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Postdoctoral Fellow
Name: Leyla Tavernaro-Haidarian
Location: B Ring 623 Auckland Park Kingsway Campus
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Tel: 011 559 4386
About Dr Leyla Tavernaro-Haidarian
Dr. Leyla Tavernaro-Haidarian, PhD is a communication specialist and postdoctoral research fellow in the School of Communication at the University of Johannesburg. She has received academic and corporate funding for her research on communication, education, cooperation and leadership in South Africa and has published peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters through Sage, Taylor and Francis, Intellect and Palgrave McMillan as well as a monograph through Routledge London/New York. Leyla is also a lecturer, examiner and research supervisor at UJ, Wits and AFDA. She is a member of the Golden Key International Honor Society and the South African Communication Association. Her research has been described as “outstandingly accomplished and […] an excellently executed cross-disciplinary study”. Elsewhere she has been praised: “for her careful selection and ability to create critically rigorous arguments and assumptions that explicate motives for deep-rooted problems facing contemporary societies, contributing to the understanding of developments and trends within the combined disciplines of communication, media and cultural studies and [therefore] helps us understand the cross-fertilization of issues […] from an interdisciplinary perspective in the wake of thunderous calls for transformation”. Leyla consults for companies and organization such as Accenture and the United Nations (UNSSC, UNODC) and presents and keynotes at international fora including the Global African Diaspora Forum, TED, the US State Department, the Unique Speaker Bureau and Ethical Business Building the Future. She is a 2018 South African Women in Science Awards nominee.
Publication samples
(2018) Tavernaro-Haidarian, L. A Relational Model of Public Discourse: The African Philosophy of Ubuntu, New York: Routledge (
(2018) Tavernaro-Haidarian, L., Ubuntu and the communication-power nexus, In: Mutsvairo, B. (Ed). Handbook for Media and Communications Research in Africa, London: Palgrave MacMillan pp.335-389 (
(2018) Tavernaro-Haidarian, L., Evolving ‘Discoarse’ into Discourse: Ubuntu as a Normative Basis, Communicatio, 44(3-4): 1-17 (
(2018) Tavernaro-Haidarian, L. Deliberative Epistemology: Towards an Ubuntu-Based Epistemology that Accounts for A Priori Knowledge and Objective Truth, South African Journal of Philosophy, 37(2): 229-242 (https://10.1080/02580136.2018.1470374)
(2017) Tavernaro-Haidarian, L. Talking Ubuntu: Toward a Relational Talk Show Model, Journal of African Media Studies, 9(3): 435-449 (