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Research Professor
Name: André Strydom
Location: C1 Lab 123 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Physics Academic Staff Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 2320 / 2327
About Prof. André Strydom
Primary Expertise: Physics of highly correlated matter
Secondary Expertise: Magnetism of 4f-electron systems, low-temperature charge and spin ordering phenomena, ground states of matter
NRF Rating: B2 (Internationally acclaimed researcher) this author’s ORCID profile
Experimental Facilities
A suite of electronic transport, thermal transport, thermodynamic, magnetic, and dilatometry measurement options are made possible by three experimental stations housed in the Laboratory of our Highly Correlated Matter Research Group in the Physics Department. We have at our disposal facilities to achieve experimental temperatures between 0.05 K and 400 Kelvin, and in applied magnetic fields of up to 9 Tesla. We have various sample synthesis facilities for direct melting of reactant materials and controlled high-temperature reactions.
Dr Michael Baenitz, Senior Research Associate, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, Germany.
Prof Dr Silke Bühler-Paschen, Institute of Solid State Physics at the Technical University of Vienna, Austria.
Dr Devashibhai Adroja, Dr Adrian Hillier, and co-workers at the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Facility of the Science & Technology Facilities Council, England.
Dr Anna Tursina, Department of Chemistry at Moscow State University, Russia.
Prof P Khuntia, Department of Physics at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India.
Prof MB Tchoula Tchokonté, Physics Department, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.
Prof HS Nair, Physics Department, University of Texas El Paso.
Prof Kaushik Mallick, Department of Chemistry, University of Johannesburg.
Selected recent publications
AM Strydom, Cerium-ruthenium based compounds: A source of materials for strongly correlated electron physics, Physica B 678 (2024) 415732/1–11.
AM Strydom, A review of the Kondo insulator materials class of strongly correlated electron systems: Selected systems and anomalous behavior, Frontiers in Physics 11 (2023) 1–10, doi: 10.3389/fphy.2023.1170146.
J Khatua, M Gomilšek, JC Orain, AM Strydom, J. Jagličić, C Colin, S Petit, A Ozarowski, L Mangin-Thro, K Sethupathi, MS Ramachandra Rao, A Zorko, and P Khuntia, Signature of a randomness-driven spin-liquid state in a frustrated magnet, Nature Communications Physics 5 (2022) 99/1–10.
H Sato, T Matsumoto, N Kawamura, K Maeda, T Takabatake, and AM Strydom, Valence transition of the intermetallic compound Ce2Rh2Ga probed by resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy, Physical Review B 105 (2022) 035113/1—7.
VK Anand, A Fraile, DT Adroja, S Sharma, R Tripathi, C Ritter, C de la Fuente, PK Biswas, V Garcia Sakai, A del Moral, and AM Strydom, Crystal electric field and possible coupling with phonons in Kondo lattice CeCuGa3, Physical Review B 104 (2021) 174438/1—12.
P Peratheepan, D Britz, and AM Strydom, Effects of Y- and La-doping on the magnetic ordering, Kondo effect, and spin dynamics in Ce1−xMxRu2Al10, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (2021) 275602/1—13.
R Oishi, K Umeo, Y Shimura, T Onimaru, AM Strydom, and T Takabatake, Antiferromagnetic order in the honeycomb Kondo lattice CePt6Al3 induced by Pd substitution, Physical Review B 104 (2021) 104411/1—7.
K Iwasa S Nakazato, D Hashimoto, M Shiozawa, K Kuwahara, H Sagayama, S Ohira-Kawamura, N Murai, DT Adroja, and AM Strydom, Magnetic Excitations in Chiral-Structure Phase of Ce3Ir4Sn13, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 90 (2021) 124701/1—9.
A Bhattacharyya, TK Bhowmik, DT Adroja, B Rahaman, S Kar, S Das, T Saha-Dasgupta, PK Biswas, TP Sinha, RA Ewings, DD Khalyavin, and AM Strydom, Dynamic Spin Fluctuations in the Frustrated Spin Chain Compound Li3Cu2SbO6, Physical Review B 103 (2021) 174423/1—6.
Y Shimura, A Wörl, M Sundermann, S Tsuda, DT Adroja, A Bhattacharyya, AM Strydom, AD Hillier, F Pratt, A Gloskovskii, A Severing, T Onimaru, P Gegenwart, and T Takabatake, Antiferromagnetic correlations in strongly valence fluctuating CeIrSn}, Physical Review Letters 126 (2021) 217202/1—6.
A Bhattacharyya, DT Adroja, JS Lord, L Wang, Y Shi, K Panda, H Luo, and AM Strydom, Quantum Fluctuations in the Non-Fermi Liquid System CeCo2Ga8 Investigated Using muSR, Physical Review B 101 (2020) 214437/1—6.
RK Kamadurai, R Djoumessi Fobasso, A Maurya, P Ramankutty, and AM Strydom, Ferromagnetic ordering and Heavy Fermion Behaviour in Ce2Ru3Ge5, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 89 (2020) 064705/1—8.
S Nesterenko, A Tursina, M Pasturel, S Xhakaza, and AM Strydom, Two polymorphs if a new intermetallic Ce2Rh2Ga — crystal structure and physical properties}, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 844 (2020) 155570/1—11.
MO Ogunbunmi, and AM Strydom, Magnetism and spin-gap behaviour in the layered Pr3T4Al12 (T=Fe, Ru, Os) compounds with the distorted Kagome lattice}, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (2019) 125602/1—8.
R Bara, HS Fierro, C Rueda, B Sahu, AM Strydom, N Poudel, K Gofryk, FS Manciu, C Ritter, TW Heitmann, BP Belbaset, S Batit, MP Ghimire, and HS Nair, Signatures of low-dimensional magnetism and short-range magnetic order in Co-based trirutiles, Physical Review B 100 (2019) 184407/1—9.
V Martelli, A Cai, EM Nica, M Taupin, A Prokofiev, C-C Liu, H-H Lai, R Yu, K Ingersent, R Kuchler, AM Strydom, D Geiger, J Haenel, J Larrea, Q Si, and S Paschen, Sequential localization of a complex electron fluid, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 116 (2019) 11701—11706.
S Nesterenko, V Avzuragova, A Tursina, and AM Strydom, New ternary aluminides RERh4Al15 (RE= La, Ce, Pr, Sm, Gd), Journal of Alloys and Compounds 792 (2019) 1061—1067.
KM Ranjith, S Luther, T Reimann, B Schmidt, Ph Schlender, J Sichelschmidt, H Yasuoka, AM Strydom, Y Skourski, J Wosnitza, H Kiihne, Th Doert, and M Baenitz, Anisotropic field-induced ordering in the triangular-lattice quantum spin liquid NaYbSe2, Physical Review B 100 (2020) 224417/1—11.
A Amorese, K Kummer, NB Brookes, O Stockert, DT Adroja, AM Strydom, A Sidorenko, H Winkler, DA Zocco, A Prokofiev, S Paschen, MW Haverkort, LH Tjeng, and A Severing, Determining the local low-energy excitations in the Kondo semimetal CeRu4Sn6 using resonant in-elastic x-ray scattering, Physical Review B – Rapid Communications 98 (2018) 081116(R)/1–6.
A Bhattacharyya, DT Adroja, N Kase, AD Hillier, AM Strydom, and J Akimitsu, Unconventional superconductivity in the cage type compound Sc5Rh6Sn18, Physical Review B 98 (2018) 024511/1–6.
JG Sereni, Čurlík, M Giovannini, A Strydom, and M Reiffers, Physical properties of the magnetically frustrated very-heavy-fermion compound YbCu4Ni, Physical Review B 98 (2018) 094420/1–8