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Emeritus Professor
Name: William Henderson
Location: B Ring 704 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
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Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2735
About Prof William Henderson
1. Qualifications
B.A. (Stellenbosch) 1958
B.A. Hons. (Stellenbosch) 1960 cum laude
M.A. (Stellenbosch) 1964 cum laude
D.Litt. (Stellenbosch) 1971
Doctoral Research at Durham and Cambridge 1965-66
Research Sabbaticals at Urbino (1976, 1983, 1989), Basel (1993), Western Ontario, Canada (1997)
2. Academic Positions held
Lecturer in Latin, University of the Orange Free State, 1960-1966
Senior Lecturer in Classics, University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1967-1969
Senior Lecturer in Classics, Rand Afrikaans University, 1970-74
Professor in Classics, Rand Afrikaans University, 1975-97.
Special Professor, RAU, research and post-graduate teaching, 1998-2004
Temporary lecturer, University of Johannesburg, research and teaching, 2008-
Classical Association of South Africa:
Secretary, 1971-75
Chairperson, CASA 1979-81
Editor of Acta Classica 1997-2004; Co-editor 2005
Member, Editorial Board of Acta Classica 2006-
Honorary President, Classical Association of South Africa 2008-
3. Awards and honours received
British Council Scholar, for doctoral research at Durham and Cambridge, 1965-66
Senior Scholarship of the Human Sciences Research Council, for research at the University of Urbino (Italy), 1976
Senior Scholarship of the Human Sciences Research Council, for research at the University of Urbino (Italy, 1983
Senior Scholarship of the Human Sciences Research Council and grant from the Research Committee of the Arts Faculty, RAU, for research at the University of Urbino, 1989
Grant for Established Researcher of the Centre for Scientific Development (HSRC) and grant from the Research Committee of the Arts Faculty, RAU, for research at the University of Basel, Switzerland, 1993
Research grant from RAU to do research at the University of Western Ontario, London, Canada, 1997
Festschrift: Literature, Art, History: Studies on Classical Antiquity and Tradition in Honour of W.J. Henderson, edited by A.F. Basson & W.J. Dominik. Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang, 2003
National Research Foundation rated researcher, 2012-2017
4. Research interests
Greek and Latin lyric poetry; the history of Classical scholarship in South Africa
5. Recent publications
More than 100 articles, published locally and abroad. Recently:
“The Classical Association of South Africa: April 1956-January 1961.” Aktroterion 49 (2004) 89-109.
“The Classical Association of South Africa, February 1961–July 1966.” Aktroterion 50 (2005) 109-123.
“The Classical Association of South Africa, July 1966–January 1971.” Akroterion 51 (2006) 135-156.
“’n Nuwe gedig van Sappho.” Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 43.2 (2006) 5-12.
“The Classical Association of South Africa, January 1971–January 1975.” Akroterion 52 (2007) 99-114.
“The iambic epigrams of Palladas of Alexandria.” Ekklesiastikos Pharos 90 (2008) 115-138.
“Epigrammatic psogos: censure in the epigrams of Palladas of Alexandria.” Acta Classica 51 (2008) 91-116.
“The iambic epigrams of Palladas of Alexandria.” Ekklesiastikos Pharos 90 (2008) 115-138.
“The Classical Association of South Africa, January 1975–January 1979.” Akroterion 53 (2008) 81-97.
“Palladas of Alexandria on women.” Acta Classica 52 (2009) 83-100.
“The poor poet: Palladas of Alexandria.” Ekklesiastikos Pharos 91 (2009) 218-237.
“Solon, Fr. 13 West (1 Gentili-Prato) 9f.: mound or mountain?” Scholia 17 (2008) 31-36. (appeared in December 2009).
“The Classical Association of South Africa, February 1979–January 1981.” Akroterion55 (2010) 87-115.
“This is life: transience and carpe diem in Palladas of Alexandria”, Ekklesiastikos Pharos92 (2010) 243-263.
“Family values in Greek lyric poetry.” Acta Patristica et Byzantina 21.2 (2010) 74-94.
“Epicurean thought in Palladas of Alexandria.” Ekklesiastikos Pharos 93 (2011) 118-136.
“A race-horse called Pherenikos.” Akroterion 56 (2011) 21-30.
“Fulgentius, Fabius Planciades.” In A. Savvides, B. Hendrickx, T. Sansaridou-Hendrickx and S. Lambakis (edd.), Encylopaedic Prosopo-graphical Lexicon of Byzantine History and Civilization, vol. 3:28-30. Turnhout: Brepols 2012.
“Fulgentius of Ruspe.” In A. Savvides, B. Hendrickx, T. Sansaridou-Hendrickx and S. Lambakis (edd.), Encylopaedic Prosopographical Lexicon of Byzantine History and Civilization, vol. 3:30-31. Turnhout: Brepols 2012.
“Iamblichus Chalcidensis.” In A. Savvides, B. Hendrickx, T. Sansaridou-Hendrickx and S. Lambakis (edd.), Encylopaedic Prosopographical Lexicon of Byzantine History and Civilization, vol. 3:270-273. Turnhout: Brepols [with Soteria Triantare-Mara] 2012.
‘“Life’s like that’: Palladas of Alexandria on human weakness.” Ekklesiastikos Pharos 94 (2012) 1-21.
Op Griekse Lier (Protea: Pretoria 2004): Greek melic poetry translated into Afrikaans, with commentary.
Vir Griekse Fluite (Protea: Pretoria 2009): Greek elegiac poetry translated into Afrikaans, with commentary.
Die Berispende Stem (University of Johannesburg 2011): Greek iambic poetry translated into Afrikaans, with commentary.