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PhD Student
Name: Gaboile Mabeba
Location: JBS Offices, Ground Floor Johannesburg Business School
SARChI TRCTI Phd Students Staff Members
Contact Details:
Tel: 011 559 1808
About Gaboile Mabeba
Gaboile Mabeba is currently a PhD student under the DSI/NRF/Newton Fund Trilateral Chair in Transformative Innovation, the 4IR and Sustainable Development, College of Business and Economics at the University of Johannesburg. My research focus is Fourth Industrial Revolution Technology and Indigenous Knowledge: An Exploration through South African Indigenous Knowledge Games
My research explores the various ways in which indigenous knowledge and indigenous knowledge systems can contribute to the development of new and emerging technologies. More specifically, it uses South African indigenous games as a “window” to explore the intersection between Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and new technology development in connection to frontier technologies related to the fourth industrial revolution – such as advanced digital technologies.
Have experience on the following: – IKS, working with rural communities, policy development, research skills, and advocacy: – awareness programmes and events management, stakeholder management, project management, communication skills, local development, and community driven projects. Secretariat to the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Indigenous Knowledge Systems in South Africa. Currently part of the team to establish the Indigenous Knowledge Systems Portal at the University of Johannesburg.