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Associate Professor
Name: Samantha Ashman
Location: 31 Henley Road, Auckland Park Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
School of Economics Academic Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27(0)11 559 3240
About Prof Samantha Ashman
I am lecturing modules with short description and Industrial Policy: Comparative Historical Experiences and Conceptual Frameworks. My fields of research are Post-apartheid economic development in South Africa; financialization; industrial development and industrial policy; the state and economic development; combined and uneven development; political economy
Academic History
PhD, Birmingham, UK
Most Recent Publications
- ‘The South African Economy: The Minerals-Energy-Finance Complex Redubbed?’ in G. Khadiagala, P. Naidoo, D. Pillay and R. Southall (eds.) New South African Review 5 (Johannesburg: Wits University Press 2015) pp. 67-84
- ‘The Social Crisis of Labour and the Crisis of Labour Politics in South Africa’, Revue Tiers Monde, No. 224, Oct/Dec, 2015, pp. 47-65
- ‘The Political Economy of Restructuring in South Africa’ (with B. Fine, V. Padayachee and J. Sender) in H. Bhorat, A. Hirsch, R. Kanbur and M. Ncube (eds.) The Oxford Companion to the Economics of South Africa (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014) pp. 67-74
- ‘NUMSA, The Working Class and Socialist Politics in South Africa’ (with N. Pons-Vignon) Socialist Register, No. 51, 2014, pp. 93-111(re-published online in Italy
- ‘Neoliberalism, Varieties of Capitalism, and the Shifting Contours of South Africa’s Financial System’ (with B. Fine) Transformation, 81-82, 2013, pp. 144-178