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Prof and Director of School
Name: Danie Meyer
Location: C Ring 405 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
School of Public Management, Governance and Public Policy Staff Staff Members
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Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3225
About Prof Danie Meyer
- Ph.D. Development and Management (North-West University, South Africa)
- Masters in Development and Management (North-West University, South Africa)
- B. At et Sc. (Planning) (North-West University, South Africa)
Prof Daniel Meyer is a Professor in the College of Business and Economics (CBE) at the University of Johannesburg (UJ), South Africa. He is a National Research Foundation (NRF) rated researcher. Daniel is a Development Economist and a specialist in regional and local economic development analysis and policy development. He has developed various innovative measurement tools, indexes, and scales to analyse regional economies. He also has a research focus on macroeconomics and the linkages with good governance. He has authored more than 150 internationally peer-reviewed research papers since 2015 and has also presented more than 60 international conference papers, including a number of keynote addresses. His research is multi-disciplinary through the combination of development economics, business, public management, and governance. He has established a large international network of research partners with a strong focus on the Visegrad group of countries. He has also successfully completed and delivered more than 40 regional development strategies for local governments and provincial governments. He is active in the media with regular opinion pieces and involved in media interviews and discussions. He is also involved in various community development projects in his communities. During his academic career, he has received a number of awards which include: most inspiring lecturer in 2012; Vice-Chancellor’s award for community engagement via the Vaal LED warrior initiative in 2016; media person of the year in 2016; and most productive senior researcher on the NWU Vaal campus in 2016, 2017 and 2018; most productive senior researcher in the NWU Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences in 2019; runner-up most productive senior researcher in 2020 at NWU; and top 10 research award in the College of Business and Economics at UJ in 2022. His motto in life is “give more than you take”
Journal publications: Accredited journals and book chapters (Web of Science, SCOPUS, DOAJ, IBSS and DHET Journals, more than 150 publications from Dec 2012 to June 2023)
(One paper)
- Meyer, D.F., & Ababio, E.P. 2012. Local Economic Development (LED): Building blocks, strategy and implementation for local government in South Africa. Administratio Publica, 20(4), 6-27.
- (Three papers)
- Meyer, D.F., & Venter, A. 2013. Lessons for Africa in economic policy reform: The Mauritius best practice case, in Public Administration in Africa: Performance and challenges. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 167-186.
- Meyer, D.F. 2013. The New Growth Path (NGP) for South Africa: Can the policy be applied in the local government sphere? African Journal of Public Affairs (AJPA), 6(1), 15-28.
- Meyer, D.F., & Venter, A. 2013. Challenges and solutions for LED municipal institutional arrangements: The case of the Northern Free State. Administratio Publica, 21(4), 91-116.
- (Three papers)
- Meyer, D.F. 2014. Local government’s role in the creation of an enabling developmental environment. Administratio Publica, 22 (1), 24-46.
- Meyer, D.F., & Venter, A. 2014. An analysis of the effectiveness of the local government turn-around strategy: The case of Fezile Dabi District Municipality, African Journal of Public Affairs (AJPA), 7(1), 80-93.
- Meyer, D.F., & Surujlal, J. 2014. Participation in sport and recreation in a poor community: Perceived constraints and opportunities. African Journal for Physical, Health, Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD), Supplement 2:1, 182-195.
- (One paper)
- Meyer, D.F., & Meyer, N. 2015. The role of tourism in local economic development (LED): A comparative study. African Journal for Physical, Health, Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD), 22(1), 197-214.
- (19 papers)
- Meyer, D.F., & Keyser, E. 2016. Validation and testing of the lived poverty index (LPI) in a poor South African community. Social Indicators Research, 129, 147-159.
- Ogbokor, C.A., & Meyer, D.F. 2016. An econometric investigation of the impact of foreign trade on economic growth: The case of Namibia. British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management, 10(2), 158-173.
- Meyer, D.F. 2016. The relationship between the provision of basic needs and participation in sport in a low income community: The case of Sicelo. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES), 22 (1.1), 145-162.
- Mafini, C., Meyer, D.F. 2016. Societal factors and life satisfaction: Evidence from low income urban societies in a developing country. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 8(3), 87-100.
- Meyer, D.F., & Ogbokor, C.A. 2016. An econometric time-series analysis of the dynamic relationship between foreign trade and economic growth in a developing country: The case of Namibia. Acta Universitatis Danubius Œconomica, 12(4), 153-170.
- De Jongh, J.J., Meyer, N., Meyer, D.F. 2016. Perceptions of local businesses on the employment Tax Incentive Act: The case of the Vaal Triangle region. Journal of Contemporary Management, 13, 409-432.
- Meyer, D.F., & Nishimwe-Niyimbanira, R. 2016. The impact of household size on poverty: An analysis of various townships in the Northern Free State, African Population Studies, 30(2), 2283-2295.
- Meyer, D.F., & Mafini, C. 2016. Satisfaction with life amongst the urban poor: Empirical results from South Africa. Acta Universitatis Danubius Œconomica, 12(5), 33-50.
- Meyer, D.F., & Mafini, C. 2016. Life satisfaction by demography in low income residential areas: Evidence from South Africa. Studia Universitatis Babes Bolyai – Oeconomica, 61(2), 31-48.
- Meyer, N., & Meyer, D.F. 2016. The relationship between sport participation and life satisfaction in an impoverished South African community. African Journal for Physical Activity and Health Sciences (AJPHES), 22(3:2), 853-871.
- Meyer, D.F. 2016. Predictors of poverty: a comparative analysis of low income communities in the northern Free State region, South Africa. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, 8(2), 132-149.
- Meyer, N., Meyer, D.F. & Molefe, K.N. 2016. Barriers to small informal business development and entrepreneurship: The case of the Emfuleni Region. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 13(1), 121-133.
- Meyer, D.F., Meyer, N. & Neethling, J.R. 2016. Perceptions of business owners on service delivery and the creation of an enabling environment. Administratio Publica, 24(3), 52-73.
- Meyer, D.F. & Meyer, N. 2016. The relationship between the tourism sector and Local Economic Development (LED): The case of the Vaal Triangle Region, South Africa. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Vol VII 3 (15), 466-472.
- Meyer, D.F., De Jongh, J.J. & Meyer, N. 2016. The formulation of a composite regional development index. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 8(1), 100-116.
- Landsberg, J., Meyer, D.F. & Meyer, N. 2016. The roles of business chambers in Local Economic Development: The perceptions of business chambers in the Vaal Triangle Region. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 8(2), 66-83.
- Meyer, N., Meyer, D.F. & Kot, S. 2016. Best practice analysis of business incubators: A comparison between South Africa and the Netherlands. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, Vol VII, 5(19), 1110-1117.
- Meyer, N. & Meyer, D.F. 2106. A comparative analysis of the perceptions of business chambers in rural and urban South Africa on the developmental role of local government. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 14(1), 152-162.
- Meyer, D.F. & Meyer, N. 2016. The relationship between the creation of an enabling environment and economic development: A comparative analysis of management at local government sphere. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 14(2), 150-160.
- (19 papers)
- Meyer, N., Meyer, D.F. & Kot, S. 2017. The development of a process tool for improved risk management in local government. Quality–Access to Success, 18(1), 425-429.
- Meyer, N. & Meyer, D.F. 2017. Best practice management principles for business chambers to facilitate economic development: Evidence from South Africa. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 15(1), 144-153.
- Meyer, D.F, de Bruyn, C & Meyer, N. 2017. The importance of tourism in regional economic development: A time-series analysis. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism. Volume VIII, Issue 4(20) Summer 2017, 784-797.
- Meyer, N. & Meyer, D.F. 2017. An econometric analysis of entrepreneurial activity, economic growth and employment: The case of the BRICS countries. International Journal of Economic Perspectives. Accepted – to be published December 2017.
- Meyer, D.F. 2017. The impact of poverty on life satisfaction in a low income community in South Africa. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 11(4), 638-646.
- Meyer, D.F. 2017. Quo Vadis: Jobs versus economic growth, the case of South Africa. International Journal of Economic Perspectives. Accepted – to be published December 2017.
- Meyer, D.F. & McCamel, R.T. 2017. A time series analysis of the relationship between manufacturing, economic growth and employment in South Africa. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 8, 4(26), 1206-1218. doi:
- Meyer, D.F. & Neethling, J.R. 2017. Measurement of the enabling developmental environment: A comparative study in a developing region. Economics and Sociology, 10(4), 67-82.
- Habanabakize, T., Meyer, D.F. & Muzindutsi, P.F. 2017. Econometric analysis of the effects of aggregate expenditure on job growth in the private sector: The South African Case. Acta Universitatis Danubius, 13(4), 318-330.
- Chipeta, C., Meyer, D.F. & Muzindutsi, P.F. 2017. The effect of exchange rate movements and economic growth on job creation. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica, 62(2), 20-41.
- Ogbokor, C.A. & Meyer, D.F. 2017. An assessment of the relationship between foreign trade and economic performance: Empirical evidence from South Africa. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 9(1), 161-176.
- Meyer, D.F. 2017. An analysis of the short and long-run effects of economic growth on employment in South Africa. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 9(1), 177-193.
- Habanabakize, T., & Meyer, D.F. 2017. An analysis of the relationships between the purchasing managers’ index (PMI), economic growth and employment in the manufacturing sector in South Africa. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 9(2), 66-82.
- Meyer, N., & Meyer, D.F. 2017. Best practice management principles for business chambers to facilitate economic development – Evidence from South Africa. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 15(1), 144-153.
- Meyer, D.F., Masehla, T.M., & Kot, S. 2017. The Relationship between Economic Growth and Economic Development: A Regional Assessment in South Africa. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 8, 4(26), 1377-1385.
- Meyer, D.F. & Keyser, E. 2017. Formulation and validation of an Enabling Developmental Environment Scale (EDES) for local economic development (LED). Journal of Economics and Behavioral Sciences, 9(6), 57-66.
- Sanusi K.A., Meyer D., Ślusarczyk B. 2017. The relationship between changes in inflation and financial development. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 16 (2), 253-265.
- Meyer, D.F. & Meyer, N. 2017. Management of small and medium enterprise (SME) development: An analysis of stumbling blocks in a developing region. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 16 (1), 127-138.
- Meyer, D.F., Manete, T. & Muzindutsi, P.F. 2017. The impact of government expenditure and sectoral investment on economic growth in South Africa. Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 8, 6(28), 1206-1218.
- (13 papers)
- Meyer, D.F. 2018. The development and application of a regional and local economic development assessment instrument. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 10(1), 16-32.
- Meyer, D.F, Sanusi, K.A. & Hassan, A. 2018. Analysis of the asymmetric impacts of oil prices on food prices in oil-exporting, developing countries. Journal of International Studies, 11(3), 82-94. doi:10.14254/2071-8330.2018/11-3/7.
- Meyer, D.F. & Habanabakize, T. 2018. An analysis of the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI), political risk and economic growth in South Africa. Business and Economic Horizons, 14(4), 777-788. DOI:
- Sanusi, K.A., & Meyer, D.F. 2018. An Econometric Analysis of the Relationship between Changes in Government Bonds, Exchange Rate and Inflation Dynamics in South Africa. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(4), 165-173.
- Chipeta, C., & Meyer, D.F. 2018. Trade Openness, FDI and Exchange Rate Effects on Job Creation in South Africa’s Tradable Sectors. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(4), 197-212.
- Meyer, D.F. & De Jongh, J.J. 2018. An alternative multi-dimensional regional economic development index: A provincial application in South Africa. International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, 10(1), 97-113.
- Sanusi, K.A. & Meyer, D.F. 2018. Money demand function in South African economy: Evidence from ARDL and structural breaks analysis. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 10(1), 134-149.
- Van Wyngaard, D., Meyer, D.F. & De Jongh, J.J. 2018. An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in South Africa. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 14(6), 281-295.
- De Bruyn, C., Meyer, N. & Meyer, D.F. 2018. Assessing the Dynamic Economic Impact of Tourism in a Developing Region in South Africa. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(5), 274-283.
- Habanabakize, T. & Meyer, D.F. 2018. An Investigation of the Dynamic Effect of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Interest Rates on GDP in South Africa. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(5), 29-37.
- Meyer, D.F. 2018. Predictors of good governance and effective government management: The case of Poland. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 16 (1), 127-138.
- Meyer, D.F. & Habanabakize, T. 2018. Analysis of Relationships and Causality between Consumer Price Index(CPI), the Producer Price Index (PPI)and Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) in South Africa. Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 10(6), 25-32.
- Meyer, D.F., Chipeta, C. & McCamel, R.T. 2018. An analysis of the effectiveness of interest rates to facilitate price stability and economic growth in South Africa. Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai Oeconomica, 63(3), 68-90.
2019 (21 papers)
- Garidzirai, R., Meyer, D.F. & Muzindutsi, P.F. 2019. The impact of economic sectors on local economic development (led): The case of the Capricorn region, Limpopo province South Africa. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 11(2), 19-34.
- Meyer, D.F. & Habanabakize, T. 2019. An assessment of the value of PMI and manufacturing sector growth in predicting overall economic output (GDP) in South Africa. International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, 11(2), 1-16.
- Van der Schyff, T., Meyer, D. & Ferreira, L. 2019. An analysis of impact of the tourism sector as a viable response to South Africa’s growth and development challenges. Journal of International Studies, 12(1), 168-183. doi:10.14254/2071-8330. 2019/12-1/11.
- Cooper, T.J. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. Towards a developmental or welfare state: The case of South Africa. Administratio Publica, 27(1), 181-201.
- Meyer, D.F. & Sanusi, K.A. 2019. A causality analysis of the relationships between gross fixed capital formation, economic growth and employment in South Africa. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica, 64(1), 33-44. DOI: 10.2478/subboec-2019-0003.
- Sanusi, K.A., Meyer, D.F., & Hassan, A.S. 2019. An investigation of the determinants of foreign exchange reserves in Southern African countries. Journal of International Studies, 12(2), 201-212. doi:10.14254/2071-8330.2019/12-2/12.
- Hassan, A.S., Meyer, D.F. & Kot, S. 2019. Effect of Institutional Quality and Wealth from Oil Revenue on Economic Growth in Oil-Exporting Developing Countries. Sustainability, 11(13), 3635 (1-14).
- Sanusi, K.A., Hassan, A.S. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. Non-linear Effects of Public Debt on Economic Growth in Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Countries. International Journal of Economics and Management, 13 (1), 193-202.
- Meyer, D.F. & Meyer, N. 2019. Assessment of Inclusive Growth Performance: A Comparative Analysis of the BRICS Countries. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 15(4), 191-207.
- Meyer, D.F. & De Jongh, J.J. 2019. Application of the Multi-dimensional Regional Economic Development Index (MREDI) in the metropolitan regions of South Africa. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 15(5), 122-141.
- Meyer, D.F. 2019. The Tourism Sector in Malaysia: An Analysis of the Impact of Economic Growth, Political Instability and the Exchange Rate Other concept papers. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 5(2), 658-678.
- Meyer, D.F. 2019. An Analysis of the Causal Relationships between Economic Development, Good Governance and Political Stability in Malaysia. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 5(2), 639-657.
- De Jongh, J.J. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. The Multidimensional Regional Economic Development Index (MREDI) Applied in the North-West Province, A Rural Regional Application Administratio Publica, 27(3), 162-185.
- Shah, S.S.H., Khan, M.A., Meyer, N., Meyer, D.F. & Oláh, J. 2019. Does Herding Bias Drive the Firm Value? Evidence from the Chinese Equity Market. Sustainablilty, 11(20), 5583, 1-21
- Meyer, D.F. 2019. A quantitative assessment of the impact of government activities on the economy of Poland. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 6(2). 220-233.
- Habanabakize, T., Meyer, D.F. & Oláh, J. 2019. The Impact of Productivity, Investment and Real Wages on Employment Absorption Rate in South Africa. Social Sciences. 8(12), 330, 1-15.
- Meyer, N. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. Examining the impact of entrepreneurial activity on employment and economic growth: The case of the Visegrád countries. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 20(1), 277-292.
- Meyer, N. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. A comparative analysis of economic and governance progression: The case of South Africa and Poland. Administratie si Management Public, (33):47-164, DOI: 10.24818/amp/2019.33-09. Scopus, Q2, SJR 0.54, h-Index 9.
- Neethling, J.R. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. Formulation and Application of a Local Government Financial Health Index: The Case of the Sedibeng Region. Administratio Publica, 27(4), 235-255.
- Rufaro, R. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. Econometric Examination of the Impact of Productivity in Economic Sectors on Total Employment in the Capricorn District Municipality, South Africa. Journal of Public Administration, 54(4.1). 908-917.
- Van der Schyff, T. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. The Formulation of a Regional Tourism Destination Competitiveness Measurement Instrument. Journal of Public Administration, 54(4.1), 873-887.
2020 (16 papers)(7.196 outputs)
- Meyer, D.F. & Hassan, A.S. 2020. Analysis of the impact of exchange rate volatility on the South African government bond market. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 12(2), 271-289. (output=0.5)
- Hassan, A.S. & Meyer, D.F. 2020. Analysis of the non-linear effect of petrol price changes on inflation in South Africa. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, 12(1), 34-49. (output=0.5)
- Habanabakize, T, & Meyer, D.F. Modelling the effects of changes in the exchange rate, oil price and real wages on the trade balance in South Africa. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 12(7), 204-220. (output=0.5)
- Meyer, D.F. An empirical assessment of the relationships between the manufacturing sector, economic growth and changes in price indexes: the case of Poland. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 12(7), 186-203. (output=1.0)
- Faid, G., Tariq, M.M., Ishtiaq, A., Zeynvand, V.L., Meyer, D.F. & Máté, D. 2020. The nexus of E-government and increased productivity relative to income level comparison. Business, Management and Education, 18(1), 88-105. (output=0.166)
- Meyer, D.F. & Meyer, N. 2020. The relationships between entrepreneurial factors and economic growth and development: the case of selected European countries. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 21(1), page numbers to follow. (output=0.5)
- Meyer, D.F. 2020. The impact of globalisation on economic growth: the case of Visegrad countries. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia, 8(2), 25-36. (output=0.00)
- Garidzirai, R. & Meyer, D.F. 2020. The Contribution of Key Economic Sectors on Poverty Alleviation in the Capricorn District Municipality: A Panel ARDL Model. African Journal of Business and Economic Research, 15(2), 159-172. (output=0.5).
- Meyer, D.F. Does the Diversification of the Economy Matter? An Assessment of the Situation in South Africa. E u r o E c o n o m i c a, 2(39), 181-194. (output=1.0)
- Meyer, N., & Meyer, D.F. Entrepreneurship as a Predictive Factor for Employment and Investment: the Case of Selected European Countries. E u r o E c o n o m i c a, 2(39), 165-180. (output=0.5)
- Pasara, M.T., Gonyora, C., & Meyer, D.F. 2020. Attitudes, knowledge and practices of customs administrators on trade facilitation. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica, 65(2), 60-78. (output=0.33)
- Anwar, M., Khattak, M. S., Popp, J., Meyer, D.F., & Máté, D. 2020. The nexus of government incentives and sustainable development goals: is the management of resources the solution to non-profit organisations?. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 26(6), 1284-1310. (output=0.2) (SCOPUS)
- Hassan, A.S. & Meyer, D.F. Financial Development – Income Inequality Nexus in South Africa: A Nonlinear Analysis, International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 12 (2): 335- 351. Doi: 10.34109/ijefs.202012206. (output=0.5) (SCOPUS).
- Meyer, D.F. An assessment of the impact of logistics and related infrastructure on the economy: a comparative analysis of the Visegrad countries. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 22(1), 277-292. (output=1.0) (SCOPUS)(UJ)
- Meyer, D.F. & Hassan, A.S. 2020. An assessment of the impact of various macro-economic variables on the manufacturing sector: The case of the Visegrad four. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 7(3), 351-362. (SCOPUS)(output=0.5)(UJ)
- Hassan, A.S & Meyer, D.F. 2020. Non-Linear Effect of External Debt on Economic Growth: Evidence From Sub-Saharan African Countries. International Journal of Economics and Management, 14(3), 447-460. (SCOPUS)(output=0.5)(UJ)
- Meyer, D.F., Neethling, J.R. & Slusarczyk, B. An evaluation of the relationship between government bond yields, exchange rates and other monetary variables: The South African case. Journal of Contemporary Management, 17(2), 523-549. (DHET)(output=0.33)(UJ)
2021 (papers 14) (8.41 outputs)(12 co-authors)
- Hassan, A.S. & Meyer, D.F. 2021. Moderating effect of institutional quality on the external debt-economic growth nexus: Insights from highly indebted poor countries. African Journal of Business and Economic Research, 16(2), 7-28. (0.5).
- Meyer, D.F. (2021). An assessment of the impact of the tourism sector on regional economic development in Gauteng province, South Africa. Chapter in book “Peripheral Territories, Tourism, and Regional Development”. Publishers IntechOpen. (1.0)
- Hassan, A.S, & Meyer, D.F. 2021. Exploring the Channels of Transmission between External Debt and Economic Growth: Evidence from Sub-Saharan African Countries. Economies, 9: 50. (0.5)
- Meyer, D.F. 2021. A comparative analysis of the impact of merchandise exports versus service exports on economic growth in the SACU region. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia, 9(1), 5-23. (1.0)
- Victor, V., Karakunnel, J.J., Loganathan, S. & Meyer, D.F. From a Recession to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Inflation–Unemployment Comparison between the UK and India. Economies, 9(73) 1-19. https: // (0.25)
- Meyer, D.F, & Mothibi, L. 2021. The Effect of Risk Rating Agencies Decisions on Economic Growth and Investment in a Developing Country: The Case of South Africa. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14: 288. jrfm14070288. (0.5)
- Meyer, D.F., & Neethling, J.R. An Assessment of the Classical Relationship of Price Fluctuations between the Gold Market and the US Dollar. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 17(4), 39-57. (0.5)
- Meyer, D.F., & Niyimbanira, F. (2021). Formulation and application of a multi-variable location quotient index in the Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. Local Economy, 0(0), 1-14 DOI: 10.1177/02690942211049505 (0.5)
- Sanusi, K.A., Eita, J.H., & Meyer, D.F. 2021. Management of fiscal and monetary policies interdependence in South African economy: A Bayesian VAR approach. Journal of Contemporary Management, 18(2), 86-113. (0.33)
- Máté, D., Novotny, A., & Meyer, D.F. 2021. The Impact of Sustainability Goals on Productivity Growth: The Moderating Role of Global Warming. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18, 1-14. (0.33)
- Meyer, D.F., & Neethling, J.R. 2021. An assessment of the financial health of the South African metropolitan municipal regions. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia, 9(4), 59-77. (0.5) DOI: 10.23762/FSO_VOL9_NO4_3.
- Meyer, D.F. 2021. An assessment of the interrelations between country risk, economic growth and good governance: The case of the Visegrad four. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 8(4), 610-627. DOI: (1.0)
- Meyer, D.F. Management of entrepreneurship, the economy and good governance: The case of the Visegrad four countries. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 24(1), 220-235. (1.0)
- Meyer DF & Mncayi P. 2021. An Analysis of Underemployment among Young Graduates: The Case of a Higher Education Institution in South Africa. Economies. 9(4):196, 1-16. (0.5)
2022 (papers 18) (7.0 outputs)(24 co-authors)
- Orhan, A., Meyer, D.F., Emikönel, M., Couto, G., and Castanho, R.A. 2022. The Advantage of Being A Small Country on Economic Growth Spillovers: A Review on Spain and Portugal With ARDL Approach. WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics. 19, 376-385 (0.20)
- Chin, M., Meyer, D.F., Ong, S., & Kon, Y. 2022. The impact of infrastructure investment on economic growth in countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative: A comparative analysis between Africa and Asia. Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal, 8(1), 1-43. (0.25)
- Meyer, D.F., & Meyer, N. 2022. Chapter 8: Local economic development and an enabling environment: A business perspective. Promoting sustainable local economic development initiatives. AOSIS publication. (0.5)
- Meyer, D.F., & De Bruyn, C. 2022. Chapter 9: Diversification or concentration of economic sectors for development: An assessment of the regional economy of Gauteng Province, South Africa. Promoting sustainable local economic development initiatives. AOSIS publication. (0.5)
- Mncayi, P., and Meyer, D.F. Evaluating the determinants of the perceptions of underemployment among young university graduates: A South African University case. Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1), 1-27 (2054126). ( (0.5)
- Mamokhere, J., & Meyer, D.F. Including the Excluded in the Integrated Development Planning Process for Improved Community Participation: The case of the Tzaneen municipal area, South Africa. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 11(4), 286-299. DOI: 10.20525/ijrbs.v11i4.1806. (0.5)
- Mamokhere, J., & Meyer, D.F. (2022). Comprehending stakeholders’ involvement in the integrated development planning process as a tool for improved community participation. EUREKA: Social and Humanities, 4, 18–32. doi: http:// (0.5)
- Gómez, J.M.N., Castanho, R.A., & Meyer, D.F. 2022. Introduction to Spatial Data Infrastructures and Web Services. The WMS Display Service and the Geographical Information Metadata. Book chapter. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. (0.33)
- Santos, E., Castanho, R.A. & Meyer, D.F. 2022. Is Investment Contributing to Competitiveness in Nautical Tourism in the Atlantic Area? Water, 14, 2964 (1-17). (0.33)
- Hassan, A.S., & Meyer, D.F. (2022). The interplay between finance and quality of institutions in the development process of the industrial sector: Evidence from South Africa. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15: 453. 15100453 (0.5)
- Mamokhere, J., & Meyer, D.F. (2022). A Review of Mechanisms Used to Improve Community Participation in the Integrated Development Planning Process in South Africa: An Empirical Review. Social Science, 11(448), 1-15. socsci11100448. (0.5)
- Soegoto, H., Soegoto, S.W., & Meyer, D.F. (2022). The role of domestic investment, foreign investment, and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises for poverty reduction in Indonesia. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 9(5), 901-913.
- Kastolani, W., Warlina, L., Luckyardi, S., Oktafiani, D., & Meyer, D.F. (2022). Improving local economy through integrated waste management in Bandung City, Indonesia (case study of Sukasari district). Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 9(5), 874-888.
- Meyer, D.F. (2022). The relationships between domestic investment, country risk, governance, and economic development: A comparison of Kazakhstan versus Poland. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 9(6), 333-349.
- Meyer, D.F. (2022). Predictors of good governance: The case of South Africa. Journal of Contemporary Management, 19(1), 519-538.
- Nieuwenhuizen, C., Kruger, N.A., Meyer, D.F., & Meyer, N. (2022). A thematic analysis of essential entrepreneurial ecosystem factors: An economic growth and development perspective. Journal of Contemporary Management, 19(2), 609-653.
2023 (papers 24) (12 outputs)(19 co-authors)
- Magoane, R.M., Meyer, D.F., & Muzindutsi, P. (2023). The Asymmetric Effect of Political Risk and Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Foreign Direct Investment Inflows in South Africa. The Journal of Developing Areas57(2), 253-268. doi:10.1353/jda.2023.0032. (0.33)
- Hassan, A.S, & Meyer, D.F. (2022). Does countries’ environmental, social and governance (ESG) risk rating influence international tourism demand? A case of the Visegrád Four. Journal of Tourism Futures, DOI:10.1108/JTF-05-2021-0127 (await final page numbers). (0.5)
- Meyer, D.F., & Neethling, J.R. (2023). Electricity production and economic growth: The South African case. African Journal of Business and Economic Research (AJBER), 18(1), 143-163. (0.5)
- Rheeders, T., & Meyer, D.F. (2023) The Development of a Regional Tourism Destination Competitiveness Measurement Instrument. Tourism and Hospitality. 2023, 4, 1–20. 10.3390/tourhosp4010001. (0.5)
- Meyer, D.F., and Meyer, N. (2023). Book chapter on LED. Await final acceptance. (0.5).
- Mamokhere, J., & Meyer, D.F. (2023). The Integrated Development Planning Process Impact as a Tool for Increasing Community Participation in South Africa. African Journal of Development Studies, 13(2), 7-34. (0.5)
- Mhonyera, G., & Meyer, D.F. (2023). The impact of AfCFTA on welfare and trade: Nigeria and South Africa in light of core export competences. Sustainability, 15, 1-16. https:// (0.5)
- Islam, M.R.; Sarker, R.; Sultana, R.; Faisal-E-Alam, M.; Castanho, R.A.; Meyer, D. (2023) Understanding the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on E-Learner Satisfaction at the Tertiary Level. Sustainability, 15, 6694. (0.17)
- Mhlanga, D., and Meyer, D.F. (2023). Why Africa should Embrace Digital Financial Inclusion? AfricaGrowth Agenda, Vol 20 (1), 14-17. (0.5)
- Victor, V., Nair, A.M., & Meyer, D.F. (2023). Nudges and Choice Architecture in Public Policy: A Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 104, 1-12 (0.33)
- Mamokhere, J., & Meyer, D.F. (2023). Towards an Exploration of the Significance of the Integrated Development Planning Process as a Tool for Improved Community Participation. Social Sciences 12: 256. socsci12050256. (0.5)
- Mhonyera, G., Masunda, S., & Meyer, D.F. (2023). Measuring the pass-through effect of global food price volatility and South Africa’s CPI on the headline inflation of Zimbabwe. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 9: 1-15. (0.33).
- Meyer, D.F. (2023). Economic sectoral diversification: A case study of the Gauteng provincial region, South Africa. National Accounting Review, 5(4), 356-372. (1.0)
- Shongwe, B.R., & Meyer, D.F. (2023). Service delivery challenges within rural communities: The case of the Nkomazi Local Municipal area. Administratio Publica. (await final publication details) (0.5).
- Shongwe, B.R., & Meyer, D.F. (2023). Challenges in the implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems for sound financial management: the case of Nkomazi Local Municipality. Journal of Contempary Management, 20(2), 1-26.
- Meyer, D.F. & Rheeders, T. (2023). The influence of good governance on the tourism sector: The case of South Africa. Journal of Tourism Leisure and Hospitality, 5(2), 84-95. DOI: 10.48119/toleho. (0.5)
- Meyer, D.F. (2023). Country Risk. Polish Journal of Management Studies. The relationships between sovereign country risk ratings, governance, economic performance and domestic investment: Managerial and policy lessons from Poland and South Africa, 28(2), 203-222. (1.0).
- Meyer, D.F., & Okoli, T. (2023). The Development of Financial Technology: Implications for Traditional Banks in Africa. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 20(3), 166-176. (0.5).
- Yolcu, S., & Meyer, D.F. (2023). Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR). Impulsive buying behavior of consumers for online purchases, 10(7), 956-965 (0.50).
- Megits, M., & Meyer, D.F. (2023). Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR). An economic analysis of the impact of the Russian war in Ukraine on the Poland-U.S. trade, 10(7), 1135-1147 (0.5).
- Joynt, H., & Meyer, D.F. (2023). Developing a Rural Access Index for the North West Province of South Africa. African Journal of Development Studies, 13(4), 451-479.
Other publications
- Meyer, D.F., and Meyer, N. 2022. GEM report for SA
- Meyer, D.F., and Nieuwenhuisen, C. 2022. Chapter in entrepreneurship text book.
- Meyer, D.F. 2014. Exploration of solutions for revitalization of rural areas in South Africa. MJSS, March 2014, Vol 5(3).
- Meyer, D.F. 2014. The interventionist role of the state in socio-economic and political development in democratic South Africa (1994-2014). MJSS. May 2014, Vol 5 (7).
- Meyer, D.F. 2014. LED, challenges and solutions: The case of the Northern Free State region, MJSS, July 2014, Vol 5 (11).
- Meyer, D.F. 2014. Job creation, a mission impossible? The South African case. MJS July 2014, Vol 5 (11).
- Meyer, D.F. 2014. The determinants of life satisfaction in a low income, poor community in South Africa, MJSS, November 2014, Vol 5 (13).
- Meyer, D.F. 2014. The impact of housing and basic services delivery on low income communities in South Africa: The case of the Northern Free State region, MJSS, November 2014, Vol 5 (13).
- Meyer, D.F. 2014. Foreign aid, challenges and solutions for Sub-Saharan Africa, MJSS, November 2014, Vol 5 (18). Article written with H van der Elst, NWU.
Conference proceedings (A total of 57 accredited conference proceedings)
- (One paper)
- Meyer, D.F. 2014. The impact of basic services and housing on low income communities: the case of the northern Free State. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (ICHSS), May 31 to June 1, Budva, Montenegro.
- (three papers)
- Meyer, D.F. 2015. Revitalization strategies for rural regions in a developing country: The case of South Africa. Paper presented at the Rural Development Conference organized by the Tomorrow People Organization, 13 to 15 March, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Meyer, D.F. 2015. Rural development classification, solutions and best practice guidelines for a developing country. Paper presented at the Rural Development Conference organized by the Tomorrow People Organization, 13 to 15 March, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Meyer, D.F. 2015. Strategies for development of rural regions in developing countries. Paper presented at the 11th International Economic and Social Development Conference, Building of Resilient Communities Conference organized by the ESD Organization, 17 to 18 December 2015, Zagreb, Croatia.
2016 (eight papers)
- Meyer, D.F. 2016. Formulation and testing of a local economic development potential assessment tool. Paper presented at the 13th International Economic and Social Development Conference organized by the ESD Organization, 14 to 16 April, Barcelona, Spain.
- Meyer, D.F. 2016. Solutions for economic development in rural regions: The case of the Northern Free State region. Paper presented at the 13th International Economic and Social Development Conference organized by the ESD Organization, 14 to 16 April, Barcelona, Spain.
- Landsberg, J., Meyer, D.F., & Meyer, N. 2016. The roles of business chambers in local economic development: The perceptions of business chambers in the Vaal Triangle region. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Social Sciences in Cape Town, South Africa on 22-23 September 2016.
- Meyer, D.F., De Jongh, J. & Meyer, N. 2016. The formulation of a development index as tested in the Vaal Triangle Region, South Africa. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Social Sciences in Cape Town, South Africa on 22-23 September 2016.
- Meyer, N. & Meyer, D.F. 2016. Best practice principles for business incubators: A comparison between South Africa and the Netherlands. Paper presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference of Management in High Tatras, Slovakia on 29 September 2016 to 2 October 2016. p. 116-122.
- Meyer, N. & Meyer, D.F. 2016. The Creation of an Enabling Environment for small businesses to prosper by Local Government through Service Delivery and Management. Paper presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference of Management in High Tatras, Slovakia on 29 September 2016 to 2 October 2016. p. 123-129.
- Meyer, D.F. & Meyer, N. 2016. The perceptions of Business Chambers on the developmental role of Local Government: The Case of the Western Cape, South Africa. Paper presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference of Management in High Tatras, Slovakia on 29 September 2016 to 2 October 2016. p. 108-115.
- Meyer, D.F. & Meyer, N. 2016. The relationship between the tourism sector and Local Economic Development (LED): the case of the Vaal Triangle Region, South Africa. Paper presented at the 6th International Scientific Conference of Management in High Tatras, Slovakia on 29 September 2016 to 2 October 2016. p. 476-482.
2017 (seven papers)
- Meyer, D.F. & Meyer, N. 2017. An econometric analysis of entrepreneurial activity, economic growth and employment: The case of the BRICS countries. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Sciences, Technology and Social Sciences in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 11 to 12 July 2017.
- Meyer, D.F. 2017. Quo Vadis: Jobs versus economic growth, the case of South Africa. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Sciences, Technology and Social Sciences in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 11 to 12 July 2017.
- Meyer, D.F. 2017. The impact of poverty on life satisfaction in a low income community in South Africa. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Sciences, Technology and Social Sciences in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 11 to 12 July 2017.
- Meyer, D.F. 2017. The formulation and application of a local economic development assessment instrument. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Social Sciences in Durban South Africa on 24 to 25 August 2017.
- Meyer, D.F. 2017. An analysis of a long and short-run impact of economic growth on employment in South Africa. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Social Sciences in Durban South Africa on 24 to 25 August 2017.
- Meyer, D.F. & Habanabakize, T. 2017. Econometric analysis of relationships between gross domestic product and the purchasing managers index impacts on employment in the manufacturing sector in South Africa. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Social Sciences in Durban South Africa on 24 to 25 August 2017.
- Meyer, D.F. & Ogbokor, C. 2017. An assessment of the relationship between foreign trade and economic performance: Empirical evidence from South Africa. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Social Sciences in Durban South Africa on 24 to 25 August 2017.
2018 (20 papers)
- Meyer, D.F. 2018. Formulation and application of an alternative inclusive growth index: The case of Poland and South Africa. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary issues in theory and practice of management (CITPM), Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland on 19 to 20 April 2018.
- Meyer, D.F. 2018. Non-economic indexes and economic growth: A comparative econometric analysis of Poland and South Africa. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Contemporary issues in theory and practice of management (CITPM), Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland on 19 to 20 April 2018.
- Meyer, D.F. 2018. A best practice analysis of the relationship between LED and globalization in developing countries. Paper presented at the 31st International Business Information Management Conference (IBIMA) held in Milan, Italy from 25 to 26 April 2018.
- Meyer, D.F. 2018. An analysis of clusters and SEZs as tools for regional economic growth in developing countries. Paper presented at the 31st International Business Information Management Conference (IBIMA) held in Milan, Italy from 25 to 26 April 2018.
- De Bruyn, C., Meyer, N. & Meyer, D.F. 2018. Assessing the dynamic economic impact of tourism in a developing region in South Africa. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS/IFRD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 16 to 17 August 2018.
- Chipeta, C. & Meyer, D.F. 2018. Trade openness, FDI and exchange rate effects on job creation in South Africa’s tradable sectors. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS/IFRD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 16 to 17 August 2018.
- Sanusi, K.A., Hassan, A. & Meyer, D.F. 2018. Non-linear effects of public debt on economic growth in Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) countries. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS/IFRD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 16 to 17 August 2018.
- Habanabakize, T. & Meyer, D.F. 2018. An analysis of the inter-relationships and causality between consumer price index (CPI), purchasing managers’ index (PMI) and producer price index (PPI) in South Africa. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS/IFRD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 16 to 17 August 2018.
- Meyer, DF. & Habanabakize, T. 2018. An investigation of the dynamic effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) and interest rates on GDP in South Africa. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS/IFRD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 16 to 17 August 2018.
- Ramudzuli, M. & Meyer, D.F. 2018. The impact of inflation and employment on grow in South Africa: A post-global financial crisis analysis. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS/IFRD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 16 to 17 August 2018.
- Van der Schyff, T., Meyer, D.F. & Ferreira, L. 2018. An analysis of the impact of the tourism sector as a viable alternative to South Africa’s growth and development challenges. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS/IFRD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 16 to 17 August 2018.
- Meyer, D.F. & Sanusi, K.A. 2018. An econometric analysis of the relationship between changes in government bonds, exchange rate and inflation dynamics in South Africa. Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS/IFRD) held in Johannesburg, South Africa from 16 to 17 August 2018.
- Meyer, D.F. & De Jongh, J.J. 2018. Regional economic development index: A provincial application in South Africa. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS) held in George, South Africa from 29 to 31 August 2018.
- Garidzirai, R. & Meyer, D.F. 2018. The impact of economic sectors on LED: The case of the Capricorn region, Limpopo Province South Africa. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS) held in George, South Africa from 29 to 31 August 2018.
- Habanabakize, T. & Meyer, D.F. 2018. An assessment of the value of PMI and manufacturing sector growth in predicting overall economic output (GDP) in South Africa. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS) held in George, South Africa from 29 to 31 August 2018.
- Sanusi, K.A. & Meyer, D.F. 2018. Structural break and money demand function: Further evidence from the South African economy. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS) held in George, South Africa from 29 to 31 August 2018.
- Meyer, D.F. 2018. An analysis of inclusive growth progress in the Visegrad Countries using an alternative index. Paper to be presented at 7th International conference scientific conference, Management 2018. University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Management, Konštantínova 16, Prešov 08001, Slovak Republic. 26 – 29 September 2018.
- Meyer, D.F. 2018. An econometric analysis of the relationship between non-economic indexes and economic growth: The case of the Visegrad countries. Paper to be presented at 7th International conference scientific conference, Management 2018. University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Management, Konštantínova 16, Prešov 08001, Slovak Republic. 26 – 29 September 2018.
- Meyer, D.F. 2018. An analysis of the relationship of the tourism sector in relation to economic growth, exchange rate and political stability in South Africa. Paper presented at the 11th International RAIS Conference, at the John Hopkins University, Rockville, 19-20 November 2018.
- Meyer, D.F. 2018. The impact of changes in fuel prices on inflation and economic growth in South Africa. Paper presented at the 11th International RAIS Conference, at the John Hopkins University, Rockville, 19-20 November 2018.
2019 (six papers)
- Meyer, D.F. 2019. An analysis of the causal relationships between economic development, good governance and political stability in Malaysia. Paper presented at the 1st International Global Conference on Management and Development Economics, at Resorts World, Langkawi, Malaysia, 17-18 March 2019.
- Meyer, D.F. 2019. The tourism sector in Malaysia: An analysis of the impact of economic growth, political instability and the exchange rate. Paper presented at the 1st International Global Conference on Management and Development Economics, at Resorts World, Langkawi, Malaysia, 17-18 March 2019.
- Meyer, D.F. 2019. Explanation of modern regional and local economic development ,easurement tools. Key note address. New trends in management and production engineering – regional, cross-border and global perspectives. Brenna, Poland, 6-7 June 2019. Conference arrange by WSB university.
- Hassan, A.S. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. Analysis of the impact of a volatile exchange rate on yields on government bonds in South Africa. Paper presented at the ICSS Annual Conference, 4-5 September 2019, Vanderbijlpark.
- Meyer, D.F. & Hassan, A.S. 2019. A Threshold analysis of the non-linear effect of petroleum price changes on inflation in South Africa. Paper presented at the ICSS Annual Conference, 4-5 September 2019, Vanderbijlpark
- Meyer, D.F. 2019. Keynote speaker Professor Daniel F. Meyerfrom the TRADE Research focus area, North-West University, South Africa, delivered the speech “An Assessment of the Importance of the Agricultural Sector on Economic Growth and Development in South Africa”. The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences organized the IISES International Academic Conference, which was held on September 23 – 26, 2019 in Barcelona, Spain, at the Pompeu Fabra University. The conference was co-organized by the University of West Bohemia – Faculty of Economics, and hosted by the Pompeu Fabra University.
- Meyer, D.F. 2019. An empirical analysis of the impact of employment, wages and inflation on consumer spending in a developing country, South Africa. The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences organized the IISES International Academic Conference, which was held on September 23 – 26, 2019 in Barcelona, Spain, at the Pompeu Fabra University. The conference was co-organized by the University of West Bohemia – Faculty of Economics, and hosted by the Pompeu Fabra University.
- Meyer, D.F. 2020. The relationship between economic globalization and macro-economic variables: The case of the Visegrad countries. New trends in management and production engineering – regional, cross-border and global perspectives. Brenna, Poland, 5 June 2012. Conference arrange by WSB university. Online conference
- Meyer, D.F. 2020. The impact of risk rating agencies decisions on investment and economic growth in South Africa. 11th global conference on business and social sciences 2020 organised by Global Academy of Training and Research. Novotel Bangkok, Thailand, December 11 to 12.
- Meyer, D.F. 2020. Conference co-chair of the international business conference, Transformation and Sustainable Development of Eurasian Emerging Economies for the 21th Centary on 15-16 December 2020. Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- Meyer, D.F. 2021. Governments response to COVID-19 and policy for economic recovery. Webinar hosted on 26 March 2021.
- Meyer, D.F. and Meyer, N. 2021. Innovative measurement tools for regional and local economic development. Conference on “How innovations are important for regional development”, on 13th April 2021 hosted by RENET and Vilnius University, Lithuania. Key note address.
- Meyer, D.F. and Meyer, N. An assessment of the relationship between entrepreneurship and economic growth and the role of the enabling environment. VI International scientific conference on Innovation and entrepreneurship: Theory and practice, Poland, 15 and 16 April 2021. Conference arrange by WSB university. Online conference. Key note address.
- Meyer, D.F. 2021. Practical steps in research publication success. Master class on research to staff and students of WSB University, Poland on 17 May 2021.
- Attended the 8th conference on new trends in management and production engineering – regional, cross-border and global perspectives from 10 to 11 June 2021. Hosted by WSB University, Poland, conference was both online and in person.
- Meyer, D.F. 2021. Formulation of a multi-dimensional resilience development index: A conceptual framework. 20th annual International Scientific conference on the traps of uncertainty – scenarios for a resilient region arranged and hosted by Vilnius University, Lithuania on 24 and 25 November 2021.
- Meyer, D.F. 2021. An assessment of the interrelations between country risk, economic growth and good governance: The case of the Visegrád four. ICESBA Conference from 26 to 27 November 2021, hosted by Spiru Haret University, Bucharest, Romania.
- Meyer, D.F. 2022. A critical assessment of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in South Africa. VII International scientific conference on Innovation and entrepreneurship: Theory and practice, Poland, 26 and 27 April 2022. Conference arrange by WSB university. Online conference.
- Meyer, D.F. 2022. An assessment of the financial health of selected Municipalities in Gauteng Province, South Africa. International Conference on Public Administration and Development Alternatives, from 14 to 16 September 2022, Premier Hotel, OR Tambo Airport, Johannesburg.
- Meyer, D.F. 2022. Alternative tools to measure regional and local economic development. The XV Jonas Pranas Aleksa international interdisciplinary conference “Development of the State role in the XXI century”, 23 and 24 September 2022 hosted by RENET and Vilnius University, Lithuania.
- Meyer, D.F. 2022. The role of government policy and consumer spending in entrepreneurship development in selected counties. 15TH International Business Conference, 25 to 28 September 2022, Somerset West, South Africa.
- Meyer, D.F. 2023. Innovative methods (tools and indexes) in measuring regional and local economic development. The 19th Annual International Scientific Conference on Social Innovations for Sustainable Regional Development, 27 to 29 April 2023 hosted by Klaipeda University, Lithuania.
- Meyer, D.F. and Meyer, N. An econometric assessment of the relationship between entrepreneurship, innovation and economic growth: A Visegrad comparison. The 8th International scientific conference on Innovation and entrepreneurship: Theory and practice, Poland, 20 and 21 June 2023. Conference arranged by WSB University. Online conference. Keynote address.
- Barkhuizen, N., Schutte, N., Meyer, N., & Meyer, D.F. Stellenbosch, June 2023. In pursuit of sustainable economic growth – a talent development ecosystem for women entrepreneurs. Gender, work and organisation conference. 28 to 30 June 2023, Stellenbosch, hosted by the Stellenbosch Business School.
- Meyer, D.F., & De Bruyn, C. The impact of unsustainable environmental practices on tourism and local economic development: The case of the Hartbeespoort Dam region. International Conference: From Recovery to Resilience in Tourism – Sustainable Pathways for Transforming Tourism hosted by STH, UJ, from 11 to 13 September 2023, Fairway Hotel, Johannesburg.
- Meyer, D.F. The impacts of government-induced electricity load shedding, the exchange rate and other factors on the tourism sector in South Africa. International Conference: From Recovery to Resilience in Tourism – Sustainable Pathways for Transforming Tourism hosted by STH, UJ, from 11 to 13 September 2023, Fairway Hotel, Johannesburg.
- Meyer, D.F. The development and testing of a regional tourism index. International Conference: From Recovery to Resilience in Tourism – Sustainable Pathways for Transforming Tourism hosted by STH, UJ, from 11 to 13 September 2023, Fairway Hotel, Johannesburg.
- Meyer, D.F., & Neethling, J.R. 2023. Stakeholder’s perceptions on the functionality and sustainability of selected IDZs in South Africa. International Conference on Public Administration and Development Alternatives (IPADA), from 13 to 15 September 2023, Sunnyside Park Hotel, Johannesburg.
- Meyer, D.F., & Neethling, J.R. 2023. Testing the amended Municipal Financial Health Index: An assessment of the financial performance of all metropolitan municipal regions in South Africa. International Conference on Public Administration and Development Alternatives (IPADA), from 13 to 15 September 2023, Sunnyside Park Hotel, Johannesburg.
- Mamokhere, J., & Meyer, D.F. 2023. Examining the factors influencing the implementation and outcomes of the DDM in South Africa: A conceptual analysis. International Conference on Public Administration and Development Alternatives (IPADA), from 13 to 15 September 2023, Sunnyside Park Hotel, Johannesburg.
- Meyer, D.F., & Meyer, N. 2023. Linking innovation, entrepreneurial activity and economic development: The case of the Visegrad group of countries. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Economics, Management and Business 2023. University of Prešov in Prešov, Faculty of Management, Konštantínova 16, Prešov 08001, Slovak Republic, at Spa Novy Smokovec. 28 – 29 September 2023.