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Vice-Dean: Teaching and Learning
Name: Jane Spowart
Location: A Red 6 Bunting Road Campus
Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 1039
Fax: +27 (0) 11 559 1039
About Prof Jane Spowart
Prof Jane Spowart, the vice-dean (Teaching and Learning) trained as a teacher and obtained a NT Diploma in Home Economics. To this she added a Further Training & Education diploma, a National Higher Diploma & Masters Diploma in Food and Nutrition, a PhD in Home Economics and then a Master’s in Education. She was previously head of the Food and Beverage Department in the former Technikon Witwatersrand, followed by being the head of the School of Tourism and Hospitality. During her time at the STH, she was involved with national and international committees such as the chair for the South African Association of Hotel Schools, and the Vice chairperson of the Association of Hotel Schools sub Saharan Africa (AHSAA), the NBT team for development of Diploma requirements, Vice President South African Society of Cooperative Education (SASCE), EuroCHRIE Board member for Africa, National Tourism and Sports Skills Development Forum, and the NTSSDF sub-committee accreditation committee
She is passionate about skills training in the form of Work integrated learning (WIL) as well as good teaching practices. Given the particular students we have these days and the expectations that we have of them to succeed, it is imperative that lecturers have all the tools to deliver well in the classroom. Staff development programmes are important to assist all lecturers but in particular, lecturers who teach first year students and that staff attend workshops on how to work with their tutors, how to transfer and integrate study skills.