Academic Literacies
Academic Literacies

The Academic Literacies Unit (ALU) oversees the implementation of three literacy modules offered to extended College of Business & Economics (CBE) and Faculty of Science (Sci) students, as well as mainstream Faculty of Law students. These modules focus on a variety of skills and methods students need to develop academic reading and writing abilities. The department also offers specialised writing support to undergraduate and honours students on all four campuses of the university. The Writing Centres take a developmental approach to student writing and emphasize the need to work dialogically either as individuals or in small groups. In addition, the unit has developed a number of online learning unit students can use to learn about the basics of academic writing, preparing for assessment, engaging in the writing process and working successfully in groups. This content can be found in the On The Go: SOS organisation on Blackboard. In addition, the unit is currently embarking on two research projects designed to gain a deeper understanding of the academic literacy and language ability of undergraduate students.