the Barcelona Traction Case” in D Tladi (ed) Peremptory Norms of General International Law (Jus Cogens): Disquisitions and Disputations Developments in International Law, volume 75 Brill 193-226