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Senior Lecturer
Name: Chiedu Eseadi
DEP Staff, Department of Educational Psychology, NRF Rated Researchers Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 4182
About Dr Chiedu Eseadi
Chiedu Eseadi has a Ph.D in Counselling with a focus on career and mental health counselling. Under the mentorship of Prof. B.M Diale, he serves as a Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Johannesburg. Dr Eseadi is ranked among the Top 500 researchers in Nigeria by SciVal. He is on the editorial boards of the Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive Behavior Therapy, BMC Public Health, Bulletin of Counselling and Psychotherapy, Medicine (Baltimore), and International Journal of Research in Counselling and Education. He is recognized by Publons as a top reviewer for several international journals. Dr Eseadi has more than six years of teaching and research supervision experience at the university level. He is a member of the Counselling Association of Nigeria, International Council of Psychologists, Council of Science Editors, International Society of Managing and Technical Editors, American Psychological Association, and Nigerian Council of Educational Psychologists. Dr. Eseadi has held some academic leadership positions at the University of Nigeria, including chairing the Faculty of Education Research Ethics Committee and the Information and Communication Technology Committee in the Department of Educational Foundations. His research interests include career counselling, career transitioning, interventions for people with neurodevelopmental disorders, mental health and workplace interventions, educational and career guidance, and students’ and teachers’ wellbeing.