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Home » Dr Olga Ustyuzhantseva
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Senior Research Associate
Name: Olga Ustyuzhantseva
College of Business and Economics, SARChI TRCTI Visiting Scholars, TRCTI Members  Staff Members

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About Dr Olga Ustyuzhantseva

Olga graduated university as a specialist on international relations in 2000. For ten years she worked in international IT company. In 2014, she earned Ph.D. in history by studying the science, technology, and innovation policy of India. She has got also Master degree in Social Anthropology in 2022. From 2018 to 2021 she headed the Centre for Policy Analysis and Studies of Technologies. For the last five years, she has studied the participatory turn in innovation development and innovation policy, and the changes in innovation systems occurring due to the growth of the participative activity of society in India and Russia. Recently, her research focus has shifted to sociotechnical transition in energy sector of Russia, and the possibilities for phase-out of coal industry, in particularly.