The Centre for Sociological Research and Practice (CSRP) is based in the Department of Sociology at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. At the CSRP we conduct interdisciplinary research that is informed by and seeks to alleviate human hardship and suffering that results from social divisions and inequalities. We link action and reflection, study and intervention, in the struggle to understand and build a better world. Our concern goes beyond human beings and embraces animals, plants and all living and inanimate beings in our quest to achieve an ecologically viable and just universe.

We work with all those who share this vision as stated above and in our mission statement. A group of us, staff members and students at the Department of Sociology, working with other members of the Department and other comrades and colleagues from outside this academic work space, are responsible for the day to day running of the CSRP. We call this the Coordinating Team. We also have an Advisory Team consisting of supporters of the CSRP based in various institutions and organisations in South Africa and other parts of the world. The principles of dialogue, respect and participatory democracy guide our work and help us to accommodate and benefit from many ideas and various points of view.

Our Aims

  1. Develop a socially relevant sociological practice
  2. Drive research
  3. Produce publications
  4. Access fund for sustainability
  5. Host colloquia and seminars
  6. Encourage local and international collaboration
  7. Assist in the development of post-graduates
  8. Inform teaching and learning practice

Centre For Sociological Research And Practice, University Of Johannesburg Logo