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Home » Prof. Giovanni Hearne
Giovanni Hearne

Name: Giovanni Hearne
Location: C1 Lab 129 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Physics Academic Staff  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 3849


About Prof. Giovanni Hearne

Expertise: 57-Fe and 119-Sn Mössbauer-effect Spectroscopy at variable cryogenic temperatures (down to 1.5 K) and high pressures (up to one megabar). High pressure physics (diamond- and gem- anvil cells, DACs and GACs).  Laser spectroscopy, XRD and Conductivity at high pressures. CO2 laser heating in DACs. Lattice-dynamics, superconductivity, magnetism, magnetic-electronic (insulator-metal and spin- state) transitions (in strongly correlated electron systems SCES), materials science. Instrumentation physics (electronics). Synchrotron techniques (XRD, XAS, Nuclear Resonance Spectroscopy) applications at high pressure. Participation in numerous research projects pertaining to applied, industrial and bio-molecular physics. 197-Au (gold) Mössbauer-effect spectroscopy

NRF Rating: B3

H-index: 21; Times cited without self-citations, 1390 (Scopus, July 2019),

Memberships:   South African Institute of Physics (SAIP).

:   International Association for the Reasearch and Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT)

Research Summary: Prof GR Hearne_Research Summary_2019

Curiculum Vitae