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Research Associate
Name: Joseph Krajcik
CALTSTEAM Staff, Department Mathematics Science and Technology Education, Distinguished Visiting Professors, Faculty of Education Staff Members
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About Prof Joseph Krajcik
Host: Prof. Ramnarain
Joseph Krajcik serves as director of the CREATE for STEM Institute and is the Lappan-Phillips Professor of Science Education at Michigan State University. His work focuses in improving the teaching and learning of science, kindergarten through college by engaging in innovation and research. Throughout his career, Prof Krajcik has focused on working with science teachers to design and test learning environments to reform science teaching practices and to research student learning and engagement in project-based learning environments. He has authored and co-authored books, over 100 manuscripts and curriculum materials. He has received many professional awards and recognitions for his contributions to science education thought the years. In 2020, Prof Krajcik was elected to the National Academy of Education and received the prestigious McGraw Prize in Pre-K-12 Education in recognition for his many accomplishments and contributions to transforming education. He was an ISDDE Price for Excellence in Education Design winner in 2021. Added to this prestigious list is his current role as Research Associate in SCITECHED at the University of Johannesburg.