Undergraduate Programmes

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Bachelor of Diagnostic Radiography (B9M01Q)

  • Duration of Programme: Full-time: Minimum 4 years and Maximum 6 years
  • NQF Level 8, 480 Credits
  • Work integrated learning (WIL) is incorporated into the employment contract with the respective clinical training centre.

The purpose of this qualification is to develop a competent professional, who has thorough grounding in the knowledge and skills required for Diagnostic Radiography and who has gained experience in applying such knowledge and skills in accredited workplaces. Successful completion of this qualification will entitle the student to register with the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) as a Diagnostic Radiographer.

After completion of the programme, the student will be able to:
1. Perform routine and specialized radiographic procedures to produce images of diagnostic quality.
2. Access, organize and present information applicable to the radiography context in order to record, retrieve and communicate patient data.
3. Evaluate the quality of routine and specialized radiographic images and perform image interpretation to identify normal and abnormal appearances.
4. Plan, develop and apply total quality management appropriate to the diagnostic radiography context.
5. Perform safe and effective patient care in accordance with the patient’s needs and departmental protocol to provide a quality service and to maintain the welfare of the
6. Apply the principles of human rights, ethics and relevant medical law which ensure the well-being of the patient.
7. Apply the principles, specific knowledge, skills and values related to one of the chosen electives as listed.
8. Conduct research.

Rules of Access and Admission Requirements
A Senior Certificate or an equivalent qualification at an equivalent standard as determined by a Faculty Status Committee, with the following Subjects:
• Mathematics with a Higher Grade D or Standard Grade C symbol.
• Physical Science with a Higher Grade D or Standard Grade C symbol.
• Biology with a Higher Grade C or Standard Grade B symbol or,
• Physiology with a Higher Grade C or Standard Grade B symbol.

A National Senior Certificate – APS Score with minimum requirements as shown below:
(Exclude Life Orientation when calculating APS) Minimum APS: 31
Language of teaching and Learning (English): 5
Mathematics: 4
Mathematical Literacy: Not Accepted
Physical Sciences: 4
Life Sciences: 5

Selection Criteria
Selection will be based on:
• Academic merits
• Clinical placement in a Health Professional Council of South Africa accredited clinical training site.

Pass Requirements
1. Students retain credits for all modules passed except where requirement 2 applies;
2. If a student fails any module in any level of study, he/she forfeits the credits for the Diagnostic Clinical Practice Module for that level of study but retain credits for all
other modules passed.
3. Students may enrol for a module in the following year of study provided that they have passed the prerequisite module/s.
4. Students may not register for module combinations that lead to timetable clashes.
The Department will make the final decision as to the modules for which the student may register.
5. Students are promoted:
5.1 to the second year of study if they have passed all the first-year modules.
5.2 to the third year of study if they have passed all the second-year modules.
5.3 to the fourth year of study if they have passed all the third-year modules.
6. To be admitted to any module in the second or third academic year of study, and progress to the following year of study, students must have passed at least 60% of
the modules in the previous year of study.
7. Students must pass at least 3 out of the 7 modules in the first year of study in order to qualify for readmission to the first year of study.
8. A range of assessment strategies and weightings, as laid out in the relevant module’s learning guide, explains the continuous assessment criteria specified for
promotion to the next year of study.

Specific rules and regulations for Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences Students
1. Students must familiarize themselves with the internal rules and regulations of the Department of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. These rules and
regulations, as set out in the Departmental policy document, are binding.
2. The programme is not offered as a limited contact or distance learning programme. Students who elect to leave the country will be unable to continue with their studies.
3. All students are required to complete a minimum number of clinical hours / competencies as stipulated by the HPCSA at the time.