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Name: Munamato Chemhuru
Location: B Ring 709 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
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Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2334
About Munamato Chemhuru
Munamato Chemhuru obtained his Doctoral degree in philosophy from the University of Johannesburg in 2016. His thesis titled “The Import of African Ontology for Environmental Ethics” was supervised by Professor Thaddeus Metz. Previously, Munamato did his Master of Arts (Philosophy), B.A Honours (Philosophy) and B.A Gen (Philosophy & Geography) all from the University of Zimbabwe. He has been teaching Philosophy at Great Zimbabwe University since 2007.
His current Postdoctoral research is under the supervision of Professor H.P.P. [Hennie] Lötter. It focuses on various ethical issues in African Philosophy stemming from concepts such as African communitarian philosophy and the idea of ubuntu. Currently he is engaged with editing a book on African Environmental Ethics, an area which he is finding to be underexplored in much of the discourse on African Philosophy.
Some Recent articles are:
- Chemhuru, M, (2017). Elements of Environmental Ethics in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Phronimon (forthcoming).
- Chemhuru, M, (2016). Pursuing the Agenda of Africanising Philosophy in Africa: Some Possibilities. South African Journal of Philosophy. Vol 35 (4)., 418-428.
- Chemhuru, M. (2016). Using the African Teleological View of Existence to Interpret Environmental Ethics. Philosophia Africana. Vol 18 (1)., 41-52.
- Chemhuru, M. (2014). The Ethical Import in African Metaphysics: A Critical Discourse in Shona Environmental Ethics. In Elvis Imafidon, John Ayotunde Isola Bewaji (Eds.) Ontologized Ethics: New Essays in African Meta-Ethics. Lanham: Lexington Books., 73-88.