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Head of Department
Name: David Pooe
Location: 521, APK - D Ring Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Business Management Academic Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 2068
About Prof David Pooe
Professor David Pooe is a Full Professor and Head of Department in the Department of Business Management, College of Business and Economics. His academic and research interests are in the areas of enterprise development and supply chains, , in particular on how supply chains and value chains can be used to foster enterprise development. His work has been published in over 60 peer reviewed articles and has also contributed to book chapters. Prof David Pooe has supervised to completion thirteen (13) doctoral and eighteen (18) Masters’ students and currently works with two (2) postdoctoral research fellows, eight (8) doctoral and two (2) Masters’ students. Prof Pooe is a member of the Global Manufacturing Research Group (GMRG) which comprise researchers from different parts of the world, whose research focus area for the GMRG is mainly in the area of manufacturing supply chains. He has examined over 60 doctoral theses and masters dissertations from a number of universities around the country and in the region. He also reviews for a number of journals. Prof Pooe currently leads a book project on Industry 4.0, supply chains and SMEs.
Research interests:
His research interests are in the areas of enterprise development and supply chains. More specifically, on fostering enterprise development through supply chains and value chains.
Current project: The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) dislocations – Implications for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) supply chains and enterprise development.