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Director of GSA (The Graduate School of Architecture)
Name: Mark Raymond
Location: JBS Park,69 Kingsway Avenue, Auckland Park Johannesburg Business School
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Tel: +27 (0)11-559-1604
About Professor Mark Raymond
Mark Raymond is an architect and educator. He is currently Director of the Graduate School of Architecture at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. After graduating from the Architectural Association in London Mark worked on projects in Europe with Norman Foster, Conran and Ulrike Brandi before returning to Port of Spain, Trinidad and establishing his own practice. He has practiced on his own account and in collaboration with others on architectural and urban planning and design projects in Trinidad and Tobago and throughout the Caribbean.
Mark has been invited to speak and has been involved with architectural education in a variety of teaching roles at institutions globally, including the University of the West Indies at St Augustine (where he developed a comprehensive proposal for the establishment of a Centre for Caribbean Architecture and Urbanism (CCAU)), the Caribbean School of Architecture in Kingston, Jamaica, the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña (UNPHU) in the Dominican Republic, the University of Johannesburg, and Virginia Tech, Yale, Harvard, Cornell and Columbia Universities in the United States. In 2021 he was the Plym Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Mark obtained a PhD in architecture and design through RMIT’s invitational practice-based PhD programme. He continues to combine his teaching and research role with practice internationally.