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Associate Professor
Name: Reena das Nair
Location: Rosebank Offices
School of Economics Academic Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 7511
About Prof Reena das Nair
My areas of research interest include competition dynamics in the grocery retail sector, food value chains and regional value chains, with a focus on barriers to entry for small and medium-sized enterprises and alternative routes to market in food systems. I also provide training and capacity building for regulators and competition law and economics professionals in Southern and East Africa.
My teaching philosophy is: “Drive excellence in the application of economic principles to make markets work for all.”
Academic History
PhD in Economics
Most Recent Publications
- Bonakele, T, das Nair, R., and S. Roberts, 2022. Market inquiries in South Africa: Meeting big expectations? Chapter in Market Investigations – A New Competition Tool for Europe? Eds. M. Motta, M. Peitz, and H. Schweitzer. Cambridge University Press.
- das Nair, R. and N. Landani. 2021. New approaches to supermarket supplier development programmes in Southern Africa. Development Southern Africa. Special Issue: New Perspectives on Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa. Vol 38:1.
- das Nair, R., 2021. Southern African regional value chains and integration. Chapter in The [Oxford] Handbook of the South African Economy. Eds A. Oqubay, F. Tregenna, and I. Valodia. Oxford University Press.
- das Nair, R., 2020. The “supermarket revolution” in the South. Chapter in Handbook on Urban Food Security in the Global South. Eds: J. Crush, B. Frayne, and G. Haysom. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- das Nair, R. 2019. The spread and internationalisation of South African retail chains and implications of market power, International Review of Applied Economics. Vol 33:1.