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Name: Sam Ramaila
Location: B Ring 430 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
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Tel: +27 (0) 11 559 2615
Curriculum Vitae Sam RamailaAbout Prof Sam Ramaila
Prof Sam Ramaila is an Associate Professor in the Department of Science and Technology Education. He obtained PhD from the University of Johannesburg, MSc from the University of the Witwatersrand, BSc Hons, BSc and Higher Education Diploma from the University of the North. He currently serves as the Chairperson of Physics for Development, Education and Community Outreach Division of the South African Institute of Physics. He successfully coordinated the award winning Teacher Professional Development Project as well as the Review of Undergraduate Physics Education in Public Higher Education Institutions Project on behalf of the South African Institute of Physics. The Review of Undergraduate Physics Education in Public Higher Education Institutions Project culminated in the development of the Strategic Plan on the Enhancement of Physics Training in South Africa. In addition to teaching in both the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the UJ Faculty of Education, he supervises a number of postgraduate students at both Masters and PhD level. His research interests include nature of science, inquiry-based learning and teacher education. Recent research publications include:
Mdlalose, N., Ramaila, S. & Ramnarain, U. (2022). Using Kahoot as a formative assessment tool in science teacher education. International Journal of Higher Education, 11(2), 43-51.
Penn, M., Ramnarain, U., Kazeni, M., Dhurumraj, T., Mavuru, L., & Ramaila, S. (2021). South African primary school learners’ understandings about the nature of scientific inquiry. International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 49(3), 263-274.
Olowoyo, M., Ramaila, S., & Mavuru L. (2021). Differences in factors responsible for lateness to school by male and female learners in selected schools in Soshanguve Township, South Africa. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 20(7), 291-307.
Dhurumraj, T., Ramaila, S., Raban, F., & Ashruf, A. (2020). Broadening educational pathways to STEM education through online teaching and learning during COVID-19: Teachers’ perspectives. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 19(6A), 1055-1067.
Olowoyo, M., Ramaila, S., & Mavuru, L. (2020). Levels of readiness and preparedness of selected South African TVET colleges in meeting the requirements of the hospitality industry. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 19(11), 53-70.