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Name: Hennie Lotter
Location: B Ring 705 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
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Tel: 011 559 2734
About Prof Hennie Lotter
Prof Lötter’s research interests are focused on justice and truth. He has recently completed a long-term project on “Justice and Poverty” that led to two books, nine journal articles, and three book chapters.
His current work is on the nature, function, and meaning of the concept of dignity both in political philosophy, and in animal and environmental ethics.
- Lötter, H.P.P. 2021. Empowerment for Teaching Excellence Through Virtuous Agency [In the series called SpringerBriefs in Education]. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International. Publication date: October 2021.
- Lötter, H.P.P. 2011. Poverty, Ethics and Justice. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Lötter, H.P.P. 2008. When I needed a neighbour were you there? Christians and the challenge of poverty. Cape Town: Lux Verbi.
- Lötter, H.P.P. 1997. Injustice, violence and peace: The case of South Africa. Value Inquiry Book Series (Philosophy of Peace Series), Rodopi: Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Atlanta, Georgia.
- Lötter, H.P.P. 1993. Justice for an unjust society. Value Inquiry Book Series 3, Rodopi: Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Atlanta, Georgia.
Book Chapters
- “The Complex Relationship Between Poverty and Human Dignity”, in Human dignity and the right to a social minimum, eds. Gottfried Schweiger & Elena Pribytkova. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International [forthcoming].
- “Poverty,” in Darrel Moellendorf and Heather Widdows [eds.]. The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics, London and New York: Routledge, 2015, pp. 158–69.
- Lötter, H.P.P. 2008. “Ethical considerations in Elephant Management,” in Bob Scholes and Kathleen Mennell [eds.] Elephant Management: A scientific assessment for South Africa.
- “Let’s dance with wolves,” in Thomas Magnell (ed.), Explorations of value, Value Inquiry Book Series 57, Rodopi: Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Atlanta, Georgia, 1997.
- “Modernity, postmodernism and politics (in places like South Africa),” in GJ Rossouw (ed.) Life in a postmodern culture, Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council Press, 1995.
- “Postmodernism and our understanding of science” in GJ Rossouw (ed.) Life in a postmodern culture, Pretoria: Human Sciences Research Council Press, 1995.
Articles in Accredited Journals
- “Putnam se Gebrekkige Modellering van sy Brein-in-‘n-Houer Denk-Eksperiment” (published in Afrikaans) [“Putnam’s Flawed Modelling in His Brain-In-A-Vat Thought Experiment”], Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, Vol. 60, No. 4-2, Desember 2020, pp. 1295 – 1316.
- “Poverty, Ethics and Justice Revisited”, Res Publica: A Journal of Moral, Legal and Social Philosophy, Vol. 22 No, 3, 2016, pp. 343-361
- “Is poverty eradication impossible? No, says dignitarianism”. International Journal of Applied Philosophy, Vol. 30, No. 1, 2016, pp. 43-64
- “Humans as Professional Interactants with Elephants in a Global Commons”, Journal of Global Ethics, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2016, pp. 87–105.
- “Refashioning Rawls as a true champion of the poor”, Politikon: South African Journal of Political Science, Vol 37 (1), 2010.
- “Poverty as a Threat to Democratic Values,” Public Affairs Quarterly, Vol. 22, Number 2, April 2008, pp.175 – 193.
- “Defining poverty as distinctively human,” HTS [Hervormde Teologiese Studies], 63 (3), September 2007.
- “The Moral Challenge of Poverty’s Impact on Individuals,” Koers (72: 2, 2007).
- “Are ICTs prerequisites for the eradication of poverty?” International Review of Information Ethics, June 2007.
- “The ethics of managing elephants,” Acta Academica, Vol. 38 (1) 2006, pp. 55 – 90.
- “Should humans interfere in the lives of elephants?” Koers, Vol. 70 (4) 2005, pp. 775 – 813.
- “Compensating for impoverishing injustices of the distant past,” Politikon: SA Journal of Political Science, [June 2005] .
- “The significance of poverty and wealth in Plato’s Republic,” SA Journal of Philosophy, 2003.
- “How can a society make its citizens just?” SA Journal of Philosophy, February 2001.
- “How to judge scientific research articles,” SA Journal for Language Teaching, (March 2000).
- “Rawls, Young, and the scope of justice,” Theoria, December 1999, 94, pp.90-107.
- “The complexity of science,” Koers, 64(4), 1999, pp. 499-520.
- “Personal identity in multicultural constitutional democracies”, South African Journal of Philosophy, August 1998.
- “Kwalitatiewe of kwantitatiewe navorsing? ‘n Wetenskapsfilosofiese perspektief.” Acta Academica,1995.
- “A postmodern philosophy of science?” in the South African Journal of Philosophy, 1994.
- “Resensie-artikel van AA Van Niekerk se Rasionaliteit en relativisme,” Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 1994.
- “On interpreting Biko and the new South Africa: A reply to Teffo and Ramose” – Acta Academica, 1993.
- “Pluralism, liberal values and consensus” in Acta Academica, 1993.
- “Review article: The faces of injustice (Judith N. Shklar)” in the South African Journal of Philosophy, 12(4), November 1993.
- “Jesus van Nasaret en Jesus van Montreal” – Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif, Junie 1993 (mede-outeur saam met GJ Rossouw).
- “Wetenskap: Ter Wille van Kennis of Wysheid?” – Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, Maart 1993.
- “The Saving of appearances: Denys Arcand’s Jesus of Montreal” in Literator (co-author with JJ Snyman), December 1992.
- “Towards a just social order in a future South Africa” – Plural Societies, September 1992.
- “The Intellectual Legacy of Stephen Bantu Biko (1946-1977)” – Acta Academica, September 1992.
- “Wetenskap en Tegnologie in die Laat Middeleeue” – Acta Academica, Maart 1992.
- “Justice and Disabled People” – Acta Academica, December 1991.
- “Some Christian Perceptions On Social Justice in a Transforming South Africa” in Politikon, December 1991 (reprinted in revised form with the title “Religion and politics in a transforming South Africa” in Journal of Church and State, June 1992).
- “Het die Mens ‘n Siel?” in die Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, Desember 1991.
- “Olivier’s Postmodern Proposal: Some Comments” in the South African Journal of Philosophy, 9(4), November 1990.
- “Deficiencies in Contemporary Theories of Justice” in the South African Journal of Philosophy, 9(4), November 1990.
- “Proefbuisbabas: Eties Geregverdig?” in die Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 28(1), Maart 1988, pp.26-40.
- “Hick, Evolusie en die Probleem van die Kwaad” in die SA Tydskrif vir Wysbegeerte, 1987, 6(4), pp.140-148.
- “Don Quijote, Christelike Geloof en Natuurwetenskap” in Koers, 52(3), 1987, pp.295-309.
- “Darwin and Genesis” in Koers, 52(1), 1987, pp.36-47.
Other Articles
- “Wetenskap en Tegnologie in die Laat Middeleeue” – Unisa Medieval Studies, 4, 1991.
- “Philosophical perspectives on poverty I: The complexity of poverty,” in Deidre Carabine & Martin O ‘Reilly (eds.). 1998. The Challenge of Eradicating Poverty in the World: An African Response. UMU Studies in Contemporary Africa. Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University Press, pp.9-41.
- “Philosophical perspectives on poverty II: Poverty: A threat to society?” in Deidre Carabine & Martin O ‘Reilly (eds.). 1998. The Challenge of Eradicating Poverty in the World: An African Response. UMU Studies in Contemporary Africa. Nkozi: Uganda Martyrs University Press, pp.41-62.
- “Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa,” in American Philosophical Association Newsletters (Newsletter on International Cooperation), 98(2), 1999, pp.105-107.
Articles in Popular Medial
- “Equal SA lies beyond TRC process” The Star, 30 April.
- “Die prys wat olifante moet betaal” [‘The price that elephants have to pay’] in Beeld, an Afrikaans daily newspaper in Johannesburg, 13 August 2003.
- “Putting jumbos on the pill does the trick,” The Sunday Independent, 21 September 2003. [with Douw Grobler, a veterinarian and Audrey Delsink, a behavioural ecologist].
- “Deserving respect,” Newsweek International, May 5, 2007 [2 pages].
Publications in Support of Teaching
- “Lees in konteks” – in G.J. Rossouw, 1990. Leer Filosofeer.
- “Lees, verstaan, en beoordeel filosofiese tekste;” & “Studiebestuur;” & “Die navorsingsproses,” in G.J. Rossouw, 1992. Dink Vaardig. Pretoria: RGN-Uitgewers.
- “Read, understand and judge philosophical texts;” & “Study Management;” & “The research process,” in G.J. Rossouw, 1994. Think Skillfully. Pretoria: HSRC-Publishers.
- “Die proses van navorsing,” in G.J. Rossouw, 1999. Intellektuele gereedskap: Vaardighede vir die menswetenskappe. Lynnwood Ridge: Amabhuku Publikasies.
- “The process of research,” in G.J. Rossouw, 2000. Intellectual tools: Skills for human sciences. Lynnwood Ridge: Amabhuku Publications.
Book Reviews
- WL van der Merwe, Metafoor: ‘n Filosofiese perspektief, in SA Tydskrif vir Wysbegeerte, 11(4), pp. 112-115, 1992.
- JG Garbers (red.), Doeltreffende geesteswetenskaplike navorsing, SA Journal for Information Science, No.1, 1997.