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Professor of Hydrometallurgy & Director: Mineral Processing and Technology Research Centre
Name: Antoine F. Mulaba-Bafubiandi
Location: 3161, John Orr Building Doornfontein Campus
FEBE Professors Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 5596215
About Prof. Antoine F. Mulaba-Bafubiandi
PhD (Eng.) (KULeuven, Belgium), M.Eng.(Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, KULeuven, Belgium), Lic, Sc. Physics (UniKin, DRC), MBA (Technology, Strategy and Governance, UJ, SA)
NRF Rating
C (expecting new rating)
Research Interests
Mineral Processing and Appropriate Technologies, Artisanal and small scale mining and processing and metal extraction, Mineral Beneficiation and Value Addition, Technology for a Sustainable Rural Development, Urban Mining, (Bio)-Hydrometallurgy, Microwave energy for mineral beneficiation, Modelling and simulation of metallurgical processes , Industrial symbiosis with value add to mineral industry , Decision making tools in artisanal and small scale mining and mineral processing, Mossbauer spectroscopy, Mineral and Material Characterization, Clay mineralogy and Geophagia, Metal and value extraction, Waste to Energy, Water in Mining, Circular economy, Technology Management; Engineering Management, Mineral Businesses development.