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Visiting Professor: Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management
Name: Eva Demerouti
Industrial Psychology and People Management Esteemed Visiting Professors Staff Members
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About Prof Eva Demerouti
Prof Eva Demerouti is a Professor of Human Performance Management at Technical University Eindhoven. Her research focuses on the processes enabling performance, including the effects of work characteristics, individual job strategies (including job crafting and decision-making), occupational wellbeing, and work-life balance. She has published 242 national and international papers and book chapters, and is known for her work and co-developing the Job-Demands-Resources model and Work Engagement research with Prof Bakker. She is associate editor of Journal of Occupational Health Psychology and European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. She further acts as a reviewer for a number of international journals. She has supervised 5 PhD’s and a number of Master’s research.
She is a member of an array of international professional organisations, and acted as Editor, Guest Editor and Reviewer for a number of journals and serves on various journal boards. Furthermore, Prof Demerouti has been instrumental in the mentoring of staff at the Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management (Prof Madelyn Geldenhuys, Prof Crystal Hoole, Dr Roslyn de Braine and Mr Nelesh Dhanpat) and played a key role in staff development in terms of research and multilevel methodology. At present, she is co-author on various papers that are forthcoming.
- Google Scholar citations: 77316
- h-index: 97
- h10-index: 212
- Scopus: h-index: 66