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Senior Research Associate GES 4.0
Name: Maty Konte
SARChI TRCTI Visiting Scholars Staff Members
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About Dr Maty Konte
Maty Konte holds PhD and Master’ degrees in quantitative economics from Aix-Marseille University in France and an Executive Certificate from Harvard University. She is currently a Research Scholar at Columbia University in the economics department of Barnard College, a knowledge expert to INCLUDE (the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs Knowledge’ Platform on Inclusive Development Policies in Africa) and a consultant at the World Bank Group in Washington DC.
She has also been a Research Fellow and Lecturer at UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University in the Netherlands, an affiliated faculty at the African School of Economics in Benin and a Research Fellow at the Global Labor Organisation. She has held visiting positions in various places, including Campinas University in Sao-Paulo (Brazil), the University of Washington in Seattle (USA), UNU-WIDER in Helsinki (Finland) and the University of Montreal (Canada). She has worked with research centres in Africa, including ERSA in Cape Town, AERC in Nairobi and CRES in Dakar. She is interested in broad issues of development and political economy. Her current research interest includes private sector development in Africa, growth and productivity, migration and remittances, governance, tax compliance, and gender equality.
She has published in internationally known economic and development journals, including World Development, Research Policy, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of institutional economics, Empirical Economics, Applied Economics, Feminist Economics among others. She also edited books published with Palgrave Macmillan and Routledge.