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Visiting Professor
Name: Michael Gastrow
SARChI TRCTI Visiting Scholars  Staff Members

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About Dr Michael Gastrow

Dr Michael Gastrow is the Director of the Science in Society unit within the Impact Centre of the Human Sciences Research Council, where he leads a team of researchers, communicators, and engagement specialists active at the interface between science and policy. He holds a PhD in science communication from the University of Stellenbosch. He is a Professor of Practice at the DSI/NRF Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation, the 4th Industrial Revolution and Sustainable Development at the University of Johannesburg, as well as a research associate of the Centre for Research into Evaluation, Science and Technology (CREST) at the University of Stellenbosch. He is a former member of the Presidential Advisory Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and has been recognised as a C-rated researcher by the National Research Foundation. His research focus is on science and technology policy, including societal and economic impacts, science communication, and the public understanding of science. He has worked and published extensively on the economic and societal dynamics of astronomy, physics, ICTs, biotechnology, and manufacturing technologies. He passionate about the role of science and technology in society, particularly in the ways they can foster constructive public discourse and inclusive human development.


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