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Name: Gareth Braatvedt
Location: C Ring 507 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Academic Staff Staff Members
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Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 3828
About Dr Gareth Braatvedt
Dr Braatvedt does research in Analysis. In particular, he is interested in spectral theory in Banach algebras and ordered Banach algebras. One of the powerful tools in this area are subharmonic functions.
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Recent Publications
-Trace Characterizations and Socle Identifications in Banach Algebras. G Braatvedt, R Brits, F Schulz. arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.06333
-Rank in Banach algebras: A generalized Cayley–Hamilton theorem. G Braatvedt, R Brits, F Schulz. Linear Algebra and its Applications 507, 389-398
-Trace characterizations and socle identifications in Banach algebras. F Schulz, R Brits, G Braatvedt. Linear Algebra and its Applications 472, 151-166
-Rank, trace and determinant in Banach algebras: generalized Frobenius and Sylvester theorems. G Braatvedt, R Brits, F Schulz. Studia Mathematica 2 (229), 173-180
-Geometry of the spectral semidistance in Banach algebras. G Braatvedt, R Brits. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 64, 599-610
-Uniqueness and spectral variation in Banach algebras. G Braatvedt, R Brits. Quaestiones Mathematicae 36 (2), 155-165
-Spectral characterizations of scalars in a Banach algebra. G Braatvedt, R Brits, H Raubenheimer. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 41 (6), 1095-1104
-Gelfand-Hille type theorems in ordered Banach algebras. G Braatvedt, R Brits, H Raubenheimer
Positivity 13 (1), 39-50