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HOD and Associate Professor
Name: Malehoko Tshoaedi
Location: C Ring 627 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Sociology Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 2884
About Prof Malehoko Tshoaedi
Malehoko Tshoaedi is an Associate Professor and the Head of the Department of Sociology. She previously taught Sociology at the University of South Africa and the University of Pretoria. She has also worked as a researcher in the Sociology of Work Unit (SWOP), now the Society, Work and Development Institute at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. She is the Co-editor for Pluto Press Wildcat Series: Workers Movements and Global Capitalism (with Alexander, Peter (University of Johannesburg); Ness, Immanuel (City University of New York); Pringle, Tim (SOAS University of London)
PhD in Gender Studies and Political Science (The University of Leiden, the Netherlands)
MA in industrial Sociology (Wits University)
Honours in Industrial Sociology (Wits University)
BA (Wits University)
Research Interests
- Industrial sociology and gender studies
- Labour movements
- Women and trade union activism
- Gender and diversity in the workplace
- Women’s social biographies.
Selected publications:
Magoqwana, B.; Maqabula, Q and Tshoaedi, M. 2020. Forced to care at the neoliberal university: Invisible labor as academic labor of performed by black women academics in the South African university. South African Review of Sociology
Bezuidenhout, A. and Tshoaedi, M. 2017. Labour beyond COSATU: Mapping the Ruptures in South Africa’s Labour Landscapes. Wits University Press: Johannesburg.
Bezuidenhout, A. and Tshoaedi, M. 2017. ‘Democracy and Rupture in South Africa’s Labour Landscape, in Bezuidenhout, A. and Tshoaedi, M. (eds.) Labour Beyond COSATU: Mapping the Rupture in South Africa’s Labour Landscapes. Wits University Press: Johannesburg.
Tshoaedi, M. 2017. The politics of male power and privilege: Understanding Sexual Harassment in post-apartheid trade unions, in Bezuidenhout, A. and Tshoaedi, M. (eds.) Labour Beyond COSATU: Mapping the Rupture in South Africa’s Labour Landscapes. Wits University Press: Johannesburg.
Tshoaedi, M. 2013. ‘Women in the forefront of workplace struggles in South Africa: “Commitment and dedication to the cause’. Labour, Capital and Society.
Tshoaedi, M. 2013. ‘Gender [equality] will not happen in this family’: COSATU women’s experiences of gender struggles in their personal lives’. South African Review of Sociology
Mosoetsa, S. and Tshoaedi, M. 2013. ‘COSATU retreating to the workplace in post-apartheid South Africa: What about community struggles?’ Rethinking Development and Inequality, Vol 2, Special Issue (pp. 28-46).
Bischoff, C. and Tshoaedi, M. 2012. The experience of conducting a longitudinal study: the COSATU workers’ survey 2008, in Buhlungu, S and Tshoaedi, M. (eds.). COSATU’S contested legacy: South African trade unions in the second decade of democracy. HSRC Press: Cape Town.
Buhlungu, S. and Tshoaedi, M. (eds.) 2012. COSATU’S contested legacy: South African trade unions in the second decade of democracy. HSRC Press: Cape Town.
Buhlungu, S. and Tshoaedi, M. 2012. ‘A contested legacy: The organisational and political challenges facing COSATU’ in Buhlungu, S. and Tshoaedi, M (eds.) COSATU’s contested legacy: South African trade unions in the second decade of democracy. HSRC Press: Cape Town.
Tshoaedi, M. 2012. ‘Women’s political attitudes in the 2008 national elections: the (un)representation of women’s voices in COSATU’, in Buhlungu, S. and Tshoaedi, M. (eds.) COSATU’S contested legacy: South African trade unions in the second decade of democracy. HSRC Press: Cape Town.
Tshoaedi, M. 2012. Engendering the transition in South Africa: the role of COSATU women activists, in Transformation (78) Tshoaedi, M. 2008. ‘Constitution and COSATU Women: Belated Recognition’, in South African Labour Bulletin, 32 (5).
Tshoaedi, M. & Hlela, H. 2006. ‘The marginalisation of women unionists during South Africa’s democratic transition’ in Buhlungu, S. (ed.) Trade Unions and Democracy: COSATU Workers’ Political attitudes in South Africa. Cape Town: HSRC Press.
Tshoaedi, M. 2002. ‘Building a Movement of Women Workers: Strategies of Gender Democracy in South African Trade Unions’, in Colgan, F. & Ledwith, S. (eds) Gender, Diversity and Trade Unions: International Perspectives. United Kingdom: Routledge.
Tshoaedi, M. 2000. ‘Labour Movement in Zambia’, in South African Labour Bulletin, 24(3). Tshoaedi, M. 2000. ‘Housing, Targeting Delivery’, in the Indicator South Africa, 17(2).
Tshoaedi, M. 1999. ‘Occupational mobility for female union officials: Do union bosses practice what they preach?’ Agenda, 40.
Tshoaedi, M. 1999. ‘Men and Quotas’, in South African Labour Bulletin, 23(5).
Tshoaedi, M. 1998. ‘Women in the Trade Unions Speak Out’. South African Labour Bulletin, 22(2).