Research Spaces

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Each Campus Library has a dedicated Research Commons space for registered postgraduate students and academic staff. This is a scholarly space within which researchers can access electronic resources; work on their articles or theses; and informally interact with colleagues. Academics can use the space for student-supervisor consultations and for doing their own research. Experienced library staff are on hand to assist with users’ information needs.
The Research Commons facilities are situated as follows in the campus libraries:
APK Campus: on the 2nd floor of the Library.
APB Campus: on the 2nd floor of the Library next to the Learning Commons area.
DFC Campus: on the 1st floor of the Library.
Soweto Campus: on the 1st floor of the Library.

PC Availability

To check Research Commons’ PC availability in real time, click here

Postgraduate Research Lounge “New”

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The Postgraduate Research Lounge is an online space dedicated to research students undertaking Hons, Masters’ and PhD programmes). It aims at building a research community at the university. Additionally, the Research Lounge will provide a supportive environment where students can socialize, help each other grow by having an inter-disciplinary conversation and network for future opportunities.
If you are a postgraduate student, this Lounge is a place you can call your own!
The Postgraduate Research Lounge is open every second Thursday of the month from 16:00-17:00. During this time, you will have an opportunity to meet the other Postgraduates in the Lounge and you will also have an opportunity to bring any library-related queries you might have to the attention of a Librarian.
We would like our conversations with you to be very focused and in-depth. For this reason, we can only admit 15 people to the Lounge. Please make your booking to join the lounge at the link below. The session link will be sent to you upon receipt of your booking.

Please bring a cup of coffee and let the Library help you with your research!

Book a Library Venue

Library venues are available in all 4 campus libraries. Should you want to book a Library venue for a meeting, discussion, or tutorial, contact, or

Library Learning Support Services & Facilities Students With Disabilities Book A Library Venue