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Home » Prof. Giovanni Hearne
Giovanni Hearne

Name: Giovanni Hearne
Location: C1 Lab 129 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Physics Academic Staff  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 3849


About Prof. Giovanni Hearne

Research interests

Experimental Condensed Matter Physics. 57Fe Mössbauer-effect spectroscopy at variable cryogenic temperatures (down to 1.5 K) and high pressures (up to one megabar).  High pressure physics (diamond- and gem- anvil cells, DACs and GACs).  Laser spectroscopy, XRD, electrical-transport and synchrotron-based techniques (XAS), at high pressures. CO2 laser heating in DACs. Lattice-dynamics,  superconductivity, magnetism , magnetic-electronic (insulator-metal and  spin-state) transitions (in strongly correlated electron systems SCES), materials science. Instrumentation physics (electronics). Participation in  numerous research projects pertaining to applied, industrial and bio-molecular physics. 197Au (gold) Mössbauer-effect spectroscopy.


If you wish to read more on Hearne’s research interests, please click on the link below;

Research Highlights – Prof Giovanni Hearne

CV Prof Giovanni

NRF rating

National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) evaluation and rating: B2 from

Jan 2023



80 articles in peer-reviewed international journals, h-index is 22, 1808 citations (Scopus, March 2024).

Several invited presentations at international conferences.

Google scholar:


Students and post-docs

6 PhD theses and 7 MSc dissertations supervised, 2 current PhD candidates.

External examiner for several PhD and MSc theses, nationally and internationally.

Hosted several post-doctoral researchers, 1997 up to date  (British, Chinese, Senegalese, Italian, French, Indian).



Member of the South African Institute of Physics.

Member of the International Association for the Advancement of  High Pressure Science  and Technology (AIRAPT),

Consultant to the IUCr Commission on High Pressure,


External reviewer 

On a regular basis: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Physical Review B, Physical Review Materials, Physical Review Letters, Journal of Magnetism & Magnetic Materials (JMMM), Journal of Applied Physics. On an occasional basis: Science, Physica-B, Europhysics Letters, Intermetallics, Applied Physics Letters.