Academic Preparation programme (APP)

APP is mandatory programme for all newly appointed academic staff. APP provides an overview of the university and its strategic direction in terms of teaching and learning, curriculum development, resources

The programme is offered twice a year, in the beginning of the 1st and 2nd semester of each academic year. (to be developed further)

Teaching, Module, Supervision and Tutor Evaluation.

Attached Teaching evaluation policy

  • Click here to request a TE, ME, SE or tutor eval.
  • Click here to retrieve your report


The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at the University of Johannesburg (SOTL@UJ) – towards a socially just pedagogy has been set up at the University of Johannesburg as from May 2014. The purpose of the project is for academics and academic developers to come together to explore approaches towards the scholarship of teaching and learning, which will advance socially just teaching and teaching for social justice. A very early draft conceptual framework is contained in the page on Conceptual Framework.

To read more on SOTL:

Tutor Development

Tutors at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) play an integral part in student teaching and learning. In order to play this role, CASD staff and academic staff support, develop and mentor tutors. Tutorials are not lectures but rather provide opportunities for students to gain subject specific guidance and support from senior students. Tutorials also offer safe spaces where students can actively engage with the subject content, their tutors and fellow students. Tutors provide immediate feedback to students, can provide individualised academic support and often refer students to other appropriate support services at UJ. CASD staff train tutors at the start of each academic year to equip them with the necessary skills to facilitate student learning. Tutors also attend check-in sessions, as presented by CASD staff, throughout the year to continue honing their tutoring skills.

Teaching Portfolio Development and promotion

Criteria and application forms/process (downloadable)


Calendar noting upcoming workshops and blurbs (allow people to book and keep track of all those booked)


List of articles

Additional resources

UJ Library links, Postgraduate Centre, ADS, CAT, PsyCaD, Heltasa, SIG, Sault, ceda (UK), DHET

Short Learning Programmes (SLP)

SLP on offer