Home » Faculties of Science » Departments » Geology » Research »Variations in metal recovery from ores can commonly be explained by changes in the mineralogy and textural relationships in the ore, with parameters such as mineral grain size, mineral locking and liberation, and gangue mineralogy all impacting on efficient metal recovery. It is therefore critical to obtain detailed mineralogical data in order to understand the possible impact it may have on ore processing and metal recovery, with the progressive extraction of the ore body.
The primary thrust of such geometallurgical research at the University of Johannesburg is to develop and apply geometallurgical methods to quantify the mineralogical and textural characteristics of ore bodies, ores, concentrates and successor products in resource types relevant to the South African minerals industry. During each investigation the aim is primarily to generate a link between Geology and Extractive Metallurgy as facilitated through the study of the mineralogy of the ore, and successor products, along with associated laboratory scale bench-top mineral flotation and mineral leaching tests. Investigations are conducted on a variety of instruments such as an X-ray diffractometer, a Cameca SX-100 electron microprobe, and a FEI 600F field emission electron microscope which is equipped with mineral liberation analysis software (MLA). All of these are located at the University of Johannesburg.

Over the last 15 years research focussed primarily on the characterisation of platinum-group element mineralisation within the Merensky Reef and the PlatReef of the Bushveld Complex. Research also focussed on aspects of gold, uranium, nickel, coal, chrome, and base metal mineralisation (Pb, Cu, Zn, Mn), with a view on the optimisation of treatment plants and optimised metal recovery.
Prof Fanus Viljoen is the DSI/NRF SARChI Research Chair in Geometallurgy. Please email him at for any further information.
Selected publications:
- McClung CR, Viljoen F (2011) Mineralogical assessment of sphalerites from the Gamsberg deposit, South Africa – The manganese conundrum. Minerals Engineering 24 : 930-938.
- Rose D, Viljoen F, Knoper M, Rajesh H (2011) Detailed assessment of platinum-group minerals associated with chromitite stringers in the Merensky reef of the eastern Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Canadian Mineralogist 49 : 1385-1396.
- Van der Merwe F, Viljoen F, Knoper M (2012) The mineralogy and mineral associations of platinum group elements and gold in the Platreef at Zwartfontein, Akanani Project, Northern Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Mineralogy and Petrology 106 : 25-38.
- Dzvinamurungu T, Viljoen KS, Knoper MW, Mulaba-Bafubiandi A (2013) Geometallurgical characterisation of Merensky Reef and UG2 at the Marikana Mine, Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Minerals Engineering 52 : 74-81.
- Mishra G, Viljoen KS, Mouri H (2013) Influence of mineralogy and ore texture on pentlandite flotation at the Nkomati nickel mine, South Africa. Minerals Engineering 54 : 63-78.
- Smith AJB, Viljoen KS, Schouwstra R, Roberts J, Schalkwyk C, Gutzmer J (2013) Geological variations in the Merensky Reef at Bafokeng Rasimone platinum mine and its influence on flotation performance. Minerals Engineering 52 : 155-168.
- Wohlgemuth-Ueberwasser CC, Viljoen F, Petersen S, Vorster C (2015) Distribution and solubility limits of trace elements in hydrothermal black smoker sulfides: An in-situ LA-ICP-MS study. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 159 : 16-41.
- Pienaar D, Guy BM, Hofmann A, Viljoen KS (2015) A geometallurgical characterization of the Vaal Reef A-facies at the Moab Khotsong mine, Klerksdorp Goldfield, South Africa. South African Journal of Geology 118.4 : 243-256.
- Viljoen F, Ramakoloi N, Rose, D, Reinke C (2015) Mineral chemistry of (Pt,Pd)-bismuthotelluride minerals in the Platreef at Zwartfontein, Akanani Project, Northern Bushveld Complex, South Africa. The Canadian Mineralogist 53 : 1109-1127.
- Pienaar D, Guy BM, Pienaar C, Viljoen KS (2017) A geometallurgical characterization study of the Crystalkop Reef at the Great Noligwa mine, Klerksdorp Goldfield, South Africa. South African Journal of Geology 120.3 : 303-322.
- Vafeas NA, Viljoen KS, Blignaut LC (2018) Characterisation of fibrous cryptomelane from the todorokite-cryptomelane mineral assemblage at the Sebilo mine, northern Cape Province, South Africa. The Canadian Mineralogist 56 : 1-12.
- Vafeas NA, Blignaut LC, Meffre S, Viljoen KS (2018) New evidence for the early onset of supergene alteration along the Kalahari unconformity. South African Journal of Geology 121.2 : 157-170.
- Rose DH, Viljoen KS, Mulaba-Bafubiandi A (2018) A mineralogical perspective on the recovery of platinum-group elements from Merensky Reef and UG2 at the Two Rivers platinum mine on the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex in South Africa. Mineralogy and Petrology 112 : 881-902.
- Vafeas NA, Viljoen KS, Blignaut LC (2019) Mineralogical characterisation of the thrusted manganese ore above the Blackridge Thrust Fault, Kalahari Manganese Field: The footprint of the Mukulu Enrichment. Island Arc 2019,28:e12280 : 1-13.
- Vafeas NA, Blignaut LC, Viljoen KS, Le Roux P (2019) An investigation into the 87Sr/86Sr radiogenic isotope geochemistry of the manganese ore of the Kalahari Manganese field with a view on hydrothermal fluid flow and related rare earth element enrichments. South African Journal of Geology 122.2 : 237-248.
- Vafeas NA, Blignaut LC, Viljoen KS (2019) Arsenic-bearing manganese ore from the Mukulu enrichment: A new discrimination scheme for Kalahari manganese ore. Ore Geology Reviews 115, article number: 103146.
- Mkhatshwa SF, Guy BM, Smith AJB, Viljoen KS (2020) A mineralogical perspective on the recovery of uranium from brannerite-rich ore at Cooke Section, West Rand Goldfield, South Africa. South African Journal of Geology 123.4 : 615-632.
- Motloba GB, Viljoen KS, Rose DH, Smith AJB (2024) The processing behaviour of the sphalerites from the Big Syncline deposit, South Africa. South African Journal of Geology 127(1) : 71-94.