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Name: Shanade Barnabas
Location: B-Ring 633 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Faculty of Humanities Staff Members
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Tel: +27 011 559 4918
About Prof Shanade Barnabas
Shanade Bianca Barnabas is an NRF Y rated scholar, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Communication and Media Studies. Her research is at the juncture of culture, indigeneity and heritage. Since 2008, she has conducted research together with the !Xun and Khwe San communities of South Africa’s Northern Cape province, publishing book chapters and journal articles on issues of heritage, indigeneity, and marginality as experienced by these communities. ORCID: Google Scholar Selected publications: Barnabas, Shanade Bianca and Bodunrin, Itunu. 2021. “Indigenous Hip-hop: Digital Media Practices Among Youth of the South African San People”. In: Hopeton S. Dunn, Dumisani Moyo, William O. Lesitaokana and Shanade Bianca Barnabas (eds). Re- imagining Communication in Africa and the Caribbean: Global South Issues in Media, Culture and Technology. London: Palgrave Macmillan:157–174. Barnabas, Shanade Bianca and Jansen van Vuuren, Anna-Marie. 2020. “Tying a (rain)bow at the end: Controversial representations of Krotoa from text to film”. Journal of African Cinemas, 12(1): 31-45. Barnabas, Shanade and Miya, Samukelisiwe. 2019. “KhoeSan Identity and Language in South Africa: Articulations of Reclamation”. Critical Arts, 33(4-5): 89-103. Barnabas, Shanade Bianca. 2018. “The Intermittent Researcher and the Marginalised Research Community: Reflections of Research Praxis from Two Studies Conducted amongst the !Xun and Khwe San”. In: Rinehart, R., Kidd, J. & A. Garcia (eds). Southern Hemisphere Ethnographies of Space, Place, and Time. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang: 119–136. Barnabas, Shanade Bianca. 2016. “Engagement with Colonial and Apartheid Narratives in Contemporary South Africa: A Monumental Debate”. Special Issue on Memory Heritage and the Politics of Transformation in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Journal of Literary Studies, 32(3): 109–128. Barnabas, Shanade Bianca. 2016. “Heritage-Making and the Dilemma of Multivocality in South Africa: A Case of Wildebeest Kuil”. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 22(9): 690–701. Mpofu, Shepherd and Barnabas, Shanade Bianca. 2016. “Citizen Journalism and Moral Panics: A Consideration of Ethics in the 2015 South African Xenophobic Attacks“. African Journalism Studies, 37(4): 115–136. Watson, Caitlin, Barnabas, Shanade and Tomaselli, Keyan. 2016. “Smaller Lens, Bigger Picture: Exploring Self-Generated Cellphilms in Participatory Research”. In: MacEntee, K., Burkholder, C. & J. Schwab-Cartas (eds). What’s a Cellphilm? Integrating Mobile Technology into Visual Research and Activism. Rotterdam: Sense: 35–50. Barnabas, Shanade. 2015. “Want to Understand the Decolonisation Debate? Here’s Your Reading List”. Barnabas, Shanade. 2013. “Biesje Poort as a Rock Art Resource: Conservation and Tourism”. In: Lange, M.E., Müller Jansen, L., Fisher, R.C., Tomaselli, K.G. & D. Morris (eds). Engraved Landscape: Biesje Poort, Many Voices. Jeffreys Bay: Tormentoso: 103–109. Lange, Mary Elizabeth, Magongo, Miliswa, and Barnabas, Shanade. 2013. “Storytelling and Engravings, Past and Present: Biesje Poort, Northern Cape”. In: Deacon, J. & P. Skotnes (eds). The Courage of ||Kabbo: Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Publication of Specimens of Bushman Folklore. Cape Town: UCT Press: 363–382. Finlay, Kate and Barnabas, Shanade. 2012. “Kom Kuier ‘n Bietjie: Kalahari Dreaming with the ≠Khomani San”. In: Van Beek, W. E. A. & A. Schmidt (eds). African Hosts and Their Guests: Dynamics of Cultural Tourism in Africa. Oxford: James Currey: 137–152. Finlay, Kate and Barnabas, Shanade. 2012. “Shifting Representations of the Bushmen”. In: Tomaselli, K. (ed.) Cultural Tourism, Methods and Identity: Rethinking Indigeneity. Leiden: Brill: 71–84. McLennan-Dodd, Vanessa and Barnabas, Shanade. 2012. “Why Is Our Voice Not Being Heard By Developers? Development as Empowerment”. In: Tomaselli, K. (ed.) Cultural Tourism, Methods and Identity: Rethinking Indigeneity. Leiden: Brill: 137–146. Van de Weg, Wendy and Barnabas, Shanade. 2011. “Painting Our Portraits: The State of Contemporary San Art in South Africa and its Development Potential, Using !Xun And Khwe Art as a Case Study”. Critical Arts, 25(2): 282–295. Barnabas, Shanade. 2010. “Picking at the Paint: Viewing Contemporary Bushman Art as Art”. Visual Anthropology, Oct–Dec, 23(5): 427–442.