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Home » Pádraig Carmody

Name: Pádraig Carmody
Location: D Lab Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
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Contact Details:
Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 4555


About Pádraig Carmody

Pádraig Carmody teaches Geography at Trinity College, the University of Dublin where he did his undergraduate and masters work. His Ph.D. is from the University of Minnesota in the US, where after graduation he also taught at the University of Vermont. At TCD co-directs the Trinity-UCD Masters in Development Practice. His research centres on the political economy of globalisation in Africa and he has published in journals such as European Journal of Development Research, Review of African Political Economy, Economic Geography and World Development. He has also published seven books, including The New Scramble for Africa (Polity, 2011), the Rise of the BRICS in Africa (Zed, 2013) and as part of the Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers’ book series with Professor James T. Murphy, Africa’s Information Revolution: Technical Regimes and Production Networks in South Africa and Tanzania (Wiley-Blackwell, 2015). He has won research grants from the United States National Science Foundation, European Commission and Irish Research Council. His current research examines the impacts of large scale land acquisitions in Africa. He sits on the board of Political Geography and African Geographical Review and is editor-in-chief of Geoforum (Elsevier) and is a Fellow of Trinity College.