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Professor of Innovation and Sustainable Development
Name: Rebecca Hanlin
Location: 69 Kingsway Ave, Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 2092 Johannesburg Business School
College of Business and Economics, SARChI TRCTI Partners  Staff Members

Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559


About Prof Rebecca Hanlin

Rebecca is a science, technology, and innovation policy expert with an emphasis on promoting innovation and business development opportunities for small and medium sized businesses in Africa at the DSI/NRF Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation, the 4IR & Sustainable Development in the College of Business and Economics. She has a strong background in managerial positions overseeing personnel and budgets in the private sector in Africa prior to returning to academia. Rebecca has also managed a number of research related responsibilities at the Open University and is providing innovation and development advice to the AfricaLics network of innovation scholars in Africa.

Rebecca has over 20 years of experience working in developing countries from Cuba to Nigeria.  In Africa she has predominately lived and worked in Tanzania and Kenya.


PhD Science and Technology Studies – 2008 – University of Edinburgh

MSc. (Research) Science and Technology Studies (distinction) – 2005 – University of Edinburgh

MSc. (Econ) Health Policy, Planning and Financing (distinction) – 2004 – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine / London School of Economics and Political Science

Evaluation of Health Promotion Interventions – 2001 – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

BA Hons Development Studies and Politics – 1998 – The School of Oriental and African Studies

Research interests include:

Inclusive innovation and the development of technological capabilities in Africa.


Rebecca has published over 85 articles, book chapters and policy briefs.  These include:

  1. Kingiri, A., Andersen, M. H., & Hanlin, R. (2024). Mentoring as a pathway to building research capacity in the field of innovation and development studies in Africa. Studies in Continuing Education, 46(1), 101-120.
  2. Hanlin, R., Tigabu, A. and Sheikheldin, G. (2021) Building Science Systems: challenges and opportunities for African science councils. Nairobi: ACTS Press
  3. Johannsen, R.M., Østergaard, P.A., Hanlin, R. (2020) Hybrid photovoltaic and wind mini-grids in Kenya: Techno-economic assessment and barriers to diffusion, Energy for Sustainable Development, Vol. 54 February 2020, Pages 111-126
  4. Bachelor, S., Talukder, A.R., Uddin, R., Mondal, S.K., Islam, S., Karim, R., Hanlin, R. (2018) ‘Solar e-cooking: Solar Home System Integrated Clean Cooking Using Solar PV’ Energies Vol. 11(11), p.2933
  5. Lema, R., Hanlin, R. Hansen, U.E. and Nzila, C. (2018) ‘Renewable electrification and local capability formation: How relevant are South-South linkages to Africa?’ in Special Issue of Energy Policy Vol. 117, pp. 326-339