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Distinguished Research Professor
Name: Christian Rogerson
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About Prof Christian Rogerson
Christian M. Rogerson is a Research Professor attached to the School of Tourism & Hospitality. A human geographer by training, Chris obtained a BSc (Hons) from University College, London, MSc from University of Witwatersrand and a PhD from Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. His research interests straddle issues of local and regional development, small enterprise development and tourism in the global South. Current research foci involve variously unpacking business tourism in sub-Saharan Africa; transforming local spaces through innovation and tourism; inclusive tourism and local development; the informal economy and small business incubators; and, the historical evolution of South Africa’s tourism industry. Publications (Earlier Publications available on Request) 2011 Niche tourism policy and planning: the South African experience, Tourism Review International, 15, 199-211. 2011 African tourism geographies: existing paths and new directions, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 102 (3) 251-259. (with G. Visser). 2011 Community-based natural resource management and tourism: Nata bird sanctuary, Botswana, Tourism Review International, 15, 159-169 (with MT Stone). 2011 Craft routes for developing craft business in South Africa: is it a good practice or limited policy option? African Journal of Business Management (30) 11736-11748 (with J.M. Rogerson). 2011 Current themes in tourism and development in Southern Africa. Tourism Review International, 15, 1-3 (with G. Visser). 2011 FIFA World Cup 2010: implications for and effects on the entrepreneurial performance of South Africa’s informal sector. African Journal of Business Management, (with R. Venter, A. Semens and K. Myers) 6(1), 449-458. 2011 From liquor to leisure: the changing South African hotel industry 1928-1968, Urban Forum, 22, 379-394. 2011 Improving the business environment for local economic development in South Africa, Journal of Public Administration, 46, 994-1009 (with JM Rogerson). 2011 Local development responses in Zambia: the case of Kitwe, Africa Insight, 40 (4), (with G. Hampwaye). 2011 Mining enterprise and partnerships for socio-economic development, African Journal of Business Management, 5 (14) 5405-5417. 2011 Mining enterprise, regulatory frameworks and local economic development in South Africa. African Journal of Business Management, 5 (35), 13373-13382. 2011 Rethinking South African urban tourism research, Tourism Review International, 15, 77-90 (with G. Visser). 2011 Tourism and Millennium Development Goals: tourism for global development? Current Issues in Tourism, 14 (3), 201-203. (with J. Saarinen and H. Manwa). 2011 Tourism food supply linkages in Zambia: evidence from the African safari lodge sector, Tourism Review International, 15, 21-35. 2011 Tourism research within the Southern African Development Community: Production and consumption in academic journals, 2000-2010, Tourism Review International, 15, 213-222 (with J. Rogerson). 2011 Tracking local economic development policy and practice in South Africa, 1994-2009, Urban Forum, 22, 149-168. 2011 Urban agriculture and public administration: institutional context and local response in Gauteng, Urban Forum, 21, 183-198. 2011 Urban tourism and regional tourists: shopping in Johannesburg, South Africa, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 102 (3) 316-330. 2011 Youth tourism in Africa: evidence from South Africa, Tourism Analysis, 16, 105-120. 2012 Agricultural land grabs in Africa: scope, patterns and investors. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7 (48) 6488-6501 (with W. Chamberlain). 2012 Agriculture-tourism linkages in Botswana: evidence from the safari lodge accommodation sector. Africa Insight, 42 (2), 1-17 (with H. Hunt, J.M. Rogerson and N. Kotze). 2012 Business development and local economic development in South Africa: addressing the disconnect. Acta Academica 44 (2), 41-69 (with J.M. Rogerson). 2012 Mining-dependent localities in South Africa: the state of partnerships for small town local development, Urban Forum, 23, 107-132. 2012 Strengthening tourism-agriculture linkages in the developing world: opportunities, barriers and current initiatives. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 7 (4), 616-623. 2012 Supplier diversity: a new phenomenon in private sector procurement in South Africa. Urban Forum, 23, 279-297. 2012 The economic geography of South Africa’s call centre industry, Urban Forum, 23, 23-42 (with W. Pandy). 2012 The evolution of the tourism sector in Malawi. Africa Insight, 42 (2), 46-65 (with A. Magombo). 2012 The tourism-development nexus in sub-Saharan Africa: progress and prospects. Africa Insight, 42 (2) 28-45. 2012 Tourism-agriculture linkages in rural South Africa: evidence from the accommodation sector. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20, 477-495. 2013 African cities and the Millennium Development Goals: A case for Applied Geography. Applied Geography, 36, 1-2 (with A. Thornton). 2013 African tourism scholarship: trends in academic journal publishing. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 19 (Supplement2), 1-8 (with J.M. Rogerson). 2013 Agriculture-tourism linkages and pro-poor impacts: the accommodation sector of coastal Kwa-Zulu-Natal, South Africa. Applied Geography, 36, 49-58 (with M. Pillay). 2013 An historical overview of the establishment of timeshare recreation accommodation in South Africa (1978-1982). African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 19 (Supplement 2), 106-122 (with W. Pandy). 2013 Beyond 2015 – rethinking the nexus of tourism and poverty reduction, in J. Saarinen, C.M. Rogerson & H. Manwa (eds.), Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals: Tourism, Local Communities and Development, London, Routledge, 225-235. (with J. Saarinen and H. Manwa). 2013 From recreation to niche tourism: The transformation of birdwatching in South Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance 19 (Supplement 2) (with S. Simango and J.M. Rogerson). 2013 Improving market access opportunities for urban small, medium and micro-enterprises in South Africa. Urbani Izziv, 24 (2), 133-143. 2013 Industrial heritage tourism at The ‘Big Hole’, Kimberley, South Africa. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 19 (Supplement 2), 155-171, (with C. van der Merwe). 2013 Informal sector business tourism in the global South: evidence from Maseru, Lesotho. Urban Forum, 24, 485-502 (with T. Letsie). 2013 Reframing local economic development futures in South Africa. Journal of Public Administration 48 (4), 640-656. 2013 Responsible tourism and local linkages for procurement: South African debates and evidence. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance 19 (Supplement 2), 336-355. 2013 Safari lodges and local economic linkages in South Africa. Africanus, 43, 3-17 (with H. Hunt and J.M. Rogerson). 2013 Small tourism firms in South Africa: The changing role of Tourism Enterprise Partnership, African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 19 (1) 113-131. 2013 Special economic zones in South Africa: reflections from international debates. Urban Forum, 24, 205-217 (with E. Nel). 2013 The timeshare industry of Africa: a study in tourism geography. Bulletin of Geography: Socio-Economic Series, 21, 97-109 (with W. Pandy). 2013 The timeshare industry of South Africa: analysis and contemporary challenges. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 19 (Supplement 2), 248-266 (with W. Pandy). 2013 Tourism and local development in South Africa: challenging local governments. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance 19 (Supplement 2), 9-23. 2013 Tourism, poverty reduction and the Millennium Development Goals: perspectives and debates, in J. Saarinen, C.M. Rogerson & H. Manwa (eds.), Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals: Tourism, Local Communities and Development, London, Routledge, 1-12 (with J. Saarinen and H. Manwa). 2013 Tourism-led development and backward linkage: evidence from the agriculture-tourism nexus in southern Africa, in G. Visser & S. Ferreira (eds.), Tourism and Crisis, London, Routledge, 159-179 (with H. Hunt). 2013 Urban tourism, economic regeneration and inclusion: evidence from South Africa. Local Economy, 28 (2), 186-200. 2014 Creative Districts in the Global South: Maboneng precinct, inner-city Johannesburg, in L. Marques and G. Richards (eds), Creative Districts Around the World, Breda, The Netherlands: CELTH/NHTV, 149-153 (with J.J. Rogerson). 2014 Reframing place-based economic development in South Africa: the example of local economic development. Bulletin of Geography: Socio-Economic Series, 24, 203-218 2014 A decade of progress in African urban tourism scholarship. Urban Forum, 25 (4), 407-418. 2014 Addressing South Africa’s urban challenges. Urbani izziv 25 (Supplement), S2-S5 (with JM Rogerson and N. Kotze). 2014 Agritourism and local economic development in South Africa. Bulletin of Geography: Socio-Economic Series, 26, 93-106 (with J.M. Rogerson). 2014 Decent work in the South African tourism industry: evidence from tour guides. Urban Forum, 25, 89-104 (with Beer and J.M. Rogerson). 2014 How pro-poor tourism is business tourism in the global South? International Development Planning Review, 36 (4), 2014 Maximising the local development potential of nature tourism accommodation establishments in South Africa. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 3 (1), 1-20 (with J. Rogerson). 2014 Reflections on 25 years of Urban Forum, Urban Forum, 25, 1-12 (with G. Visser). 2014 Respatializing development: reflections from South Africa’s recent re-engagement with planning for special economic zones, Urbani izziv 25 (Supplement), S25-S36 (with E.Nel). 2014 Rethinking slum tourism: tourism in South Africa’s rural slumlands. Bulletin of Geography: Socio-Economic Series, 26, 19-34. 2014 Small business incubators: an emerging phenomenon in South Africa’s SMME economy. Urbani izziv 25 (Supplement), S48-S63 (with M. Masutha). 2014 Small enterprise development in South Africa: The role of business incubators. Bulletin of Geography: Socio-Economic Series, 26, 141-155 (with M. Masutha). 2014 Strengthening tourism-poverty linkages, in C.M. Hall, A. Lew and M. Williams (eds) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Tourism. London: Blackwell, 600-610. 2014 The evolution and consolidation of the timeshare industry in a developing economy: The South African experience. Urbani izziv 25 (Supplement), S162-S175. (with W. Pandy). 2014 The making of the South African timeshare industry: spatial structure and development challenges, Bulletin of Geography: Socio-Economic Series, 26, 183-201 (with W. Pandy). 2014 The uneven geography of tourism in South Africa. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 3 (1), 1-15. 2014 Tourism and the Millennium Development Goals: perspectives beyond 2015. Tourism Geographies, 16 (1), 23-30 (with J. Saarinen). 2014 Tourism policy analysis: the case of post-independence Namibia. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 3 (1), 1-13 (with E. Nyakunu). 2014 Urban tourism destinations in South Africa: divergent trajectories 2001-2012. Urbani izziv 25 (Supplement), S189-S203. 2014 VFR travel and second homes tourism: the missing link?: the case of South Africa. Tourism Review International (with G. Hoogendoorn), 18 (3), 167-178. 2015 Beer tourism in South Africa: emergence and contemporary directions. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 24 (3-4), 241-258 (with K. Collins). 2015 Business incubation for SMME development: South African pathways. Urban Forum, 26 (2), 223-241 (with M. Masutha). 2015 Climate change matters, in M Novelli (comp) Tourism and development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Abingdon: Routledge, 27-29. 2015 Creative tourism in Cape Town: an innovation perspective. Urban Forum, 26, 405-424 (with I. Booyens). 2015 Denying bogus scepticism in climate change and tourism research. Tourism Management, 47, 352-356. (with C.M. Hall and 48 others). 2015 Developing beer tourism in South Africa: international perspectives. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 4, 1-15 (with K. Collins). 2015 Festival Tourism in South Africa: Characteristics and Motivations of Attendees at Craft Beer Festivals. African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 76-87 (with K. Collins). 2015 From slum tourism to slum tourists: township resident mobilities in South Africa, Nordic Journal of African Studies, 24 (3-4), 319-338 (with T. Mthombeni). 2015 Johannesburg 2030: The economic contours of a ‘linking global city’. American Behavioural Scientist, 59, 347-368 (with J.M. Rogerson). 2015 Local economic development in Africa: global context and research directions, in A. Pike, A. Rodriguez-Pose and J. Tomaney (eds), Local and Regional Development: Critical Concepts in Geography Vol. 4, London, Routledge, 404-422 (with J.M. Rogerson). 2015 Local economic development, in J.D. Wright (ed) International Encylopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences Vol. 14, Oxford: Elsevier, 279-283. 2015 No time for smokescreen scepticism: a rejoinder to Shani and Arad, Tourism Management, 47, 341-347 (with C.M. Hall and 48 others). 2015 Restructuring the geography of domestic tourism in South Africa. Bulletin of Geography: Socio-Economic Series, 29, 119-135. 2015 Revisiting VFR tourism in South Africa. South African Geographical Journal, 97 (2), 139-157. 2015 Setting cultural tourism in Southern Africa. Nordic Journal of African Studies 24 (3-4), 207-220 (with J. Saarinen). 2015 Slum tourism: the state of the art. Tourism Review International, 18, 237-252 (with F. Frenzel, K. Koens and M. Steinbrink). 2015 The uneven geography of business tourism in South Africa. South African Geographical Journal, 97 (2), 183-202. 2015 Tourism and regional development: the case of South Africa’s ‘distressed areas’. Development Southern Africa, 32, 277-291. 2015 Tourism geography in the global South: new South African perspectives. South African Geographical Journal (with G. Hoogendoorn), 97 (2), 101-110. 2015 Unpacking business tourism mobilities in sub-Saharan Africa. Current Issues in Tourism, 18 (1) 44-56. 2015 Unpacking national policy towards the urban informal economy, in J. Crush, A Chikanda and C. Skinner (eds), Mean Streets: Migration, Xenophobia and Informality in South Africa. Cape Town: Southern African Migration Programme, 229-248. 2015 VFR travel in sub-Saharan Africa: the case of South Africa, in E. Backer and B. King (eds.), VFR Travel Research: International Perspectives, Bristol: Channel View, 134-148. 2016 Climate change, tourism and local economic development in South Africa. Local Economy 31 (1-2), 322-331. 2016 Craft beer, tourism and local development, in C.M. Hall and S. Gossling (eds), Food Tourism and Regional Development: Networks, Products and Trajectories. London, Routledge, 227-241. 2016 Cultural products – a driver for informal sector business tourism in Southern Africa, in H. Manwa, N.M. Moswete and J. Saarinen (eds), Cultural Tourism in Southern Africa: Perspectives on a Growing Market, Bristol: Channel View, 34-36. 2016 Heritage tourism in the global South: development impacts of the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site, South Africa, Local Economy, 31 (1-2), 234-248 (with C. van der Merwe). 2016 Inclusive local tourism development in South Africa: evidence from Dullstroom. Local Economy, 31 (1-2), 264-281 (with G. Butler). 2016 Innovation and local economic development policy in the global South: new South African perspectives. Local Economy 31 (1-2), 299-311 (with L. Ndabeni and I. Booyens) 2016 Outside the cities: Tourism pathways in South Africa’s small towns and rural areas. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 5 (3), 1-16. 2016 Planning for local economic development in spaces of despair: key trends in South Africa’s distressed areas. Local Economy, 31 (1-2), 124-141. (with E. Nel). 2016 Progressive rhetoric, ambiguous policy pathways: street trading in inner-city Johannesburg. Local Economy 31 (1-2), 204-218. 2016 Redressing inequality in South Africa: the spatial targeting of distressed areas. Local Economy, 31 (1-2), 28-41 (with E.Nel). 2016 Re-engaging with spatial economic development: the recent experience of regional and local economic development in South Africa. Local Economy 31 (1-2), 3-8 (with E. Nel). 2016 Responding to informality in urban Africa: street trading in Harare, Zimbabwe. Urban Forum, 27, 229-251. 2016 Secondary cities and tourism: The South African record. African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 5 (2), 1-12. 2016 South Africa’s informal economy: reframing debates in national policy. Local Economy, 31, (1-2), 172-186. 2016 The contested trajectory of applied local economic development in South Africa. Local Economy 31(1-2), 109-123 (with E. Nel). 2016 Unpacking the geography of tourism innovation in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Bulletin of Geography: Socio-Economic Series 31, 19-36 (with I Booyens).