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Name: Ntombi Mdunge
Location: ACB 105 Soweto Campus
Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: +27 11 559 5524
About Ntombi Mdunge
Ntombi Mdunge coordinates Writing Centre on Soweto Campus – a position she has held since 2012. The centre, with its view on writing as a social practice, plays a supportive role to students and aims to provide them with appropriate academic literacies skills. Prior to becoming a coordinator for the centre, she facilitated academic literacies modules such as Argument in the Humanities (AIH) and Language for Economics Sciences (LES). With the assistance of a colleague, she designed the course material for and also facilitated Language for Law. [The name of the module was later changed to English for Law]. She facilitated and coordinated academic literacies modules for about 7 years. All the modules were writing intensive. Writing was also one of the modules she took whilst working on her MA in English Education at the University of Witwatersrand. Ntombi holds BA (Hons) English and a BA (Hons) in Theology.