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Senior Director: Division for Teaching Excellence
Name: Kirti Menon
Location: A Ring, G18 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: Tel: 011-559-2073/2685
About Prof Kirti Menon
Prof Kirti Menon is the Senior Director of Academic Planning, Quality Promotion and Academic Staff Development at the University of Johannesburg (UJ). Prior to this she was Registrar at the University of the Witwatersrand from 2011 to 2013, Acting Deputy Director General: Universities from January 2010 till June 2011 in the Department of Higher Education and Training and Chief Director: Higher Education Planning and Management at the Department of Education from 2008. She worked for the Council on Higher Education between 1999 and 2008. She has served on several national task teams and her research focus is higher education with a focus on curriculum, teaching and learning, access, exclusion, and redress. She is a Research Associate affiliated to the UJ Faculty of Education.
Recent publications:
Motala S., & Menon K. (2022). Pedagogical Continuities in Teaching and Learning During COVID-19: Holding Up the Bridge. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in The South. 6(1), 7-32.