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Name: Govan Pahad
Location: D3 Lab 217 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Zoology Academic Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0)11 559 2442
About Govan Pahad
I am an ecologist who uses niche modelling software to understand how species are affected by past and future climate change, among other applications. I am also interested in animal behaviour research, particularly with regard to enrichment and welfare in captivity.
Recent publications:
Marc Ruis, Xavier Turon, Paloma Morán, Jacinto Pérez, Bruno Almón, Govan Pahad, Peter R. Teske, Elsa Vázquez (2024). A morphogenetic characterization of a potentially dominant African marine species in Europe. Biological Invasions 26: 2811-2818.
Govan Pahad, Bettine Jansen van Vuuren and Claudine Montgelard (2023). Palaeoclimatic niche modelling reveals the phylogeographic history of the South African shrew Myosorex varius and the colonization route of the genus Myosorex (Mammalia, Soricidae) from East Africa. Mammalia Biology 103: 579-590.
Govan Pahad, Claudine Montgelard and Bettine Jansen van Vuuren (2020). Phylogeography and niche modelling: reciprocal enlightenment. Mammalia 84(1):10-25.
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