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Senior Lecturer
Name: Sue Bond
Location: C-Ring 623A Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Department of Social Work Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: + 27 (0) 11 559 4923
About Prof Sue Bond
Sue Bond joined the Department of Social Work at UJ in January 2016. She studied at the University of Fort Hare (East London) majoring in Social Work and Psychology. She attained her Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work, specializing in couples and families, from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in 2011. Sue graduated with her D. Litt et Phil in April 2018. Her doctoral study focused on the development of possible selves and resilience in young people about to leave residential care (child and youth care centres). Sue’s research interests are primarily in the field of youth in care and transitioning from care. Sue is also interested in the application of possible selves theory across different fields of social work practice. Sue has worked in the field of child protection, providing statutory services. She has also worked in private practice, which has provided her with a broad base of experience covering couples and family counselling, adoptions, and work at a shelter for abused women and their children. She has also worked in secondary settings; schools, oncology and rehabilitation. Before joining UJ, Sue was employed as a social work manager at an inpatient facility for substance abuse.
Bond, S. J. (2023) (in press). Using the possible me tree to identify resilience enabling relationships for young people leaving care. Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development.
Mashambanhaka, P. & Bond, S. J. (2022). Exploring the use of the possible-me tree drawing to assist youths with substance use disorder and multiple relapses in a treatment facility in Gauteng, South Africa. Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development.
doi: 0.25159/2415-5829/9985
Bond, S. J. (2022). What are Possible Selves and how do we find out about them: The revised Possible Me Tree model. Child Care in Practice. doi=10.1080/13575279.2022.2071218
Chimange, M. & Bond, S. J. (2020). Strategies used by child and youth care workers in to develop belonging and foster healthy attachments with young people in care in child and youth care centers in Tshwane, South Africa. Child and Youth Services Review. 118, 1-7.
Bond, S. J. (2020). Care Leavers’ and their care workers’ views of preparation and aftercare services in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Emerging Adulthood, 8, 1, 26-32. 10.1177/2167696818801106
Bond, S. J. & van Breda, A. D. (2018). Interaction between possible selves and the resilience of care leavers in South Africa. Children and Youth Services Review, 94, 88-95.
Bond, S. J. (2018). Care leaving in South Africa: An international and social justice perspective. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy. doi: 10.1080/21699763.2017.1413994
Conference presentations:
Exploring the Possible selves of multiple relapse substance misusers: The next steps. SACENDU Symposium, 2023. Pretoria, South Africa.
Reviews on child and youth resilience studies. Identifying resilience enabling factors from Possible selves literature on young people: Implications for practice with care leavers. EUSARF Conference, 2021 (virtual)
Exploring the possible selves of multiple relapse substance abusers in a treatment programme in Magaliesburg, Gauteng. ASASWEII Conference, 2019. Cape Town, South Africa.
Have their possible selves been helpful?: Conversations with care leaving alumni. Africa Care Leaving Conference, 2019. Johannesburg, South Africa
Using the possible me tree with young people in care. ACUM Conference, 2019. Romania
Possible selves as contributors to the resilience of young people leaving care. Hull University Seminar, 2018. Hull, United Kingdom
The role of possible selves and resilience in young people’s journey from residential care in a town in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. EUSARF Conference, 2018. Porto, Portugal
The possible selves of young people leaving care: Implications for resilience based practice in the child and youth care context. Resilio Conference, 2018. Marseilles, France
Using the possible me tree to identify relationships for young people in care. Social Work and Social Development Conference 2018, Dublin, Ireland
Possible selves as contributors to the resilience of young people leaving care: The role of the child and youth care community. International Pathways to Resilience Conference, 2017, Cape Town, South Africa
Care leaving legislation and policy: How does South Africa compare against the international arena? International Social Work and Social Development Conference, 2015, East London, South Africa